Vibrational-Based Living
Living a vibrational-based life means being in alignment and integrity with The Divine’s [divine] plan for our lives through intentionally integrating and embracing higher vibrations that uplift our existence, enhance our well-being, and support and protect our higher potential.
Intentionally elevating our vibrations serves as a transformative path towards expansion. By living in alignment with high vibrations, we cultivate a stronger foundation for ourselves, as well as reclaim our personal, relational, creative, spiritual, and collective power. We also make a positive contribution to the collective consciousness when we journey in vibrational awareness, vibrational integrity, and higher vibrational choices.
Along with living in alignment with higher vibrations, it's about understanding how our own energy, frequency, and vibration affect every aspect of our lives, how we affect others, and how other things and people affect us.
All and all, vibrational-based living is the path that gives birth to transformation, expansion, and spiritual alchemy. It’s key to understanding and manifesting a life of awareness, empowerment, and greater fulfillment through alignment and attunement. Knowing how to cultivate our inner power, nurture our potential, and align our energetic fields, changes our trajectory in life.