May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Taking Care As A Highly Sensitive Person: Navigating Triggers, Trigger Management
It's known that Highly Sensitive People (HSP) take longer to process triggering moments, energy, and emotions—furthermore, HSPs feel, experience, and process with their whole body.
How free do you feel energetically, spiritually, and vibrationally when responding to circumstances, other people's energy, challenges, and those pop-up 'triggering' life moments?
Are you able to stay in your equanimity? Are you able to stay in your high vibrational embodiment? Are you able to self-regulate with ease?
Video replay
PT. 1: Class
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: What to Know
Part 3: What to Look Out For
Part 4: Solutions
Part 5: Relaxation Response
Part 6: Endorphin Activities
Part 7: Plant Allies/Plant Medicine
Part 8: Integration
Part 9: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
PT. 2: q&a
Highly sensitive people and empaths can become highly triggered by life and energy and often unknowingly or unintentionally over-respond to life and experiences, including other people and other people's stuff.
Other people's energy, behavior, feelings, projections, short-comings, choices, moods, and updates can become a trigger that feels personal.
Centering yourself in peace, composure, energetic sovereignty, and higher vibrations is possible no matter who or what you are exposed to or go through.
In this class, I'll share tools, including how I, a highly sensitive and empathic person and a recovering, highly reactive person, cracked this major code in my personal life.
Cracking the code changed the game for me: on all levels!!
Class Notes
What to Know
Centering yourself in peace, composure, energetic sovereignty, and higher vibrations is possible no matter who or what you are exposed to or go through.
Your responses are energy outputs, so it's best to use them wisely.
Your behavior and attitude can block your way. Are you in the way?
The feeling of being 'stuck' in dense energy and dysregulated emotions is real to HS and HR people.
Long-term chronic stress has effects on our physical and psychological health.
When we experience a stressful event, the amygdala, an area of the brain that contributes to emotional processing, sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus. This area of the brain communicates with the rest of the body through the autonomic nervous system, which controls our involuntary body functions such as breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat, and more.
The autonomic nervous system has two components, the sympathetic nervous system, and the parasympathetic nervous system.
The sympathetic nervous system functions like a gas pedal in a car. It triggers the fight-or-flight response, providing the body with a burst of energy to respond to perceived dangers or threats. The parasympathetic nervous system acts like a brake. It promotes the "rest and digest" response that calms the body down after the risk or threat has passed.
What to Look Out For
What is triggered out of you in triggering moments?
There is a positive side of triggers. Sometimes, negative triggers can activate and/or trigger positive change and personal traits and strengths.
Amygdala TakeOver/Fight or Flight/Gas Peddle Activation: After the amygdala sends a distress signal, the hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system by sending signals through the autonomic nerves to the adrenal glands. These glands respond by pumping the hormone epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) into the bloodstream.
As epinephrine/adrenaline circulates through the body, it brings on a number of noticeable physiological changes. The heart beats faster, muscles, heart, and other vital organs recieve more blood, your pulse rate and blood pressure go up and start to take in more oxygen. Hence a person undergoing these changes starts to breathe more rapidly and experiences energy bursts.
All of these changes begin to cascade and happen so quickly that most people aren't aware of them, and they can happen before the brain has even had a chance to process what is happening fully.
This is why people can act before they think or process. Also, it’s how people can act so quickly in a state of emergency and save a life, while on the flip side, why we can act too quickly and sooner or later regret some impulsive behaviors or hasty decisions.
Are you distracted by your emotions and triggers?
How free and empowered are you energetically during 'triggering' moments?
Are you living in a perpetual stress mode? Stress is when the body is triggered out of homeostasis, causing brain and body imbalances versus physiological balance. Stress responses long-term dysregulate us and can cause disease and sickness.
Are you hi-jacked by the most subtle energy shifts.
Are you experiencing dysregulated emotions?
If we live on auto-pilot, our behavior and attitude can block our way to balance and peace. Are you on auto-pilot; are you in the way?
Are you taking on other people's energetics?
Are you matching frequencies?
The rush of stress hormones gives us a rush of energy and can be addictive to seek it out through your thoughts, habits, and behavior. Are you chasing or addicted to stress hormones? Are you unconsciously seeking out unhealthy or low vibrational thoughts, experiences, or outcomes that make you feel a certain way?
Are stress and anxiety your norm?
Are you holding on, hooking onto, and looping out in the stress?
As long as you are driven and motivated by your feelings and triggers attached to stress hormones, chances are you will remain the same and be blocked from reaching a higher timeline, healing, and new reality.
The body can relax, heal, and restore its power with the proper mind and subconscious mind shifts. You can take your power back.
Catch yourself in the moment.
Stay with your breath.
Come home to yourself.
Enter equanimity and flow state. Don't always try and feel the void of silence and space with any particular energy or emotion. You have to have time in equanimity, flow, and divine neutrality energy. This space is what creates the new timeline and operating system.
Move around; motion moves emotion.
Be mindful of what you’re emitting. Don't torment yourself or other people with your reactions. Journey in grace.
Remember your timeline preferences. Pick a new higher timeline.
Identify as the hero of your life and not the victim. This is subconscious mind reprogramming and code-switching. It helps triggers not hook into you and stay around.
Know how to fight. Go within. Peace and silence are powerful mindfulness weapons.
Self-regulation and emotional regulation
Work on consistent change. Hold the vibration of the higher timeline you desire to materialize, not the vibration of the reality you no longer wish to continue dwelling in.
Don't force outcomes or validation, this is an illusion and energy trap.
Use your higher consciousness to shift, don't wait on your mind or body. Become no-thing for a while, meaning no labels or titles. This is how you merge with higher consciousness and take your power back.
Exit unhealthy brainwave states with brain entrainment. Enter into gamma, which is super consciousness. Higher consciousness will guide you higher.
Switch systems. Switch modes. Switch from sympathetic nervous system to parasympathetic nervous system.
Alter your chemical states so that stress doesn't become your norm, character, personality trait, and/or dominant vibration.
Affirmations: I AM balanced within. I am flexible and I shift as necessary. I bring myself back into higher alignment.
Relaxation Response
We override the stress response with the relaxation response.
Start vibrating in more relaxation and equanimity. As you change your perpetual vibration, you change your life.
The relaxation response is stimulated when the respiratory system is even, smooth and relaxed. To obtain this effect, connect your breathing to your stretching or movement practice. The respiratory system will then proceed to balance the nervous system.
Relaxation response pratices. Activate your relaxation response with legs on the wall, inversions, stretching, dancing, massage, and affection, deep abdominal breathing, focus on one or more soothing words (such as peace or I have arrived, I am home), and visualize a tranquil scene, repeat a mantra or affirmation, recite a prayer, practice restorative yoga, and tai chi.
Physical activity. Use exercise to stop the buildup of stress. Movement therapies such as dance, somatic movement, yoga, stretching, tai chi, and qi gong combine fluid movements with deep breathing and mental focus, which all can induce calm and relaxation.
Social support. Harvard Health studies show that people with a support team are able to sustain themselves and recover from emotional stress and crisis much better.
Massage and affection
Supportive Quote
“As you heal, so do your triggers.”
Endorphin Activities
Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins are happy hormones that promote positive feelings like pleasure, happiness, and even love.
If your body isn't producing enough endorphins, you could feel higher levels of low vibrations such as depression, defeat, stress, moodiness, sickness, and weakened digestion. Secretion of endorphins leads to feelings of euphoria, decreased feelings of pain, and enhancement of the immune response.
You can try various activities to increase your body's endorphin secretion levels. Studies of acupuncture and massage therapy have shown that both of these techniques can stimulate endorphin secretion.
With high endorphin levels, we not only feel less pain, but fewer negative effects of stress as well, and we experience better digestion. It's all connected.
Oxytocin and dopamine release override amygdala takeover, whereas we shared earlier, stress, anger, and survival mode reside and are activated.
Do more of what increases endorphin production of oxytocin and dopamine. These hormones are your protection, your inner army.
Think and see yourself expanding. Oxytocin is induced by movement, meditation, breath-work, affection, massage, and more. Dopamine is induced by music, exercise, acupuncture, proper protein, proper rest, creative expression, spiritual practice, and so on.
Stay up to date with your hormonal health to rule out any underlying issues or be aware of them.
Plant Allies/Plant Medicine Featuring Nervines
Nervines are herbs that support the regulation of the nervous system by restoring balance to the body in times of stress:
Clematis flower essence
Rockwater flower essence
California poppy
Milky oats
Oak tops
Eleuthero root (an adaptogen)
Ashwagandha (an adaptogen)
Use your scared tools
We journey in our power and differently when we know the tools.
Also, integrate your wisdom, and what you've been through.
In the same way you offer brilliant advice to others in times of support, create a letter of support to yourself.
Free write to offer any advice that desires come through you.
Trust your intuition. If you need support with this, work with flower essences and quiet your life down by spending more time in solitude where you can hear with less distractions.
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Read Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Read Herbs for Stress & Anxiety: How to Make and Use Herbal Remedies to Strengthen the Nervous System by Rosemary Gladstar
Golden Voice: Throat aid. Helps to clear through before speaking or singing.
Dulpul-Ease by Professional Formulas: Throat aid. Superbly helps to clear the throat and stop coughing. Order by phone or pick up in person from Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy, located in Santa Monica, CA. (310) 395-1131
Shop Flower Essences at Maryam Hasnaa’s shop
Resonance Apothecary: Plant Spirit Medicine Finely Tuned for Highly Sensitives