May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
High Vibrational Embodiment: Earth Angels
Earth angels are here to carry the light of The Divine within and spread it to the world.
Born into the human body, earth angels are also here to hold up the frequency of high vibrations.
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: What to Know
Part 3: Embodiment: How to Align Yourself as an Earth Angel
Part 4: What Look Out For
Part 5: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
PT. 2: Q&A
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: Q&A
Part 3: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Are you an earth angel needing support?
Are you experiencing an awakening call to live more and more from your heart space, or maybe to activate your inner spiritual warrior or protector, or possibly you feel a sacred call to nurture and guide on a higher level?
In this class, learn more about earth angel energy and how to nurture, activate and/or reclaim your path as an earth angel. Also, learn how to recognize and commune with earth angels around you.
Class Notes
What to Know
Earth angels are here to carry the light of The Divine within and spread it to the world.
Born into the human body, earth angels are also here to hold up the frequency of high vibrations.
Ask for help. You do not need to be on the claire spectrum (there are five claire senses, a.k.a psychic senses/psychic abilities)
to encounter earth angels.
Benevolent Angels and beings guide and assist people into their higher alignment and higher good, and into a higher connection to The Divine, and in and through life experiences and circumstances. They appear in life-saving and life-changing encounters. They encourage the soul and help anchor it back into the body during times of crisis or disconnect.
Benevolent beings have a pure heart and pure intentions and at times intervene on our behalf through divine intervention and divine timing.
They offer us insight and wisdom.
They help us in achieving our goals and with making life choices
They offer us warmth, reassurance, and a deeper sense of peace and love.
Earth angels move in divine order and equanimity.
No matter where we find ourselves earth angels help to assist us with staying or getting back on track with a higher timeline.
They protect us.
There are benevolent versus malevolent beings.
Embodiment: How to Align Yourself as an Earth Angel
Do your vibrational work to stay connected with your higher being, self, gifts, wisdom, insight, and consciousness.
You’ve been sent to this time to hold the light, frequency, and vibration and assist in higher ascension for those you are assigned to.
You are not assigned to everyone. Journey in awareness.
You, your energy, and your presence are a divine tuning fork for people.
Offer comfort in times of distress to who you are assigned to.
EAs have a warm, welcoming, and meaningful presence and spirit
As you vibrate higher through your earth plane experiences versus being overtaken or defeated by them you are able to carry out your mission and stay embodied and in higher purpose.
When you have low vibrational times, journey in grace and come back home to yourself.
Use your tools through it all–through all terrains and weather.
High vibrational embodiment
Come home to yourself daily.
Ground daily.
‘I am’ affirmations and meditation
Meta/Loving Kindness meditations
Pay attention to signs as you attract them with ease.
Cultivate your spiritual gifts.
Keep your space decluttered and charged up. Take care of your personal energy field.
Standup for earth matters that you feel assigned to hold space for
Detox and be good to your body.
Eat to live and thrive. Your body can’t thrive on low vibrational foods.
Empower and free your subconscious mind
Live mindfully and with compassion
Don’t match negative energy, send it to the light.
A bit and ground daily.
If you have been doubtful of your own power, wisdom, and higher insights, begin to trust and take divine action to strengthen your relationship to your true self and benevolence as an earth angel.
Reframe the word “I don’t know” and any other self-defeating talk and thoughts with affirming words and thoughts, ex: “Higher insight is coming to me now.”
Hold the vision as you are here to be a powerful manifestor.
Live your power.
Set sacred boundaries.
Don’t force any soul, simply inspire.
Trust your light and higher purpose.
Decompress daily and nurture your spirit.
You are filled with supernatural gifts.
Benevolent EA’s move in integrity and honor.
What to Look Out For:
You attract people who need to heal
Uncomfortable in your physical body
As a child, you may have displayed or were diagnosed with one of the various cognitive or neurocognitive disorders. (My diagnosis was epilepsy, and my kind was petit mal seizures, which I was healed from.)
You have different interests than those around you.
You are the different one in your family.
You are uncomfortable in your physical body at times.
Your body takes more time to vibrate at the same rate as your spirit body.
Your presence and wisdom soothe and encourages people.
You are naturally tuned into the energetic (and spiritual) realms.
You are a protector, live your power, and speak your truth.
You have a deep reverence for the natural world.
You seek higher purpose in your relationships, connections, work, and experiences.
You long for a higher sense of home or feel spiritually homesick at times.
Negative and out-of-balance attributes can be: co-dependent relationships, people-pleasing, relationships settling, toxic loyalty, and staying longer than supposed to or after your assignment’s divine timing expires.
When you feel frustrated or judgmental with those around you or with the world, come back to your heart space, where compassion resides.
Reparent any inner child wounds including wounds around your gifts, and any sense of feeling unsupported and improperly cared for or cultivated for who you truly are, and from family dysfunction.
Vibrate out of low self-worth and believe in yourself and your worth. Do more things that raise your worth, ex: do the things that scare you and that you find yourself fearing to do, find expanders and new inspirations, practice subconscious reprogramming to create new neuropathways of change and transformation which result in a new you, timeline, and reality.
Realize not everyone will heal, grow, or vibrate higher out of their timeline at the rate you would like for them to, or that you do. Also, not everyone will desire change.
Decompress daily.
Cut cords as necessary.
REMEMBER who you are.
Supportive Quote
“Knowing how to stay tuned into the divine realm will guide your life to higher levels and vibrations. Divine protection, guidance, navigation, provision, and higher insights will be the energetics in your life as a result and benefit of this sacred alliance and divine connection.”
Embodiment: Earth Angel attributes + Characteristics
Your earth angels, or anyone desiring to become an earth angel in the lives of others, will offer and display attributes and characteristics such as:
• words of encouragement
• acts of support
• divine timing
• good energy/vibes
• a warm and welcoming presence
• a meaningful presence
• high vibrational embodiment
• a present and mindful listener
• genuine concern
• compassion
• higher insight
• supernatural intuitive senses
• supernatural gifts
• benevolence and altruism
• graciousness
• a stable nurturing spirit
• grounding energy
• a comforting hand
• a blessed resource and not a distraction
• a problem solver
• a peacemaker
• healing energy
• a praying spirit
• integrity and honor
• a pure heart and loving nature
•warrior and protector energy
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia, chapters 3 and 4
Himalayan Salt Massage Balls
Himalayan Salt Massage Balls are an energy gamechanger. They are well-known to greatly ground and balance the body’s electromagnetic field, central nervous system, and meridians/energy centers/chakras. Himalayan salt massage balls can be used at room temperature, hot, or cold. Negative ions are produced when heated, creating a sense of peace and a deeper sense of relaxation. When lightly heated the salt melts away body stress by going deep into the muscles and loosening the joints. Other known and experienced benefits while warm or at room temperature are, calming muscles spasms, a sense of higher mental alertness, energy protection, a renewed mind and body, and promoting deep relaxation and sleep.
Energy Ring
Neutralizing Ring: “The Neutralizing Ring is all about clearing & cleansing.
This tool will help pull out and neutralize non-harmonious energies by geometry and layered metals. This means the neutralizing ring is the first step in Krystaline's line of energy tools.” Reflexology Experience
Supportive Flower Essences
Angel’s Trumpet: supports visionaries, attunement with higher consciousness and higher realms and dimensions, supports emotional balance, and overcoming fear, opens heart, souls, and mind to the spirit realm.
Angelica flower: illumination, love, guidance, and protection of the angelic realm
Yarrow: psychic protection, sense of safety, healthy boundaries setting, support with fatigue, helps to protect highly sensitives from environmental or atmospheric stress and overwhelm, support with the spiritual and subtle bodies.(Also explore the various colors of Yarrow essences: pink and yellow yarrow)
Parasite Cleanse
Gently detoxifying your digestive system of harmful organisms
Protecting the nutrients and vitamins your body needs from invaders
Rejuvenating your body by crushing the parasites that zap your energy
Promoting a healthy functioning digestive system free from hostile entities
Eliminating bloating and gas
Consult your health care professional to make sure you’re able to take the cleanse.
All of the benefits above plus restores mental clarity and a sense of emotional balance.
Clears stagnant energy
Clears skins
Supports weight loss and proper digestion.
Helps to eliminate cravings.
Decreases bloating and lower discomfort and pressure
Boosts immune system
Improves energy and equilibrium
And so much more!!
Consult your health care professional to make sure you’re able to receive hydrotherapy.