Fig 1. | Strong Formation| Tumblr
Vibrational Practices:
Meaningful Energy in Times of Change, Pain, or Challenge
Have you ever experienced a conversation that left your soul feeling truly fulfilled? It's a beautiful feeling, isn't it? If you're yearning for more of those meaningful connections in your life, know you’re not alone.
When was the last time you offered someone the gift of soul medicine through a heartfelt conversation or simply by being present with them? It can make a world of difference to those who may be struggling or in need of comfort.
Finding meaningful energy is like nourishing our souls with sweet medicine and good food. It provides sustenance wherever we are on our journey, whether it's an internal struggle that few people know about or an external challenge that's openly discussed. Our soul craves authentic connections with others who understand what we're going through.
Fig 2. | Cleanse| Tumblr
Having Someone To Show Up And Be Present, Mindful, And Engaged In Conversation With Us Is Mindfulness At Its Finest.
As energy beings, when our mind and body undergo long periods of stress that go unchecked or uncared for, for too long, we can experience an energetic scattered effect, and low vibrations that spiral out, causing us to feel fragmented from our sense of true self, well-being, and power. It's like watching different vital parts of ourselves break away and spiral out away from us. When we are vibrationally fragmented and scattered, we do not have enough power to adequately show up for ourselves, let alone for others.
Meaningful conversations require our whole selves. They also require a mindful presence. If we're not embodying a mindful vibration and entirely present in our bodies, we can't contribute to conversations with others in a whole or meaningful way, including conversations in relationships, with loved ones, family, and friends, in public, at work, online, or anywhere else.
Showing up as a stable force for yourself and for others takes practice and coming home to yourself daily. When you're ‘home’, you're in your energetic balance, power, and equanimity. That's how you'll know. And that's when and how you'll be most potent, magnetic, mindful, useful, and meaningful with your presence.
Vibrating higher daily helps us remember who we are, and to show up in that power, for ourselves and for others.
Longing For Meaningfulness
Having a conversation that's not meaningful when you need it to be, is much like eating an unfulfilling meal. With an unfulfilling meal, you spend energy on it, and instead of it nourishing you or satisfying your hunger, it depletes you and zaps your energy. Furthermore, it leaves you feeling less better off and unnurtured, which is certainly not the goal.
A productive conversation is where all parties involved, in some way, get something out of it.
I recall many times when the medicine my soul was longing for was access through meaningful conversation and genuine connection around whatever I was going through. Can you relate to this?
There were also instances when not receiving this type of support felt discouraging to my soul. It felt like journeying up a mountain with heavy unwanted weight, alone.
But, what has given me peace in the midst of not having support in challenging times, is vibrational awareness. I became aware through insight, teachings, experience, and mindful observation that not everyone is at a whole place within themselves to help others outside of themselves. They are, however, doing the best they can at the vibrational level they are at. We all are. Deep exhale to that!!
This awareness allowed me to show up with compassion and to meet people where they are while calling in and manifesting my desired supportive community. Not everyone will be able to hold space for you, and that’s alright. The quicker we surrender to this, the less energy we spend on our expectations or needs not being met, and the more energy we can put towards calling in those who do and will be meaningful in our lives.
Having support and community in my life is sacred to me. I realized that the people who show up and hold space for me meaningfully and mindfully are opening themselves up as vessels of a higher power.
On the Expanded podcast with host and friend Lacy Phillips and on the Hey Girl podcast with host and friend Alex Elle, I shared a bit about the strong sense of nurturing I received from my grandmothers. They were the type of women who could enter the room, and all of your 'chakras' would align. They knew how to hold space, encourage, console, calm your spirit, and say meaningful things. My grandmothers were a force, each in their own unique and beautifully effective way.
And so are you, we, us!!
It's understandable if you don't feel like you have a higher vibrational presence at the moment. But know that there is a divine and ancestral presence within you that can guide you toward this sacred intention. Consistently connecting with this presence will help shape you and show you how to become more and more meaningful for yourself and those around you. You have the power within you to carry soul medicine and make a positive impact in the lives of others.
Manifesting SupportIve Energy
There may be one or two people making up your support system right now, or maybe it’s only you, whatever the case is, you can expand your life in this area.
Vibrating higher daily is about starting with what you have and from where you are. Vibrating higher in gratitude with what you have to work with: is how all else manifests. It’s also how you take your power back and manifest with it. It allows you to co-create your level up.
Practices & Prompts
Here are a few guided prompts, practices, and affirmations for being, as well as manifesting, meaningful presence in your life.
Call Your Energy Back In
‘Re-member’ yourself. Meaning, bring yourself back together again. Come home. Call your energy back. For this, visualize all of the fragmented parts of yourself, re-assembling and vibrating higher and in your power. Yes, yes, yes!! Visualize your wholeness.
Cord Cutting
Another way to come back to yourself is to see a cord attached to you that goes out to anything or anyone you’ve been thinking of, worrying and stressing over, or dealing with. Visualize yourself cutting the cord from any and all of these things. This practice is how you energetically take your power back. This allows you to be fully present with yourself again, and in doing so, you show up more together, present, and meaningful for others when you connect with them. You’ll connect from a place of centeredness and groundedness. This empowers and sustains what we feel as community, care, and warmth.
Repeat either of these visualization exercises anytime you sense it necessary. It’s a powerful one.
Awareness: Don't assume. Ask.
Don't assume you know what's going on with the other person. Ask, be present, and listen.
Ask how you can best add value to the present moment, current season, and situation. This saves time and keeps us from doing things that aren't meaningful or useful, and that don't add substance, support, or benefit to the other person's life.
Tuning In with Mindfulness as a Vessel:
I tune in with my whole self to be present, mindful, and meaningful in the moment.
I am here listening and holding space because this is supportive of you.
I am where I’m supposed to be right now as a vessel.
I allow a higher power to serve through me in this moment or situation.
I honor this fellow being, and I’m in mindful service to help end their suffering or to make them feel less alone.
The present moment, situation, or conversation is the practice; it is meditation in action; it is the path to vibrating higher wherever I find myself. Daily.
Restoring Balance with Another Person:
“I see that what I said, or perhaps how I said it, is bothering you.”
“I didn't mean to hurt or offend you.”
“I'd like to restore balance and harmony between us.
“My apologies. Will you forgive me?”
“Forgive me for not being fully here for you. My intention now is to be present and mindful. I am here now.”
Starter Questions:
What have you been struggling with lately?
Where does it hurt?" as civil rights activist Ruby Sales would ask.
How are you feeling?
How are you coping?
How is your heart?
How can I best add support to your life in this season?”
Are there any projects I can support you with?”
I’d like to support you. How can I best do that?
Be a Social-Emotional Learner:
This method can be used when you experience ‘upset-silence’ between you, a family member, a friend, or someone you know because of a disagreement or an unkind or unmindful action.
Here's an example of how it works:
You exchange words by saying, “If I hurt or annoyed you, I apologize. I may have disagreed with you, but I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I hope everything is okay after this. I will fully listen to you without cutting you off.”
Affirmations to use:
I am of positive and meaningful service to others.
Others are of positive and meaningful service to me.
I am more and more present and mindful daily.
More and more people are present and mindful with me.
I have mutual support and meaningful relationships and conversations in my life.
I am surrounded by a genuine and expanding supportive community.
Be Intentional:
Be intentional with your energy in your conversations, big or small. Make this a big thing!! Because it is.
Be sure you’re allowing support to find you. Replace whatever thoughts you have of not being supported with gratitude that support is on its way. Recognize and allow it in when it shows up.
Before You Go
Mother Nature’s plant medicine is always here to support us and carry us through. A flower essence I work with that assists me in supporting myself and others in a grounded and meaningful way is Bach’s Clematis. An essential oil that does the same is organic cinnamon oil.
Thank you for reading!! Be good to yourself and others this week by journeying in grace and mindfulness!!