Transcending Opinions and Judgments, and Living Your Power
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: What This Class Is Not
Part 3: What To Know
Part 4: Holding and Nurturing The Vision
Part 5: Calling In Higher Vibrational Community and Relationships
Part 6: Affirmations
Part 7: Q&A
Part 8: Closing/Bonus
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
When we release others' opinions, we grow in self-awareness and self-worth and embrace our true identity. From here, we encounter our authentic power and truth.
Carrying around other people’s energy, opinions, and judgments can cause energy blockages and somatic illness in our own mind, body, and spirit, which are hard for traditional medicine to diagnose and explain.
It’s important to keep in mind that our health is not only physical but vibrational too.
Misplaced energy and negative projections, beliefs, and thoughts can cause blockages in relationship to manifestation, progress, and expansion, whether they originate from within yourself or are programmed within your subconscious mind by someone else.
We'll explore the path of freeing your potential, living your power, and vibrating higher daily.
Class Notes
What to Know
1. Timelines
Old vs New
Courage leads to a new timeline.
Move in awareness, grace, and power.
2. Repressed Emotions and Embodiment
Repressed emotions refer to emotions that you unconsciously avoid. What emotions are you avoiding, to avoid criticism from yourself or from others?
A repressed embodiment can cause energy blockages and somatic illness in the mind, body, and spirit.
It’s important to keep in mind that our health is not only physical; it's vibrational too.
A repressed life can also cause blockages in relation to manifesting and expanding.
3. Energetic Nuances in Negative Communication:
Being laughed at
Not supported with your truth
No cultivation
Not in alignment with who you are or your higher timeline
4. Epigenetics:
"We now know that what we experience in life changes our epigenetic profile, in other words, life experience changes our genes, as in really getting under our skin. Not only does this affect the individual, but the way our bodies respond to stress can also be passed from one generation to the next through our genes.” – Bruce Lipton, PhD
Likewise, positive responses to stressful experiences can signal a new timeline for higher potential, higher vibrations, healing, success, better outcomes, and personal empowerment.
5. Neuroplasticity:
You can retrain and rewire your brain to live empowered, therefore no longer allowing what other people think or do to stop you, block you, or paralyze you. We can reclaim our power by reshaping our brains through neuroplasticity.
6. Low Self Esteem and The Brain
According to UCLA medical research, people who have low self-esteem may have less grey matter in parts of the brain that control emotions, stress, pride, and understanding others. It seems that how we see ourselves directly affects these brain regions.
Gray matter is an important part of our nervous system that helps us move our bodies, remember things, and manage our emotions. When we go through stressful life events and tough times, it can decrease the amount of gray matter in these vital brain areas. Low self-esteem and feeling bad about ourselves can lead to anxiety, stress, feeling alone, and being more likely to get depressed. While low self-esteem isn't a mental health issue on its own, it can affect our mental health and how we feel about ourselves. Our brains work best when we like, love, and believe in ourselves :)
Workarounds I’ve discovered to improve grey matter density is to become more active in exercises like running, walking, hiking, or yoga, as well as, meditation and learning new skills or information on-goingly.
7. Low Self-Worth
Reduces the quality of your life and your energetic ability to manifest your higher goals and desires; it’s stifling.
Low self-worth creates subconscious blocks that show up as repeated challenges or blockages when it comes to manifesting.
8. Discouragement
When feeling discouraged, you may begin to think that you shouldn't acknowledge your desires or share your good news, hopes, joy, truth, or soul’s expression with anyone.
It might seem easier to express the ‘safe’ parts of you that you know or feel won't draw criticism or judgment.
The effects can show up in your embodiment, behavior, level of courage, mental health, and physical posture
9. Encouragement
Sometimes, you have to encourage yourself.
Take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve already come, often.
10. What To Know About High Self-Worth
Improves the quality of your life
You are more magnetic and emotionally balanced when you signal high and healthy self-worth.
You radiate, embody courage, and shine your light
11. Mindset
Repressed emotions can show up in your behavior and how you respond to others who are shining their light
You may judge others and be critical of them, or even feel envious of them
You go along with your fears instead of embodying the courage to do what's needed to expand and evolve
12. Failure
Failures are lessons, not defeats.
Normalize the process. Failure often comes with success. The most successful people have learned to no longer allow failure to stop them or discourage them from moving forward.
Failure is a lesson, and all lessons are blessings.
13. Rejection
Rejection is redirection.
It’s also a pathway to more time for transformation. Hello, sacred liminal space!!
Holding and Nurturing The Vision
Not everyone will have the vision with you until you bring it to life.
Even when it's lonely, hold your vision.
Trust that you have already divinely assigned.
Your strength comes from The Divine, not from people's opinions and validation.
Journey in Grace
Journey in grace, and allow others to do the same.
Have compassion for yourself and others.
High Vibrational Awareness
Recognize when certain aspects of your behavior aren't serving your needs or your expansion.
Self-Worth Reprogramming
Feeling it
Believing it
Embodying it
HV Embodiment
Live your power
Equanimity while living your power
Be a conduit that can do it
Take care of yourself as the vessel
Give Fear a Job
• Turn fear into passion
• Transmute it
• Alchemize it
Confidence Builders
It can be comforting to repress your light, desires, talents, or potential because of emotions you consider "bad" or believe other people might judge you for expressing. Please kindly STOP doing this, beloved soul. Pattern interrupted!!
Normalize expressing yourself and taking risks without the need for outside approval, validation, or gratification.
Make it a practice to do at least three things a week that transport you from inertia, dimming down your light, hiding, playing small, or repression, that help you live your sacred power and higher, true embodiment.
Self-Worth Builder
If you let people validate you, they can also invalidate you. Validate yourself.
Calling in Higher Vibrational community and relationships:
Join a community of like-minded people
Step out of your comfort zone
Call in a mentor
Update your relationship ‘contracts’ as necessary.
How can the people in your life support you on your new timeline?
Are the right people in your life?
Do you need to do any releasing and pruning?
I am on a new timeline.
It is safe to express myself fully here.
It’s time to embody my authentic, higher self.
I am expanding and coming into full awareness, power, and acquaintance of my true self and higher potential on this new timeline.
I live in the embodiment of my full potential and higher purpose.
I vibrate higher daily from wherever I find myself.
I live my power.
Supportive tools
Clematis Flower Essence for grounding into your power
Rockwater Flower Essence for releasing rigidness
Unblocked Flower Essence for releasing subconscious blocks
Self-appreciation work
Signaling a New Timeline meditation
Vibrate HIgher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You, by Elaine N. Aron
Daring Greatly, by Brenè Brown
The Year of Yes, by Shonda Rhimes
Outwitting The Devil, by Napoleon Hill
The Four Agreements, By Don Miguel, Ruiz