May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Taking Charge and Care of Your Magnetic Field
Learning to work with the force, vibration, and magnetic field within and around you is life-changing and will help you manifest, live your power, and vibrate higher daily. If you don't like the magnetic field you're in, it's time to shift it.
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: Grounding Practice
Part 3: The Field
Part 4: Bio-Feedback and Vibrational Awareness
Part 5: Competing or Compromising Magnetic Fields
Part 6: Vibrational Boundaries
Part 7: Our Relationships are Magnetic Field
Part 8: The Law of Transference
Part 9: Manifestation
Part 10: Personal and Social Environmental Awareness
Part 11: Transfiguration of Magnetic Fields
Part 12: Distress tolerance
Part 13: Solutions
Part 14: Q&A
Part 15: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Did you know that your vibration is a magnet and that it creates a magnetic field within and around you? Our magnetic field's vibration significantly rules the type of manifestations and opportunities we attract or don't attract into our lives.
Knowing how to properly work with vibration and positively interact with the quantum field will help you shift, increase, and expand your magnetic field so that it creates and calls in more of your best life, self, and experiences.
There is a Force around us and in us, and we can learn to use it for our greatest good. There is more than just the physical world that we see and interact with daily; there is an invisible world and forces we interact with daily. There is an electromagnetic field around you and all things.
Higher vibrational forces versus lower forces make a difference in our lives, livelihood, timeline experience, and manifestations.
Learning to work with the force, vibration, and magnetic field within and around you is life-changing and will help you manifest, live your power, and vibrate higher daily.
If you don't like the magnetic field you're in, it's time to shift it.
Class Notes
The Field
The type of manifestations we attract more of into our lives is commonly ruled by our energy and force field's vibration. Your vibration is a magnet. Knowing how to work with vibration and interact with the quantum field as a magnet will help you thrive and manifest transformation and success in all areas of your life.
Quantum Physics
Understanding the nature and behavior of matter and energy and the forces with which they interact on atomic and subatomic levels is life-changing, empowering, and life-enhancing.
The nature and behavior of matter and energy at these levels are often referred to as quantum physics and quantum mechanics.
This is the realm of physics that basically explains how everything works
Quantum physics defies the common notion of accepting things such as your life, circumstances, reality, or your potential simply as they currently are, and appear to be, as finite. Think of someone living by, and signaling, the belief pattern, "it is what it is", as their final outcome and lot in life. But give thanks, our reality and potential are not fixed. Shifting timelines is possible.
The quantum model of reality states that the present moment is where all possibilities exist.
When in Thought, Reflection, or Visual Meditation:
Entering the quantum field requires our presence to move beyond our known reality and associations to the various people, situations, objects, habits, things, and places in our lives.
These outer representations of our familiar environment and life and the emotions and impulses towards them that drive us must be overcome and transcended for us to break free from our current conditioned and programmed state and timeline. In other words, to be free, we must move beyond the things around us and our feelings towards them. We need to overcome our current state and the way we've been programmed to think, feel, believe, and react in order to manifest in the quantum field and realm.
Our current habitual state creates more of the familiar in our lives and a predictable future.
Our ability to expand and vibrate higher out of our familiar lives is the divine assignment to align us with new, higher timelines, potentials, miracles, and expansion.
Bio-Feedback and Vibrational Awareness:
The body's own internal magnetic fields are generated by the remarkable amount of internal electrical activity that keeps our bodies alive. These biomagnetic fields interact with all of the other magnetic fields on the planet and control our basic chemistry. This is vital to know, as the chemist of your life, and is a reference from my book, Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power
Through exposure to a thing vibrating at a particular frequency, you will begin to resonate with it. This is why vibrational awareness is crucial. When you come into contact with a high or low vibrational thing, you absorb some of its energy. Hence, you will resonate and shift to a higher or lower energy state depending on if you are in your power at the time or not, and holding a strong, clear, and healthy signal. This is why vibrational awareness matters.
Recognizing high vibrations and low ones through your own biofeedback and in the field around you is vital. This awareness in your personal energy state lets you know what's right for you and what isn't, what energetics are at play, and/or what needs to shift and how. This is the divine gift of discernment through vibrational awareness. (A VHD book reference)
In any situation, place, or environment, if the frequency is aligned and high, high vibrational energy vibrates within and around you. When the frequency is low, you can sense lower energy in and around you. Think vibrational compass and gauge. This is also vibrational awareness which informs you as to what needs to shift and how.
Competing or Compromising Magnetic Fields
Stay in vibrational awareness in and out of the field.
Remain in your power by practicing equanimity.
Remember your magnetic goals and higher intentions.
Notice any signs that you are being affected by low vibrational magnetic field energetics, such as irritation, agitation, mirroring of low vibrations, mood swings, annoyance, dumbing down your light, a shift into low worth, fatigue, fear, stress, or anxiety, and so on.
Equanimity is the superpower and embodiment practice that will carry you through and out for the win.
Vibrational Boundaries
Decompress daily and throughout the day as necessary to detach from what isn't yours and from what isn’t helping you vibrate higher and thrive.
Journey in self-love, mindfulness, awareness, and grace.
When you know better, do better to expand beyond where you are.
Magnetize higher vibrational experiences by signaling vibrational boundaries.
It's not personal; it's vibrational.
Our Relationships are Magnetic Field
Every relationship you have has an energy field attached to it. Stay mindful.
We were all born into a magnetic field that our parents created. Intentionally cultivating and managing our own unique magnetic field as we become more aware is our ongoing assignment. This applies as well to the collective magnetic fields of family, friends, culture, and communities. Cultivate and sustain your authentic and unique soul identity and vibrational frequency.
When you enter someone’s home or space, you are entering their energy field.
Journey in vibrational awareness to reach and sustain consistent, high vibrations and signals.
The Law of State Transference
This is the natural ability to transfer a strong emotional state from one person to another. The law of state transference indicates that emotions are contagious.
Vibrational states, mental states, energetic states, projections, and emotional states are all transferable.
– Lalah Delia
Focus on your own actions and how they affect the energy and field around you.
Take note of how other people are transferring their energetic state. Observe what's happening within and around you. Also, observe what's happening within versus around you. Don’t hold what’s not yours. Don’t allow it to hook or vibrate into you.
Everyone has observed an atmosphere where a change in vibration occurs when a certain person enters the room or space or when a room drastically shifts in frequency when a certain person leaves it.
This is a common occurrence and energetic nuance that we don't usually name, yet we feel; it’s a change and shift in the energy field and environment due to state transference. The person’s energy is either being transferred in or out of the environment.
Mindful Signaling:
This practice is essential to manifestation.
How you feel, what you believe, and how you choose and journey are signals, all communicating with the quantum field.
You have to feel deeply worthy of what you desire to manifest it.
Releasing out of your field anything that signals otherwise will heighten your personal magnetic state and power.
Doing more of what raises your vibrations is key to maintaining the proper vibratory frequency and resonance to manifest and sustain your desires. In Vibrate Higher Daily book, I refer to this as ‘holding the vibration’ or, we can say, ‘holding the vibratory frequency’.
Timeline Attunement and Jumping:
Re-imagine yourself and your life. See a higher timeline for yourself.
Grow beyond the confines of your current life.
Do the consistent, necessary work to live on a new timeline and hold the vibration.
What keeps this new timeline high vibrational and alive?
What compromises you and your timeline?
What vibration, practices, and habits need to be in place to sustain this new higher timeline: mind, body, spirit, space? Your biofeedback will let you know.
Transfiguration of Magnetic Fields:
You can become a totally new person. People transfigure through a spiritual conversion, a dark night of the soul, a call to action, a life-changing experience, a deep yearning, and a higher calling.
Your magnetic field does not have to remain stagnant or the same.
Your inner and outer environment can transfigure.
Where have you been called or inspired to change, shift, and evolve?
Distress tolerance
This is a person's ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress and being able to make it through an emotional incident without making it worse. Think equanimity.
What is your distress tolerance?
Does it need improvements?
How do I typically respond to distressing situations, and what patterns can I observe in my reactions?
What underlying beliefs or emotions contribute to my low distress tolerance?
Do I tend to react impulsively, avoid discomfort, or seek external validation?
Am I driven by a fear of failure or rejection?
Do I harbor self-doubt or a need for control?
How can I cultivate a mindset of acceptance and resilience in the face of distress?
What patterns will I shift?
Reflecting on our distress tolerance requires an honest examination of our auto-pilot and default responses when faced with challenging circumstances. By understanding our typical patterns, we can gain insight into areas where we may need to strengthen our distress tolerance.
Exploring the root causes of our distress tolerance can help us uncover deep-seated beliefs or unresolved emotions that may be holding us back from effectively managing distress and stress. By identifying these contributing factors, we can work towards reframing our perspective and addressing the core issues.
Tackling distress tolerance involves acknowledging that discomfort and challenges are an inevitable part of life. Instead of avoiding or resisting difficult emotions, we can learn to embrace them as an opportunity for growth and development. Reflecting on ways to cultivate acceptance, resilience, and self-compassion can help us build a solid foundation for navigating distress with grace and courage.
1. On a Personal Tip | Here's What You Can Do:
Embodiment practice
Signaling mindfully
Practice equanimity
Subconscious belief reprogramming through mindfulness practices such as hypnotherapy, visual meditation, and attuning to a new higher timeline.
Practice conscious pattern-shifting
2. Self-Correcting:
Judgment-free zone for self-correcting and working on your shortcomings and deficiencies.
Call yourself out, but love yourself through it.
3. Reality Check for Higher Awareness and Expansion:
Choose not to fight against reality with denial or defensiveness; instead, be aware.
Use your energy to transmute, transform, transcend, or heal, from your current reality, not fight or deny. Expand instead.
Spend time in review. What's the reality check here? (Ex: That pattern or energy is not good for me, my signaling or embodiment practices have been off, my self-worth has been low and needs to increase.)
What is the proper work to be done?
How can and will you move through it vibrationally and with skill?
By practicing equanimity and radical acceptance without being judgmental or trying to fight or reject reality, you will be less vulnerable to intense and prolonged negative feelings or defeat. You will rise.
4. Endorphin Activities:
Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins are happy hormones that promote positive feelings like pleasure, happiness, and love.
If your body isn't producing enough endorphins, you could feel higher levels of low vibrations, such as depression, defeat, stress, moodiness, sickness, despondency, and weakened digestion.
Secretion of endorphins leads to feelings of euphoria, decreased feelings of pain, and enhancement of the immune response. You can try various activities to increase your body's endorphin levels. Studies of acupuncture and massage therapy have shown that both of these techniques can stimulate endorphin secretion.
The practice of meditation is widely shown to also increase the amount of endorphins released in your body. With high endorphin levels, we not only feel less pain, but fewer negative effects of stress. We can experience better digestion as well. It’s all connected.
5. Care during Emotional-Suffering, Lost, and Struggle:
Caring for your emotional well-being is critically important. Take good care of You as the vessel.
The emotions that arise can be difficult to navigate, but you can navigate them in time and with support. Reach out for support if necessary.
Each person's experiences are unique and different. The unifying element is vibration. We all experience vibration, and we are all vibration.
See challenge and dark nights not as hopeless, but as the place where we can awaken.
6. Equanimity Practice
Equanimity allows us to be stable in the midst of whatever is.
7. Suffering does not always mean you're not on the wrong path.
8. Practice respectful authenticity:
Be who you are. Have the courage to be you.
Let yourself experience the vulnerability of authenticity.
Don't take others' nonacceptance or condemnations of you personally. Remind yourself that if you act with love and integrity, that you’ve done your part, and that other people’s reactions are not about you—but about them.
When you make mistakes, forgive yourself for being perfectly imperfect. Journey in sweet grace.
9. Do the small and big things that ritualize your joy:
A meal
A walk around the block or in nature, the smile and laugh of a friend
A spa-style bath or shower
Watch the sunrise or sunset
Be in nature
Enjoy music and the arts
Sing. Be creative.
Hang out, freely doing ‘nothing’
Balance your doing and being
Read a good book
Take a nap
Watch a movie
Slow down
What brings you joy? Discover your joy, which can shift from season to season, experience to experience, and timeline to timeline.
10. Practice optimism and positivity:
See the opportunities in difficult situations.
Find the lesson, blessing, or insight in situations.
Having reverence for what you find in-the-moment will lead to a more positive attitude, which will lead to positive thoughts, which will result in positive actions, which will lead to positive outcomes and expansion.
11. Practice gratitude:
For life, for love, and for abundance
Notice what’s good and helpful in your life.
Focus more of your energy on the good and helpful things, not the distressing or unhelpful ones.
Practice daily gratitude as a mindfulness and embodiment practice
12. Practice love and kindness:
Start each day with an intention to spread love. As you go through your day, practice compassion, self-compassion, empathy, generosity, contentedness, helpfulness, hopefulness, appreciation, humility, patience, forgiveness, and yielding.
Cultivate an unconditional friendliness towards yourself and others.
Wish yourself and others peace, happiness, and joy.
Love life.
As you radiate love, life will resonate with your vibration and reflect love back to you.
Realize the joy of making a difference in other people’s lives and experience divine support coming back to you.
Embody high vibrational character traits. (See VHD embodiment series)
13. Live a meaningful life:
Take at least one action a day towards your expansion, higher goals, and visions.
When you live for your higher purpose, you cultivate a deep sense of meaning.
14. Shift modes:
This is a chance to shift into a different mode.
For instance, listen to healing music, do a restorative practice, or exercise, and you're no longer where you were, you've transcended it.
Thanks to endorphins and a new timeline state.
15. High vibrational home:
Make your home a temple, sanctuary, and decompression chamber.
You deserve it, and so does your magnetic field.
16. Create compound practices:
Think 'stacking and layering'.
Compound various practices to reach a level of energetic frequency and sustainability (and restoral).
For example, enjoy affirmations, baths and massage, spiritual work, journaling, and movement, sacred sound, prayer, and dance, or healthier nutrition, acupuncture, and ritualizing your joy.
Remember that you have the tools:
If we don't think we have the tools, we can be tempted to fold when life's experiences or challenges confront us and come our way.
When we realize we have tools and skills and use them, we journey differently, and more successfully, and we live our power.
Utilizing the skills you've learned will help you cope with stress and distress without avoiding it or making it worse in any way.
Practice equanimity consistently and create a healthy energy field for yourself.
Start where you can
This is an abundance of information and insights to have reference points for and access to
Embracing the journey in grace allows you to navigate through the abundance of information, finding gems of wisdom that resonate with you as you journey and advance forward.
Take your time, be discerning on your path, and trust that the right knowledge, tools, and insights will find their divine way to you as you embark on this beautiful journey of expansion.
As my dear great Uncle Willie has said to me so endearingly throughout the years before hanging up the phone, “You know the way home”.
(More on Uncle Willie in the Vibrate Higher Daily book)
Journey in grace
We’re here when you need us. ~You know the way home ~
New Higher Timeline Visualization Prompts
What do you look like on this new timeline?
What new traits and characteristics come with this new reality?
How are you different from the previous timeline?
How does your energy field feel?
How do you respond to life?
How do you carry yourself?
How do you dress and adorn yourself?
How do you speak about life, your desires, your goals, and yourself?
Introspective Questions
Personal, Social, and Environmental Awareness: Mindful Energetics
What type of vibration and energies are in your magnetic field?
What is causing static and imbalance?
What is causing harmony and balance?
What are you signaling through your daily vibration?
What signals are you picking up on from others close to you?
Are the signals you observe serving your higher good?
How can you best enhance your energetic environment?
Do you have a sacred space at home?
Do you journey in integrity?
What is the vibration of your home?
What can improve the vibrational field you’re in?
Supportive Reads
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power by Lalah Delia
The Power Of The Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphey
Outwitting The Devil, by Napoleon Hill
The Four Agreements, By Don Miguel, Ruiz
You Are the Placebo:Making Your Mind Matter, Dr. Joe Dispenza
Signaling a New Timeline Meditation by Lalah, coming Oct 2023