May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Taking Care As A Highly Sensitive Person: Integrating Boundaries as an Empath or HSP
Go from vibrational and nervous system survival to ‘thrival’.
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: What to Know
Part 3: Establishing Boundaries
Part 4: Somatic Body Awareness
Part 5: Spiritual Covering, Higher Purpose, Plans, and Experiences
Part 6: Safe-Guarding Your Energy Field
Part 7: Neural/Brain Support
Part 8: Eat, Sleep, Live, Vibrate Higher
Part 9: Q&A
Part 10: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Setting boundaries is not the absence of love, compassion, community, or support; it’s creating and sustaining the proper energetics, proper energy field, and safe environment for you to thrive in as you journey with yourself and others through all life experiences.
Learn how to Take Care As A Highly Sensitive Person and Integrate Boundaries as an Empath or HSP.
Class Notes
What to Know
Spiritual Ascension is Happening Now, As It’s Been Prophesied:
The vibrational frequency of people ascending is rising, and our planet is receiving more light frequencies and light codes. Therefore, many of us who are sent here with the gift have experienced or will experience spiritual ascension, awakening, and activation and their symptoms.
Because of our gifts, we have become highly sensitive to the point of tapping into and connecting to these light codes, higher frequencies, and higher gifts and insights.
With the higher gift comes higher responsibility to protect the gift and put boundaries around it energetically.
With your personal ascension, your gifts coming fully online, and with your sensitivity heightening, you may experience your body going ‘haywire’ at times due to your cells, neurons, organs, and brain all being affected and upgraded by the shift.
Traumatic awakenings, the dark night of the soul, and a pull towards desiring more in life happen at the junction.
Healthy Boundaries are a Form of Navigation:
They keep us heading and growing in the right direction
Where you are currently may not be all your fault, but who you currently are is always up to you.
Navigate the awakening
Establishing Boundaries
Establishing and Sustaining Your Sacred Chambers:
Your chambers are a form of boundaries; it’s personal space.
Your ‘decompression chamber’ is where you restore, nourish, and nurture, and it’s your sweet, safe place in the world.
This can be a physical, mental, or spiritual place and even a place in the etheric realm.
Establish the Proper Atmosphere to Thrive as an Empath and HSP:
This is essential
When you establish healthy boundaries, you begin to look and feel better.
Boundaries help to inform your connections to others, and they create space for energetically clean connections in your life.
What are your energetic needs?
Are they being met by you or others?
Respect the need for sacred boundaries. You are a sacred being and are being called to grid yourself and your energy field in a certain way. Pay attention to who and what’s needed and who and what is not needed on this timeline and at this phase of your journey.
Protect your mind, work, space, calling, and mission.
Somatic Body Awareness
Somatic and Biofeedback Awareness:
Emotional tension
Feeling unwell
Mystery illnesses
Changed appearance in yourself (or others who are toxic)
Body odor
Some health conditions you experience may be due to certain people in your life and environment. Once you release certain people, you release the condition and/or dis-ease and begin to heal, feel better, and even look better.
Are you drained and less motivated around certain people? Watch for this, don’t allow it to become a blind spot.
Smile Signaling Practice
When I experience tiredness, stress, or discomfort, I smile within so that although my body may be experiencing a level of fatigue, stress, or tension, the smile allows my body to associate the current feelings with peace, lightness, and equanimity. THIS PRACTICE IS A GAME CHANGER!!
I speak affirming warm words to my body like:
Thank you, body, for supporting me. Thank you, body, for bearing this stress/these feelings/this pain and discomfort. Thank you for helping me navigate this [name the situation]. I am here to take care of you.
Spiritual Covering, Higher Purpose, Plans, and Experiences
Divine and Angelic Assistant and Intervention:
Divine support with psychic, energetic, and spiritual attack
Soul ties
Negative intentions
Energetic interference
Boundary Your Visions and Mission:
Toxic people frustrate your plans and bombard you with their energy and projections.
“Not every beautiful experience is to be shared or talked about. Some experiences are [sacredly] only yours.” – Lalah Delia
Safe-Guarding Your Energy Field
Who’s in Your Field? What Are They Bringing into It?:
When you feel unwell, notice the people and relationships surrounding you. This is how you gain and maintain insight into the energetics at play and at work in your life, circumstances, and experiences.
Navigate other people’s feelings with equanimity.
Energetic Clutter Reduction and Protection:
Boundaries work to reduce the amount of energetic clutter you pick up from other people, such as mental projections, imprints, limiting beliefs, and energetic deposits and hooks.
Boundaries help to protect you from other people’s heavy karma, karmic lessons and debts, generational curses on them and their bloodline, and any energetic or soul agreements that are not intended for your higher good.
With healthy boundaries, you’re not pulled into other people’s heavy energy.
Reinforce Boundaries w/Courage:
Self-care is also about how you treat yourself and how you allow others to treat you. Read that again.
Don’t be fearful of setting boundaries; the outcome will be worth it.
Feel the awkwardness [liminal suck] and move through it anyway.
Moving through fear of alienation, possible outcomes, backlash, abandonment, and the need to people-please and not wanting to ‘rock the boat,’ etc.
“Not all stress is a bad thing. ‘Positive stress’ is a real thing; it’s temporary stress that leads you to desired outcomes and better results. Being mindful of positive stress when it’s happening, and not confusing it with negative or toxic stress is an emotional game changer.”
– Lalah Delia
Boundaries Around Energetic Content:
Stay aware of what you consume or could consume if/when engaging with a person, place, or thing.
Neural/Brain Support
Brain Entrainment:
When you feel stressed, agitated, anxious, or angry, your brain will usually produce an increased amount of high beta activity.
Binaural theta, alpha, or low beta frequencies, beats, and tones will help to lower your dominant frequency, reducing feelings of stress or anxiety.
Eat, Sleep, Live, Vibrate Higher
Eat Right, Sleep Right, Live Right to Stay in Your Power, Frequency, and Energy an Empath and HSP:
Live in vibrational awareness and mindfulness
Everything is frequency, energy, and vibration
Nervines are herbs in the form of flower essences and tinctures that support the regulation of the nervous system in times of stress or challenge by restoring balance to the body and mind:
Clematis (flower essence)
Rockwater (flower essence)
Lemon Balm
California Poppy
Milky Oats
Oak Tops
Eleuthero Root (an adaptogen)
Ashwagandha (an adaptogen)
St. John Wort (flower essence and/or tincture)
Supportive Quote
“May you no longer feel bad, fearful, or regretful for doing what’s best: for you.
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
The Game of Life and How to Play It, by Florence Scovel Shinn
How to Fight, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Binaural frequencies
Apollo Neuro is a wearable device that helps your body and brain recover from stress and reach heightened states. Relax, sleep better, and feel better with scientifically-sound touch therapy.
Why Theta Brain Waves Are So Healing + How To Generate Them More Often, article by Collen Travers
Shop Flower Essences at Maryam Hasnaa’s shop:
Resonance Apothecary: Plant Spirit Medicine Finely Tuned for Highly Sensitives
Energy Cleanse: Sacred Waters Meditation, by Lalah Delia