I’m In Transition Now
I moved back to my hometown, Los Angeles, this summer of 2019. Yay! One thing is for sure, I've gone through, and am still going through, a huge process of transition, since being back. My intention is to journey through this transition in my power. I’m being gentle with the process. I’m journeying with grace. I’m living in awareness of it. I’m leaning into it. I’m holding space for it. And I’m honoring what it needs in order to guide me through and beyond. I’m helping it help me. More on this below.
If you too are in a season of transition, welcome! Knowledge is power, so here are10 things to know: about how to Encountering Transition: on a Deeper Level.
All We’ve known
All we've known takes us as far as it can. When it's time to expand to the next level, all we've known, alone by itself, is not enough to get us to where we're going. Patience, surrender, and growth will be required of you. And with growth comes transition. With the transition comes change. Through change enters a new version of you.
In writing, transitions are words or phrases that guide the reader from one idea to the next. In life, this is what transitions do–for you too. They carry you and your soul from one way of living, doing, thinking, being, and vibrating to another way. When you transition in your power, a higher way.
Shift into a new
Nature is always transitioning around us. It's happening even now. Nature is shifting into a new season, and so are you. Truth is, you've been transitioning all of your life, and you will continue to. Empowerment comes when you recognize it and live in the awareness of it–during it.
ASK YOURSELF: What can I do to best support this current transition I'm in? Then, be on the lookout for the answers. They may come to you in quiet thought, through an intuitive nudge or flash, a word, conversation, or some product may capture your attention. Maybe even a song will deliver it. Be open to how the answers may arrive.
It’s happening.
You’re not the
Sometimes, we're too involved and immersed in the process to notice it happening. That's how growth happens. Before we know it, we've become some other version of ourselves. And the new version of ourselves requires new things to nurture, nourish, empower and sustain it.
If we're not careful, we can get caught in using outdated tools: such as old routines and old patterns, thinking they are the nourishment for the new times. When they are not. Just because a thing used to nourish you, does not mean it's still what sustains and nourishes you–now. Stay open here and explore what your current stage is calling for.
"Every new level will require a new you."
Every morning in Texas, I woke up and did the same thing. Hello, morning routine! I had a wonderful and effective morning ritual and daily spiritual practice going. It was a rhythm, and it got my day going powerfully and effectively. It was glorious soul medicine. I was able to ground my energy, maintain balance, and accomplish my goals.
A large portion of my drive, efforts, and manifestation-work then, was focusing on completing my book, leaving Texas, and moving back home to LA. And you know what? It happened!! All of it. What I was doing worked. Praise be!! It manifested. Mission accomplished.
Which Way Now?
But what about when a particular season and mission of our life is done and complete? What now? Which way do we go, with our new self? What do we take with us? What do we leave behind?
Even when it’s a change you’ve been calling in, leaving and transitioning out of one way of being into another, can lead to disorientation. Put another way, sometimes change happens automatically and effortlessly for you and other times; you're left wandering to figure it all out on your own. Or so it seems. The good news in this case, is that you’re never alone. There’s always help around and available to you. It’s just a matter of calling it in by: opening up to it, tapping into it, and surrender to it when it shows up.
I manifested my move to LA. I did it! But what I did effectively as far as daily self-care and work-flow in Texas, was no longer working as effectively here in LA. Like excuse me, faithful routines!!
But um no. After the big move, they weren’t as potent, or nourishing, for me anymore. This can happen with foods, products, places, work, and relationships too. (*clears throat)
What I know for sure, is that when you experience this on the journey, it’s a huge sign: hello, transition!!
I thought my move back to LA, my hometown, was going to vibrationally be a piece of cake. But I’ve changed and grown so much since being away. And now, it’s taking who I’ve become time to vibrationally acclimate, ground and take root in a sacred and effective way. It’s making me honor it’s process. And that’s just what I’ve been doing.
WHAT TO DO: When you find yourself here like I have, it’s time to explore new things and find your soul’s new medicine. Exhale deeper along the way. Keep in mind that this is sign is a good thing. You’re in transition, which means you’re transforming, another good thing. You’re being prepared for new levels and higher vibrations. Yet another good thing! See, you’re on a roll!
When Your transition
isn’t smooth
As we've discussed, there is a natural transition, that can be so subtle and smooth that we don't always see it happening. We notice it one day after the fact. And then there are other transitions that aren't smooth, and everyone and their mama notices, or so it seems. We may look and feel lost, even. And you may take a bit more time and effort in the process of figuring it all out.
WHAT TO BE CAUTIOUS OF: Being stuck in old patterns and outdated timeline thinking can have you rejecting your soul's new medicine. So stay open, I repeat: stay open.
And do as we say so often around here: take all the time you need!! Take note of what is and isn’t working. When you find something that powerfully (or subtly) fuels you and helps you to recalibrate, realign, ground, and drop in deeper into your current life, do more of that. That’s the medicine. From here, keep exploring and expanding. And when a feeling to revert back to a way or routine that no longer serves you appears, remember that the old pattern showing up is actually a coping mechanism that keeps you in your comfort zone. Keep breaking free and going beyond.
Waiting with
Think of train stations or airports. They're not your final destination but necessary transitional places connecting you to where you're going while in transit. They are temporary spaces for you. And they each call for waiting with preparedness and awareness while keeping your destination in mind. This ensures you get to where you are going.
HOW TO WAIT: in preparedness and awareness.
When Transition is
There will be things, no matter how aware you are, that you can't prepare yourself for.
Sometimes, it's beyond your control, and a season of transition comes unexpectedly out of nowhere, and it’s distressing.
Distressing transitions can be due to a sudden loss of a loved one, a breakup, the ending of a friendship, a loss of security, a physical illness or injury, a sudden move and relocation, a crisis, trauma, and so on. These kinds of things can shift your entire world and reality around: suddenly redirecting it.
BE ENCOURAGED: All the while, you're gaining greater insight, experience, and wisdom.
Sometimes, the most powerful and high-vibrational thing to do is to surrender and release what you’ve known or what you had planned. Open your heart and mind to something even greater, even if that means starting from where you are–new.
A lot of people resist transition and, therefore, never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you're in and take advantage of it. ]
– Nikki Giovanni
Transition From A
Spiritual View
In spiritual faiths and traditions, challenges and even suffering are not just that; they are viewed as and transmuted into gateways to higher potential, wisdom, fortification, and greater enlightenment.
Know that this, too, shall pass. So grow through whatever you go through. We have Divine help and power with us and in us to overcome any darkest days, nights, or seasons. Take refuge in your faith.
Cover yourself in your spirituality. Keep vibrating higher from wherever you find yourself daily. Inner peace and sweet solace will enter through here. Soon, you'll feel more and more like yourself again, lighter, and super-equipped to overcome. You'll have real joy and more clarity, energy, and inspiration again. And you'll have transmuted your transition: into greater empowerment and purpose. From here, your courage and passion for life are reignited, and new inspiration flows.
REPEAT: It is well with my soul. I am expanding as a spiritual being. I am journeying in grace. I am taking all the time I need. And I am vibrating higher daily.
It’ll Take a Transition
Whatever you’re seeking to call in and manifest will take you going through transition. Welcome the process. It’s a good thing, and it’s moving you closer to your dreams.
Vibrational Remedies
Clematis Flower Essence by Bach is used to help ground and anchor us into our bodies, into our new season, and effectively into our goals. In urgent cases, Recuse Remedy by Bach, which includes Clematis, helps you to quickly “…stress less, stay calm and in control.”
Aromatherapy is a powerful way to connect the earth to the deeper chambers of the mind, where most unease, disorientation, and lack of focus and grounding take place. It connects us back to our wholeness. I find rosemary, lavender, rose, cinnamon, sandalwood, and citrus oils, quite the dream team for a grounding and soothing transition.
Spend Time Near Trees With Deep Roots Because you are also nature, spend time near trees that are rooted deep. This offers a warm sense and vibration of stability and comfort. Being out in nature is like being in an organic, high-vibrational, and safe Wi-Fi zone. There are invisible frequencies and vibrations communicating around you and flowing through you. Feel the therapeutic vibrations!
Keep Your Head Up Keep in mind that all transitions are temporary. Do all you can to fortify and live in awareness. Tend to your transition well. Journey in grace.
Breathwork, Massage, Reflexology, Binaural Beats, and Meditation Practices help the mind and body release tension and realign to higher vibrations. These practices are also powerful amplifiers of other practices and remedies. They enhance their effect by raising your vibration to better receive their ‘medicine’.
The old pattern is a coping mechanism. Move away from your comfort zone
What can't go with you beyond this point?
What baggage is too heavy to take with you?
How can you reroute yourself, your purpose, and your energy?
Put in your due diligence to get to where you desire to be
Wait in peace and awareness during the transition
Remember, you're on your way
Getting to where you're going just takes times
The process is changing and shifting things for the better
When you do get 'there', you may arrive recharged, excited, and ready to hit the ground off running, or you may experience exhaustion, depletion, burnout, and collapse, due to the journey there.
In severe cases, even a breakdown
The breakdown is actually the breakthrough, let it break the way wide open
Stay open to what will best support, nourish, and restore you on the journey of transition, which may call for trying and exploring something new
Don't avoid yourself in the process. Journal what you're feeling
Transformation is a goal
You can flourish in the transition
Expand your thinking and practice to include something new
Lean into transition and change, which are both stages of development, with wonder and grace. This helps to neutralize discomfort and instead increase curiosity, passion, and courage, and it helps to take your power back. Talk about transmutation and alchemy!
Adapting to change takes time. You're right where you need to be
The awkwardness that can come is only a phase and a sign of growth happening
Believe in yourself. Feel you are worthy of the best outcome. Know that you'll get through, better off
In Closing:
I pray that whatever you are journeying and transitioning through inspires you to live even fuller, from the depths of your soul, in your power, in grace, in your purpose, and higher vibrationally. May it evolve you, expand you, and birth you to new higher levels.
And a new YOU!
You got this.