May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Subconscious Reprogramming for Higher Vibrational Living
Discover transformative implementations to clear the subconscious and access higher vibrational timelines.
A higher timeline and reality are calling; learn how to signal back to it properly and with more personal power, authority, effectiveness, and intention.
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: The Subconscious Mind
Part 3: Wounds
Part 4: New Timeline Signaling
Part 5: Subconscious Signaling on a New Timeline
Part 6: Introspective Questions
Part 7: Q&A
Part 8: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Did you know that we knowingly and unknowingly emit signals that shape how others perceive and interact with us, and that impact our opportunities and manifestations?
The great news is that with the right awareness and shift, our subconscious mind WILL WORK WONDERS for us instead of working against you. The SCM just needs the proper programming (operating system) in place to help us thrive in subconscious functionality.
Class Notes
The Subconscious Mind
Allow yourself to see the world through new eyes.
Become clear that all day you operate in the energy, frequency, and quantum realms.
And keep in mind that you exist in two worlds, energy and matter.
Come into balance and awareness of and with both.
When we do, our bodies can reach certain states of high vibrational living, including balance, harmony, healing, improved health, and positive manifestations.
Most of us begin any new path as a ‘researcher’. So spend time studying and in discovery mode, and in wonderment of what’s possible. Flow with an open mind.
“Obstacles are not in the way; obstacles are the path.” – Chinese Proverb
You can vibrate higher from wherever you find yourself.
Seek to heal from deep emotional wounds so that they don’t continue to inform your new and existing decisions, choices, and/or vibration by way of your subconscious mind and subconscious health.
What is your story and belief around money, relationships, health, self-worth, family, friends, reality, manifestation, and success?
Know your story and beliefs so you can rise above them.
Inner-child wounds can stay with us and govern our lives if we haven’t done the work to heal from them.
Reparenting is a powerful subconscious reprogramming tool to transmute inner-child wounds.
Toxic relationships history? You can heal here, too, and vibrate higher and higher.
Rejection is redirection.
Where has there been neglect in your life?
Where has there been a lack or scarcity in your life?
Know your story and beliefs around lack and scarcity so you can rise above them.
New timeline signaling
Give yourself permission to be new.
What you resist persists.
See challenges as good things, like opportunities
When you shift, your reality shifts.
Reframing words, thoughts, and beliefs reprograms the subconscious.
Most of what we are holding onto isn’t conscious, it’s subconscious; it’s patterns and programs.
The mind loves comfort and seeks what feels familiar.
The subconscious mind will manifest more of what’s familiar in our lives if we are not consistently signaling a new timeline. Signaling a new timeline is all about follow-through, consistency, and persistence through any resistance or lower patterns.
Triggers can cause us to regress. Mindfulness during triggers allows us to keep signaling a new timeline and build a new and better program.
Call your energy back to you. Mindfulness, grace, and surrender are important because they help us let go and not hold onto what is or was. In this state, you become less matter and more energy which will allows you to move through and beyond the dense energetics without getting stuck in them, or consumed by them. You’ll know you’re stuck in energetic density when you have heavy emotions and reactions to a thing. This creates an energy bond between you and the thing. When you begin to allow what is to be without getting emotionally charged, you are less matter and now more energy. You are vibrating higher. When you notice yourself getting caught up in the density, call your energy back to you. Come back home to yourself. The new you. The new, higher timeline you. This helps your neurology help you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.
When you’re calling your energy back to you, it will feel like you’re paying less and less attention to the trigger and spending less and less emotional energy desiring to react to it. Rather, you respond by calling your energy home by vibrating in equanimity. Pattern disrupted and broken!!
Your emotions inform and amplify your brain chemicals. And your brain chemicals inform your energy, which governs your vibration.
The amygdala is sent into survival and stress mode when we are not in our power and/or are triggered. When ‘we live our power’ or regain it by mindfully chilling out, the amygdala is put in check, and so are our brain chemicals, emotions, and thoughts. Our empowered higher mind kicks into high gear for us, bringing in higher solutions. In this state of equanimity, we access higher energy and vibrations, and we create new pathways for subconscious expansion.
Consistency with these practices is how we become sovereign and free. It’s how we practice, implement, and sustain the higher programming and new timeline.
Journey in grace with this and the timing it takes to master it in your own unique way and life.
Gratitude is how you take your power. And it’s how you call your energy back home. Whenever you feel disempowered by life challenges and circumstances, or consumed by dissatisfaction, practice gratitude. Gratitude is backed by scientific studies. Gratitude is a powerful emotion and embodiment practice that sends powerful signals to the subconscious mind motivating it to manifest more to be grateful for. It builds a new familiarity. Gratitude, an emotional state, paired with the emotion of excitement, keeps us in a positive magnetic state versus a negative and defeated magnetic state. Lower magnetic states are often caused by fear, worry, stress, anger, low self-worth, and subconscious blockages like limiting beliefs. Studies show that people who regularly practice gratitude tend to live more-overall happier, empowered lives through challenges and traumatic events. They overcome, bounce back, and reach inner balance quicker. This ability is important in the subconscious and quantum fields because it affects our energy field.
Holding the vibration and feeling that something good is about to happen is a highly effective tool in my life. This means energetically, I am preparing for it. And you know what, something good manifests!!
Positive beliefs and feelings lead to more and more positive manifestations and outcomes.
To check on your subconscious beliefs and programs, pay attention to how you respond and how you feel to stimuli, challenges, thoughts, experiences, opportunities, and perceived setbacks.
Be YOU. Don’t base your value on social media influence or algorithms. These two are known to heavily trigger low self-worth and feed and fuel lower programs.
Your life is more powerful now. Be inspired, while remaining empowered. This looks like not being envious of the blessings and positive updates from other people, but rather grateful for them and for the inspiration and vision of what’s possible for you.
Be inspired, but honor your own soul path.
Be open to how blessings may uniquely manifest and divinely align for you.
Where are you holding back or hiding due to subconscious programming?
Subconscious Signaling on a New Timeline
The following areas of your life are impacted by the state of your subconscious mind and will vibrate higher as you signal a new higher timeline, subconsciously and consciously:
Introspective Questions
Where does it hurt?
Where are you playing small and hiding?
Where are you not speaking your truth?
Where do you not believe?
Supportive Quotes
“There’s a pathway of higher potential that, when honored, transforms your reality and you.”
Supportive Reads & Tools
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz
Homecoming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child, by John Bradshaw