with Lalah Delia | Certified Spiritual Practitioner, Bestselling Author, Wellness Educator
How much do you know about working with vibration?
What would happen if you knew how to better work with vibration and began to vibrate higher daily, live your power, evolve, and expand in the world? Just imagine that for a moment. Whew!! What a vision?!
“As a Sacred Woman Initiate, the Vibration School and Methodology program will be a powerful support to your daily life and journey.”
– Queen Afua | Bestselling Author of Sacred Woman, Holistic Health Pioneer, Spiritual Teacher, Thought Leader
We’ll help you discover the missing component/s to higher vibrational living and connect the dots, by covering unique and critical topics such as:
Vibration-Work: What is vibration and how to work with it. Gain vibrational-awareness and literacy. Begin looking at life not just personally or physically, but vibrationally. Learn vibrational well-being and vibrational hygiene tips.
Vibration-Sensitivity and Stacking: Learn how vibration layers on you all throughout the day. Discover how to read vibration and live/chose your next empowering steps. Energy cleansing and care.
Liminal Space: The transitional space and bridge between where you were and where you desire to be. Navigating this temporary and powerful space.
Transfiguration: Reimagine YourSelf. Break out of your past and live free and new in the present. Come home to yourself.
Equanimity: Learn to journey in inner-peace, grace, and poise in the midst of challenge, chaos, or triggering moments
Emotional-Growth: Practical techniques for vibrating higher and living in your emotional growth. Evolve and ground emotionally.
Signaling: Gain awareness and clarity of what you’re sending out, manifesting, and receiving. Sharpening your vibrational signals and messaging.
Metaphorical Terrains and Weather: Discover your journey’s present metaphoric terrain/s and weather and how to navigate it. Nature is our reflection.
Relationship-Energetics: Better navigate and heal from the lows and attract and create more highs in your life.
Timeline Attunement and Jumping: Learn how to shift realities and dimensions.
Social Dynamics: Be empowered socially. Empath and highly sensitive beings can be empowered too. Also learn to have more compassion, pose, and a meaningful presence.
Your Environment: Learn to nurture your environment. Create a sacred space. Upkeep and cleansing tips.
Body-Mind Work: Your body is a temple, and so is your mind. Learn to honor them as temple space. Sacred movements, meditations, and practices for nurturing, decompressing, and grounding. Tools for rejuvenation, strengthening, and recharging.
Spiritual-Practice: Finding your daily soul and spirit medicine for strength, renewal, and balance. Anchor yourself.
Nutritional-Rejuvenation: Kitchen spa, food energetics, vibrational-cooking
Live Your Power: Self-actualization, higher self-worth, and empowerment are yours. Let’s vibrate higher together and make it happen.
Inside this private educational community, Lalah guides seekers through the various emotional and vibrational terrains of life and into higher daily vibrations, personal transformation, and living your power.
Do you feel stuck and unfulfilled anywhere in your life right now? Do you desire to overcome isolation during this time on your journey or on the planet? Are you caught up in relationships that aren’t working well? If so, then it’s time to vibrate higher into a better daily reality.
As I guide you on how to ‘vibrate higher’, you’ll learn to navigate out of low vibrations to high vibrations. For example: from lack to expansion, from imbalance to inner peace, from disempowerment to empowerment, from unhealthy patterns and relationships to healthy patterns and relationships, and much more.
For me, learning how to work with vibration, as the governing force that it is, has transformed, healed, liberated, and revolutionized every aspect of my life, even the stubborn parts. I no longer feel powerless or trapped in a life, mind, or circumstances that don't serve me.
Join forces with us. Come learn the methodology, so you too can exit what doesn't serve you and enter into the experience and the expansive benefits of vibrational-based living!!
There’s an escape route to higher vibrations awaiting you!!
Sign-up now to begin shifting and empowering your life. The methodology awaits you in our private online community.
“This membership with Lalah Delia has changed my life for the better. It supports the foundation of my everyday life. This has become is a must subscription for me.”
― Karen S.
“I can’t recommend this membership enough. Lalah’s guidance and nurturing presence transformed my life. Really. I now live each day from a higher vibration and with more power.”
― Jade K.
“Lalah Delia is pioneering the way for a new generation.”
"Words have immense power, and Lalah has the beautiful gift of inspiring and healing with hers."
“Lalah Delia is basically the queen of raising vibrations.”
Your personal investment will include:
– Bi-Monthly Teachings
– Educational videos and content
– Virtual Meetings and Chats
– Articles + Writings
– A safe and sacred online support space for you.
– Unlimited access to all exclusive content
– Private FB Group Access
– Exclusive offerings and updates from Lalah Delia
*All sales are final. Cancellation Policy
“She remembered who she was and the game changed.”
– Lalah Delia
A Sacred Woman is a high vibrational woman.
Vibrate Higher Daily Sacred Woman
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