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Journey In Grace And Power

Fig. 02| Germaine Acogny: Master Teacher, Choreographer, and Dancer

Journey in

Grace and power

I hope you're journeying in grace today.  I'm so grateful that we have this community and that we’re journeying together through this time. As always, vibrational awareness will carry us through.

This video and article on grace and power are content from our archives. We're revisiting this subject matter as support and a gentle reminder for the soul. As in any other challenging times– getting through it mentally and emotionally is going to take grace and power!!

Everything you've been through, learned, felt; all the pain, traumas, and all experiences, including high vibrational ones, have all been leading up to the now, the present moment.! It’s now time to implement all the lessons, tools, and guidance in our daily lives and live our sweet power. Yes!! You got this!!

This new decade is all about showing up in our power.

Examples of things to transcend and release in this new timeline are:

  • Playing small on (all levels)

  • Reacting and not responding in your power and equanimity.

  • Being too hard on yourself.

  • Pouring yourself into the wrong energies, career field, or projects that no longer suit you, or that never have.

  • Not trusting in or sharing your gifts and talents.

  • Under appreciating yourself and how far you’ve come.

  • Overlooking your mind, body, and soul’s desire for deeper rest, nurturing, and nourishment.

  • Allowing old and outdated patterns and beliefs to win and lead the way.

Remembering who you are is the path to actualizing your highest potential, in all seasons, weather, and terrains. It may get scary here and there, but know that as you journey through with grace and power, you will make it through and arrive where you’re going!!

A Related video From the archives

The following video on grace and power is content from our archives. We're revisiting this subject matter as support and a gentle reminder for the soul. As in any other challenging times– getting through it mentally and emotionally is going to take grace and power!! We’re sharing this video for whatever part is relevant to you during this time.

See this content in the original post

How can we show up in our power?

Navigating through this dimension and realm can be beautiful and fulfilling, or sometimes painful and challenging. The overall theme of this dimension we live in, is to vibrate higher while here and overcome earthly challenges. The good news is that we’re pre-wired to overcome this dimension, and to even master it. We can experience a better way of life and vibrational beingness.

We can begin to journey in grace by understanding there is a bigger picture behind all things; one that calls for us to begin to remember just why we are and who it is that sent us: a.ka. remember who you are.

On a Spiritual Tip

We’re all sent here with a specific purpose and role for our lives, our gifts and talents. Before we arrived here, it was already set into our soul contract. The roles we would play in each other's lives, for the best benefit of ourselves and others involved, and the experiences we would have, was all determined and planned out. It was decided what experiences to partake in, in order that we would manifest the lessons needed to elevate us further along in our path spirit-path. Understanding this will help you step into your power and remember that a higher purpose is involved and at play. And, always with you.

This realization will also allow you to take a step back and truly process what is happening in not only your life, but the life of others as well, with more hope and insight. This will guide you forward in better understanding why things happen in this third dimensional realm. Awareness is how you live your power, especially when nothing makes sense or feels easy. Breathe your way through.

Becoming aware, will also support the ending of any cycles and patterns that have been on repeat in your life. In my personal life, this helped bring to a close many undesired patterns, experiences, and many unnecessary repetitive lessons. It also helped me to no longer take things personally, because I now have a better understanding of the energy behind circumstances. While The Divine, doesn’t bring into our lives all of challenges that we experience, this Higher Power and Force can transform everything we go through into working for our good and benefit. That’s divine alchemy.

Many have, or may now be, experiencing “a dark night of the soul” experience that I share about in my book.

It's invaluable to understand that spiritually speaking, spiritual warfare is real. There’s a constant tug of war between energies. Yin and yang, light and heavy, healthy and toxic, peaceful and chaotic; you best believe each side is working diligently to make sure it wins. Each day, the choice is ours as to which side we choose to be a conduit of and give our power and attention to.

As we journey through these times and all other times, know that it's not just people behind our experiences, there’s an energy behind it too. Staying close to what keeps you vibrating higher daily, light, and strengthened, are your soul’s medicine and protection.

I would also like to point out that the things that happen beyond our control are nurturing us into journeying in more grace and living our power, all the more.

Knowing the metaphysics and vibration behind it all will help us stand strong, even when the storm and winds of life and change, are the most turbulent, foggiest, and toughest. Vibrational awareness will carry us through.

Fig. 01| Journeying through| Pinterest

Talking Points

Grace is an inherent Right that we all have

Yes!! It's so refreshing to know that at any given moment, no matter the circumstance, we can choose to journey through it in our power, with grace, and in peace. One of our greatest spiritual gifts, is that we can come back home to ourselves at all times. Whew. Praise be!!

Showing up in your power

Show up in your power by not taking things personally.

Taking the time to step back to constantly review where you are, how far you've come.

Contemplating on any lessons being presented to you at any present moment, and their higher purpose.

Recognize what energies are at work.

Vibrate forward [in your power], accordingly.

Teach your children to be in their power

Children are our precious and fresh out of the spirit realm.

We can best nurture children by teaching them how to vibrate higher daily, journey in grace, and stand their spiritual ground while remaining in their power–too.

Guard Your Energy

Research shows that people trained in martial arts are less likely to become victims of crimes, of all sorts. Their energetic guard is up and activated. How powerful to carry one’s self in such a way that you get overlooked by those energies looking to cause harm. That’s the power of vibration, which I write about it in detail in my book.

Showing up in your power and in higher vibrations works in the very same way; it’s the same energy and spiritual art. When you connect to this higher force, and work with it, you shield and protect yourself energetically, from what’s not serving you.

Fig. 03 |Vibration and Skill | Muhammed Ali Photographed by Flip Shulke

Words to ground into


Ground yourself into the present moment. Take three deep cleansing breaths. Notice your surroundings. Notice the sounds around you. Notice what you're feeling. In this awareness, ask yourself the following questions. Take note of the first answers that comes to mind.

  1. What is the overall vibration of your life right now?

  2. Are there any circumstances, challenges, or triggers that need tending to with more grace?

  3. What opportunities are present in your life right now, and calling for you to live your power in them?


The more and more you live your power, no matter how it feels, even if it's awkward or uncomfortable, as you stick to it, know that it gets easier. Eventually, you will master areas that once mastered you. As a vessel and beacon, you will inspire other people to journey in grace and live their power too.

Gratitude will help you remain in the present moment. When you find yourself getting overwhelmed or uneasy, say three, or more, things that you’re grateful for. Gratitude is how you take your power back.

Breath fully. Take a few deep full cleansing breaths to reset your nervous system and to clear your mind.

~ Sending you much light, warmth, and love for your journey. ~

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Fig. 04 |Hello self. I am home.


See this gallery in the original post