Lalah’s Reflections on Home Sanctuary
Home Sanctuary Personal Written Reflections + VHD Declarations
Lalah shares her process and experience with Home Sanctuary Creation and offers a view into her personal, professional, and spiritual experience and journey.
Awaken Your Home
Have you experienced how a sanctuary feels different from other spaces? Sanctuaries affect us energetically, vibrationally, and spiritually, and we conduct ourselves differently there. How do we personally and inspiringly create, cultivate, and ‘hold the frequency’ of such an impactful environment at home?
How can we create a warm, welcoming, and spiritually charged home environment that inspires and cultivates our best vibrational selves, atmosphere, and well-being?
For me, creating a home sanctuary was not just a choice, a trend, or a style preference; it was a matter of survival. In this world and 3D dimension, I deeply needed a place to restore my light, initiate deep healing, purify my being from experiences, awaken my soul, expand my mind and awareness, grow, and call my energy, joy, and power back home to me.
It was in the sacred space of my intentional home environment that I experienced the most profound journeys of transformation, rebirth, protection, healing, and renewal.
Within the walls of my home sanctuary, I began to rest and breathe differently and more fully; outdated patterns surrendered to the gentle embrace of change and metamorphosis. In their place, new habits blossomed that manifested new positive timelines, experiences, and high vibrations. I was able to finally unfurl and open up to my higher path, my divine life path, and my authentic self. Deliberately shifting my living space into a home sanctuary lifted my soul and life in ways that are still blessing me, keeping me, sustaining me, and also propelling me forward, career-wise today.
As I’ve grown through the years, my home environment has grown with me. I simply started where I could, and my home sanctuary has evolved and expanded over the years, and I have.
Today, my home sanctuary remains a nurturing cocoon where the essence of well-being is infused into every room and corner. It remains a sanctuary for my emotional and mental health, a refuge where joy dances harmoniously with gratitude, where growth, grace, and expansion are not just aspirations but daily rituals. I’m able to connect to a deep sense of inner knowing and peace here. My sacred space remains a refuge from the chaos of the outside world, a place where I can connect with my true self and recharge my spirit. In this space, I found the strength to face my fears, the courage to step into the unknown, and the confidence to embrace my authentic power. Each time I ground into my sacred space, I feel my energy align with The Divine, with my divine life path, and with the universe, and all the more empowering me to navigate life with grace, resilience, authenticity, courage, and higher purpose.
In sacred space, mindfulness lingers in the air, compassion resonates within the walls, warmth echoes in every breath and heartbeat, and love flows effortlessly through the environment and atmosphere. No matter what shows up in my life each new day, peace and divine connection are available and ever-present to embody. Sweet equanimity.
A really cool phenomenon happened with my home sanctuary: I found myself not wanting to leave as much. And when I do leave, returning home is sweet music and medicine to my soul.
God bless our sanctuary homes!
Supportive Quote
“Sending love to your home.
Sending love to your energy field.
Sending love to your environment.”
A vital mindful note is that your home sanctuary transcends being merely a physical space constructed of brick, wood, and concrete; it is also an inner sanctuary for your heart, an inner refuge for your mind, an inner temple for your body and soul, and an inner altar for your spirit. It’s a sacred space within where you reconnect with the true essence of your being. This internal sanctuary is sacred, imperishable, and forever yours.
Embrace your external and internal home sanctuaries as sacred gifts, restoring places for your mind, body, energy, and soul; sanctuaries where you can blossom into your highest potential. Awaken them by allowing their presence to be a constant reminder of the divine connection, beauty, and power within and around you. Take their divine power and supportive energy with you as you navigate your life, daily encounters and opportunities, and the world.
To lead a fulfilling life, it's essential to prioritize the well-being of your sanctuaries, both inner and outer, as they are the places that provide you with a sense of safety, comfort, well-being, and peace. Just like any other living thing, they need to be nurtured and taken care of to maintain their vitality. It's essential to give back to them as you receive from them.
To better understand your sanctuaries, start by asking yourself what they need at this moment to stay balanced and charged. For your internal sanctuary, this could be meditation, rest, ritualizing your joy, mindset or energetic hygiene, movement, spiritual practice, or self-care rituals. For your external sanctuary, this could mean decluttering your space, adding better lighting for a better ambiance, candles, aromatherapy, and incense, decorating it with new things or new colors that bring you joy, tranquility, and peace in this season, bringing in items of inspiration, bringing in objects of spiritual significance, or simply deep spring cleaning your sacred space.
Furthermore, it's essential to consider what kind of energetic and spiritual support your sanctuaries require to help you thrive. For instance, if your inner sanctuary needs to be charged up, it might need a peaceful environment to decompress or rest in, calming music, aromatherapy, pampering, healing foods, healing care, or spiritual practice. Similarly, if your outer sanctuary needs a boost of support, it could need energetic clearing, prayers and blessings, spiritual invocation, as well as re-setting the intention for this current season by yourself and others you live with.
By paying attention to the needs of your sanctuaries and providing them with the necessary care and attention, you'll be able to create and sustain a harmonious and fulfilling sacred space for yourself.
With deep care, my external and internal sanctuaries empower me to show up and thrive, whether at home, in my personal life, or out in the world. May this be so for you, too, beloved one!
To me, a home sanctuary is where patterns and energtics that have not served us are broken and replaced with new habits and patterns that do. It’s about owning and embracing the power and responsibility to create positive home experiences that nurture our well-being and emotional and mental health, inspire joy, gratitude, growth, and expansion, and keep us grounded in mindfulness, compassion, truth, love, authenticity, and high vibrations. A home sanctuary is a restoring place for our hearts, minds, bodies, spirits, and lives.
This is our chance to shape our lives, shift our lives, change the trajectory of our lives, and write a new narrative as spiritual alchemists that invites new timelines of home tranquility, refuge, sanctuary, and divine flow on our divine life path.
What positive elements did your home have that felt supportive and beautiful to you during your upbringing? Also, reflect on the things you longed for but never had. Create a list of all these things as you recall them, and over time, work on adding and evoking these positive elements and feelings into your home sanctuary environment.
If you recognize any elements from your upbringing and environment that were negative and not conducive to your joy, peace of mind, growth, thriving, and expansion, set an intention to break free from those patterns through Conscious Pattern Shifting. Ensure that these negative energetics and feelings are not evoked within the safe and sacred environment of your home sanctuary nor persist in your life through patterns. Home sanctuaries help you do this!
Keep in mind that we hold the power to break the cycle of chaotic, harmful, unmindful, unpleasant, unpeaceful, unfulfilling, and toxic home environments. Conscious pattern shifting is how you evolve, disrupt cycles, and jump timelines, which creates expansion and new realities.
What’s the desired vibration of your home sanctuary and its environment? Once you have clarity on this, work on it as a devoted spiritual alchemist to create it over time.
Home Sanctuary
Fig. 3 My home sanctuary is alive and helps me thrive on new timelines.
Home Sanctuary: Awaken Your Home
Decrees and Declarations:
My home is a sanctuary, a sacred and safe place of peace and solace.
I nurture my space with love and divine energy, creating a harmonious environment for myself and my loved ones.
I clean, declutter, and organize my home, allowing space for clarity and fresh inspiration to flow freely.
My home sanctuary surrounds me with healing energy.
My home sanctuary is a sacred space that nurtures my mind, body, and spirit.
I create sacred spaces within my home for reflection, meditation, self-care, and nurturing my mind, body, and spirit.
I am grateful for the divine shelter and comfort my home provides and the blessings that abound within its walls.
I welcome divine abundance, success, and fulfillment into my home and in all aspects of my life.
I invite peace, love, compassion, expansion, and harmony to dwell within my home.
My home is a reflection of my inner state and well-being. I commit to awakening its full potential daily.
In my home sanctuary, I release all negativity and invite harmony and balance.
My home sanctuary uplifts and empowers all who enter.
Each room and space in my home is blessed.
Every object in my home is blessed.
I experience and honor my home sanctuary as a place of refuge and renewal.
My home sanctuary is a place of spiritual growth.
I invite uplifting and supportive energies into my home sanctuary.
I continually transform my home sanctuary into a safe haven of inspiration, peace, joy, and warmth.
Through my home sanctuary, I awaken my space.
My home is not just a living space but a thriving space.
My home sanctuary is alive and helps me thrive on new timelines.
Supportive Quote
“The right environment is soul medicine that helps you thrive, heal, and grow. That’s how you know.”
Watch the replay for more.
Prayer, blessing, inviting divine guidance and presence
With an open heart, pray to invite divine presence, assistance, and guidance with clearing and blessing your home
A home sanctuary is an intentional prayer over the space and environment.
Meaningful Presence:
Set the tone. Each day, greet The Divine, the day, yourself, and those you live with with joy and gratitude in your heart and energy
Reverence is central to a home sanctuary. Radiant reverence.
Be gracious, empowered, and in divine flow.
Read the Meaningful Presence article here.
Mind Rejuvenation Environment:
Moments of stillness, silence, and meditation
Nurture the mind
Rest the mind and reset
Detach from what disturbs or distracts you
Body Care Environment:
Be still and know that I AM God
Peace, care, tending, nurture, and nourishment to the body
Eat, cook, and prepare your food in reverence
When to Clear and Reset the Energy:
A clean and clear home is a daily ritual.
Sunrise clearing daily to set the tone and invite freshness
Throughout the day, as needed
In the evenings shift modes, wind down, have quality time, relax, and prepare for rest
Seasonal clearing and intention setting (Eg., Winter solstice and spring equinox or times of significance to you).
Purifying the home weekly
When it feels necessary, do a clearing
Clear energy after illness, emotional challenges, financial and creative stagnant times, unpleasant dreams or persistent thoughts, disagreements or arguments, unpleasant company, unpleasant news, after watching or listening to anything low vibrational (preferably these are no longer allowed to enter your sanctuary)
Downloadable PDFs
Home Sanctuary Declarations
Now you can work even deeper with Home Sanctuary with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the jounal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
*The Set includes Declarations + Journal
Home Sanctuary Journal
Now you can work even deeper with Home Sanctuary with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the jounal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
*The Set includes Journal + Declarations
In Closing
Thank you for reading!! I invite you to chime in and leave a comment, thought, or question below ~
Supportive Tools, Reads & Mentions
Upcoming/Previous Related VHD Content
Watch the Home Sanctuary Creation: Awaken Your Home Class replay
Download the Home Sanctuary Declarations + Journal Prompts PDFs
Watch the Home Sanctuary Creation: Practice replay
Read A Guide to Having a Meaningful Presence article
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Inner Gardening Care, by Lalah Delia
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