{Photograph: Henri Matisse|In this together}
Soulful words to ground into
“When things don’t go as expected — trust the reroute.”
COVID-19 & Maintaining Your Vibration
I pray you and your family are doing well at this time.
We're all dealing with this pandemic together. There's so much power in placing our focus on the vibrational aspect of our being and reality right now.
I'd like to send a huge thank you to all of the caregivers. In this community, we have a variety of caregivers, including nurses, doctors, therapists, counselors, psychotherapists, and teachers. You all are the earth angels, helpers, and responders, I share more about this in chapter 4 of Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power. We celebrate you and hold you up during this time. May The Divine protect each of you.
Let's talk a bit about vibration and COVID-19
While we are all in human bodies, anyone can get the virus. That said, people who are living in fear and low energy have a higher chance of opening up their system to it because fear, anxiety, and panic break down the immune response. So not to add to the term going around called "toxic positivity", a high vibrational mindset is essential; it’s practical science and spirituality that can save lives.
So in this light, people who are living in a high vibration, in their power, confidence, and keeping a positive outlook as much as possible, are scientifically known to be less susceptible to illnesses and viruses. And if they do come down with any illness, they have a higher probability of beating it and overcoming it. For me, this has become a valuable quality to carry through life.
Do more things that are beautiful and tender to the senses. Practice nervous system care while not being too hard on yourself. Stay close to self-care as well.
Practice the Energy Cleanse guided meditation that's now right here in the lounge. Listen to the Energy Cleanse playlist. This will both help to bring you back home to your equanimity, power, higher vibrations, and sense of well-being.
A daily practice of mindfulness and meditation could give calmness, stability, and an anchor to your life. Mindfulness just means paying attention, listening precisely, and intimately to our own experiences and to the world around us. Where and when can you implement more mindfulness? Journey with this contemplative question daily.
Have conversations with loved ones that are from the heart and from the soul. This creates warmth and a sense of support and community. Have a meaningful presence during these times.
It's critical during a time of stress, worry, and overwhelm, to love yourself through it while seeking relief through high vibrational measures.
Allow high-vibrations to become your nurturer
Bring your whole self to this experience. Practice slow living to find solace and joy in your time now. In this social break, we are in, we are being called to slow down. Let's make it intentional and cathartic.
In times like these, we are reminded that we are all one human species. We're all going through this together, we all need each other, and we are one ecosystem. One love!!
I'm praying that you and your loved one's safety, sanity, well-being, and vibrations, thrive amid this uncertain time. This, too, shall pass!!
The following article regarding COVID-19 was a wonderful and resonant read. L.A. based psychotherapist, and contributing writer LORI GOTTLIEB shares her practice of “Both/And”
“...our lives are affected in ways big and small, but at least we’re in this seemingly surreal situation together.”
“Everyone copes with horrible situations differently. For some, humor is a balm. It’s BOTH/AND: It’s horrible AND we can allow our souls to breathe.”