Liminal Space And The Unknown
Fig 1. Journeying in grace | Tumblr
Vibrate Higher Daily
Liminal Space and The Unknown
We are journeying through a liminal space right now.
The liminal space is the middle journey and ‘Desert Terrain' I mention in my new book. It's a sacred place of transition, of unknownness, of temporariness, of in-between, of the chrysalis, and of coming closer, but not there just yet. It's where our transformation takes place.
It's our entry point to new beginnings. How divine?!! If we're not patient or mindful though, that this is a sacred place, we can judge it as a negative thing, and we rush and force ourselves out of the very process that has shown up to initiate our empowerment, up-leveling, higher potential, healing, and a new reality. Even when the liminal or desert process looks non-linear, loopy, or like a heart monitor, there is a way to master it.
Practicing self-love, self-compassion, self-care, spirit-care, accessing support, reflecting and learning from challenges and setbacks, thinking positively, and taking action to Vibrate Higher Daily and move onward where necessary, are all effective ways.
Allow your current process; your middle journey; your desert; your liminal space to take all the time it needs while you 'Live Your Power'.
In the book, chapter 2 helps you gain a deeper understanding of the current transition and life terrain you may be in, so that you're able to navigate through it or them, in your power. Learn how to rest into the process and allow what it has come to do–for you.
Words to ground into:
We are sending you light for your journey.
We are sending you our peace and our love.
Journey in grace and equanimity.
We trust that The Divine will always lead you;
Safely onto higher-vibrational ground.
Finding Community
Fig. 3 Vibrate Higher Daily| Facebook Group
My new book Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power is now on-sale. Purchase your copy here, or wherever books are sold.
Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of