A vital part of vibrating Higher Daily is energy cleansing.
“In order to vibrate higher, we have to take authority over our spirit, energy field, and
Subject 3: Energy Cleanse Class
As we willingly or unwillingly, or knowing or unknowingly, encounter various energies, vibrational influences, and entities, our energy field picks up on it like a magnet.
Energy cleansing is a powerful way of demagnetizing the undesirable energies/entities attaching to you, influencing you, affecting you, and causing the quality of your vibration and well-being to be lowered.
Releasing negative energies that don't serve you is how you take your power back and vibrate higher, energetically, and spiritually.
If you find yourself experiencing a random/prolonged period of being drained, not feeling like yourself, extreme fatigue, moody, unable to create (or start), unable to focus or find clarity, attached to repetitive negative energies and cycles, stuck in low emotional energy, and feeling oppressed spiritually, mentally, or vibrationally, it's time to energy cleanse and take your power back.
Learn sacred cleansing practices for releasing, washing away, and neutralizing energies you absorb, sense, feel, and carry.
To Prepare: Set your positive intentions for the class, be prepared to take notes if you're a note-taker, bring an open heart + mind, and a cup of tea.
Mentioned in Class
Take authority over your energy and vibration.
My Energy Cleanse Playlist on Spotify – full of binaural beats, music therapy + more
Brain Dust (Adaptogens)
Essential oils, bath salts, body wash, lotions, natural perfumes, Epsom Salt
Shaman's Market – Sage and Palo Santos Resonance Apothecary
Holy Water Spray Plant Medicines: