Emotional Tools for Restoring Your Strength

Fig 1. A path to higher potential. | Daren Thomas Magee

Fig 1. A path to higher potential. | Daren Thomas Magee


Live Your Power

Emotional Tools for Restoring Your Strength

How are your heart, mind, emotions, and moods as of lately?

We've been living in a state of the unknown for what seems like countless days now. Our lives have changed on personal levels and on common and collective ones.

Life, on an overall level, continues to look different than what we were used to, and we've been forced to adapt and ride this universal experience out: prepared, skilled, ready or not. BAM!! Welcome to the spiritual storm and terrains.

Through the mindset of exploration and hope, the world has always carried onward.

Words to ground into:

I think exploration of the unknown, whether it’s the unknown of the universe around us, or just the unknown that’s within each of us, we can work that into the reality of life, and be joyful as a result, of the hope of exploring the unknown.
— Chris Hadfield

If you’re experiencing any of the following questions, now, or later, this blog is for you:

  1. Is your nervous system feeling overstimulated? Is moodiness creeping in?

  2. Are fears or old triggers testing your mental strength and inner sense of freedom?

  3. Is comfort eating at an undesired all-time high for you?

  4. Are you feeling a sense of ungrounded-ness and unstableness?

  5. Can't seem to find peace amid the storm of uncertainty?

The good news is that feeling any way you have been feeling is okay. We all process life events differently. My intention is to offer you a path out of any emotion that feels: constricting, dominating, intrusive, undesired, and like it doesn't help you thrive and vibrate higher through this time, or any other.

When the turbulent winds, storms, and waves of life and change come, we can still move through our day, and lives, with a sense a purpose. We still matter to The Divine, to this planet, to one another, and we still have a unique higher calling within us. May nothing be able to separate you from yourself, your uniqueness, or your higher calling!!

So be it.

Fig 2. We nourish you and lift you up. | Daren Thomas Magee

Fig 2. We nourish you and lift you up. | Daren Thomas Magee


Emotional Tools


We all have access to a higher power and wisdom than ourselves, The Divine realm 

Our inner voice is a powerful way. Take time to listen and hear what it has to teach you. The quieter and stiller you become, the better you can hear, sense, and vibrate into it.

02 .

Answers, or relief, may not always come in the form we expect them to arrive in

Be open to what may be used to communicate and speak to you, and to bring sweet relief.

This looks like keeping an open heart and mind, letting go of strict guidelines, timeframes, and expectations, and expanding your subconscious beliefs, worth, and thoughts, into new and higher possibility and potential.


This busy world around us has long been set up to distract us, even in our healing

Take time away, to clear the distractions, and to heal in peace. Become cognizant of what is essential and what isn’t. Healing and renewing of the mind is a critical time to declutter the energy and vibrations coming through to you by limiting their access to you.


Connecting to a Higher power and source will sustain you

Anchor into your 'rock’. Seek refuge in your faith and spiritual cover, community, practice, and tools. 


Allow yourself to be creative

High vibrational creativity, as in creativity with good and pure intentions, is a healing practice and spiritual means of co-creation with The Divine. Creative-expression is soul medicine. Journey in courage with your gifts. 

Fig 3. Vibrational harmony. | Daren Thomas Magee

Fig 3. Vibrational harmony. | Daren Thomas Magee


Serve others

Helping other people releases dopamine and endorphins our feel-good chemicals/neurotransmitters. Serving with a joyful heart, and not a spiteful or bitter one, is a spiritual principle of many sacred teachings.

Be mindful of your energy when serving, helping, and supporting. Show up with your whole heart and mean it. Bring warmth. 


Gratitude is how you take your power back

It's been scientifically researched and shown that the mind can't be angry, sad, and grateful at the same time. We chose which vibration we give our power to. Be mindful of this inner-authority.

Gratitude is also proven to increase inner peace and joy. Shift into this mindset, space, and focus to return home to yourself and to your higher potential. Practicing gratitude for even the smallest things relieves and shifts the mind higher.


Journey in grace

Life isn't about perfection. Some days we reach our higher potential, and on other days, we miss the mark. Grace reminds us that either way, we are enough, we are still full of higher purpose and divine beauty.

These words of Nelson Mandela come to mind, "I never lose. I either win, or I learn." That's also what grace looks like. Journey in grace–in all areas of your life!! 


Slow Down

Sometimes, our nervous systems are merely tired and over-processed. At times the frantic pace of the world can keep you from enjoying peace. When this is the case, it's time to slow down, tune everyone you can out, and go within. 

Slowing your life, schedule, and day, down to a pace that your soul requires for balance, is medicinal. Slowness also allows us to become more present in the now. Tune out the distractions. Declutter your schedule. Unplug and slow live. Cook and eat a meal in slowness. Create in slowness.

Be with your loved ones in slowness. This is mindfulness in action. Fastness, busyness, and overworking ourselves, to keep up, is not helping us thrive. Enjoy your own healing and thriving pace.



Dopamine is an important brain chemical that influences your mood and feelings. Dopamine helps to relieve depression, brain fog, memory loss, and lack of focus, enthusiasm, or motivation in life.

Proper sleep and rest, music, balanced and healthy nutrition, meditation, sunlight, adequate iron levels, multi-vitamins, B6 or B-Complex, probiotics, exercise, warmth, hot Epsom salt baths, and movement, along with mindfulness tools such as kindness and compassion, all help with increasing your body’s natural production of dopamine and helping your brain and emotions function at their best and higher vibration.

Find your soul's medicine

Fig 4. Coming back home. | Pinterest

Fig 4. Coming back home. | Pinterest


Explore into what brings you to balance, peace, and joy. It can be a simple cup of tea that does it, serving someone, creativity, spiritual practice, resting, vibing out to music, taking herbs and adaptogens, dancing and moving with your body, or meditating. There are many effective ways.

Emotion Supporting Products I love: 

Fennel Tea

Rescue Remedy by Bach's Flower Remedy 

Good Mood by Herb Pharm

Sun Potion’s Ashwagandha

Charlottes Webb's CBD 

Moon Juice's Spirit Dust

The flower essence Clematis, is powerful for feeling a more profound sense of being grounded, safe, and secure within our own bodies, minds, and lives. This flower-remedy is helpful for anyone feeling ungrounded, unstable, afraid, and not secure during this uncertain time. 

All of these are useful in quickly calming the nervous system and restoring inner-harmony and balance.

If you're finding it hard to carry the weight of your emotions on your own, seek the support of a trusted loved one, spiritual community, support-hotline, or a qualified practitioner. You don't have to navigate this time or any other, alone.

The Blessed Man, who brought this blog much warmth and music medicine.


Bill Withers,

we will miss you.

Bill Withers is back again from last week’s post, performing his anthemic jam Lean On Me. This song will forever nurture us and carry us through. May it bless your soul, as it always does mine.

We are sending you light for your journey.

We are sending you our peace and our love.

Journey in grace and equanimity.

We trust that The Divine will always lead you;

Safely onto higher-vibrational ground.


Finding Community

OverProject 241.png

Facebook Group

The intention of this FB Group is to hold space and build community around vibrational-based living. Together we can Vibrate Higher Daily, journey in grace, support one another, and live our power.

My new book Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power is now on-sale. Purchase your copy here, or wherever books are sold.

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com


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Self-less Concern in a Modern Age

Fig 1. Journey In Power, together. | Pinterest

Fig 1. Journey In Power, together. | Pinterest


Self-less Concern in a Modern Age

I shared in my recent live stream gathering that we are currently journeying through each of the metaphorical terrains and weather that I wrote about in my new book. The ocean, desert, fog, mountain, or storm, day-to-day, we are journeying through one or the other, or all simultaneously.

Life, for many, has become disrupted emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.

Be mindful that in any storm, crisis, or disruption, there are those affected on minute levels, and those hardest affected. Mind and soul, this happens with life events and experiences, like what's happening around us now. 

Words to ground into:

Serve with your whole heart. As if you were serving The Divine.
— Lalah Delia, Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, pg. 175

There's a spiritual-opportunity here for us to allow someone else to lean on us. 

Do you know someone who's struggling through this pandemic right now, in any aspect of their life? Maybe it's a family member, a single-parent, a family, an entrepreneur, an elder, a friend, a student, or some other soul, you know.

Identify a need someone has and make it a point to help support that need, or to meet it. Reach out to be of help. As a spiritual being, The Divine seeks to use us as a conduit and instrument to become an answer to someone's prayer. 

Across spiritual communities and cultural lines, helping others is a proven warm path to restoring our own sense of mental health and well being. Through helping others, we, ourselves, find solace, peace, balance, and higher purpose. 

As empathic, or highly sensitive beings, we can be over-programmed by fear energy, to think that helping others is always to our own demise. This is not the case when you know, or learn, how to remain in your equanimity. 

Set healthy boundaries for what this looks like for you. Keep your heart and intentions pure. Use discernment and good judgment always. 

And as you journey forward, with living your power, keep your heart open to altruism, the selfless concern for the well-being of others. 

We can do both, and in fact, we were wondrously created to.


Bill Withers performing his anthemic jam Lean On Me. May it bless your soul, as it always does mine.

We are sending you light for your journey.

We are sending you our peace and our love.

Journey in grace and equanimity.

We trust that The Divine will always lead you;

Safely onto higher-vibrational ground.


Finding Community

OverProject 241.png

Facebook Group

The intention of this FB Group is to hold space and build community around vibrational-based living. Together we can Vibrate Higher Daily, journey in grace, support one another, and live our power.

My new book Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power is now on-sale. Purchase your copy here, or wherever books are sold.

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com


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Liminal Space And The Unknown

Fig 1. Journeying in grace | Tumblr

Fig 1. Journeying in grace | Tumblr


Vibrate Higher Daily

Liminal Space and The Unknown

We are journeying through a liminal space right now.

The liminal space is the middle journey and ‘Desert Terrain' I mention in my new book. It's a sacred place of transition, of unknownness, of temporariness, of in-between, of the chrysalis, and of coming closer, but not there just yet. It's where our transformation takes place.

It's our entry point to new beginnings. How divine?!! If we're not patient or mindful though, that this is a sacred place, we can judge it as a negative thing, and we rush and force ourselves out of the very process that has shown up to initiate our empowerment, up-leveling, higher potential, healing, and a new reality. Even when the liminal or desert process looks non-linear, loopy, or like a heart monitor, there is a way to master it.

Practicing self-love, self-compassion, self-care, spirit-care, accessing support, reflecting and learning from challenges and setbacks, thinking positively, and taking action to Vibrate Higher Daily and move onward where necessary, are all effective ways.

Allow your current process; your middle journey; your desert; your liminal space to take all the time it needs while you 'Live Your Power'. 

In the book, chapter 2 helps you gain a deeper understanding of the current transition and life terrain you may be in, so that you're able to navigate through it or them, in your power. Learn how to rest into the process and allow what it has come to do–for you.

Words to ground into:

Even on the days when it doesn’t feel like it or look like it, you are still growing.
— Lalah Delia, Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power

We are sending you light for your journey.

We are sending you our peace and our love.

Journey in grace and equanimity.

We trust that The Divine will always lead you;

Safely onto higher-vibrational ground.


Finding Community

OverProject 241.png

Facebook Group

The intention of this FB Group is to hold space and build community around vibrational-based living. Together we can Vibrate Higher Daily, journey in grace, support one another, and live our power.

My new book Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power is now on-sale. Purchase your copy here, or wherever books are sold.

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com


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Transmuting Fear Into Awareness

Fig 1.Transmutation | Tumblr

Fig 1.Transmutation | Tumblr


Live Your Power:

Through Awareness

As intuitive/empathic beings, some of us may have picked up on a significant shift coming, and here it is. And like many shifts and hard times that we’ve faced throughout our history, we come out better, stronger, and never the same.

Those who have gone through change and transformation in their lives or have done the work of deep inner-healing, know that it's not always easy, comfortable, or glamorous. As on a personal level, the vibration we carry through the changes we are experiencing, as a collective, is what will help us take control of how we show up for ourselves and others around us.

On an energetic and spiritual level, this time is a major reset and shift in the collective. To a large extent, even when it doesn't seem so, we’re being forced to be still at this moment, to allow things that are for our higher good to shift into place. A shift in awareness will enable us to transmute our fears so we can see beyond these tough times and know that we have the potential to make it out of this better than ever.

Words to ground into:

As the alchemy is happening around you, just continue being a beacon and hold space for growth and transformation. Observe. Recognize. Stay in a state of higher inner-power.
— Lalah Delia, Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power

How can we move through this in our power? 

spiritual practice

With everything that’s happening around us and in the world, it can be easy to shift into a fear-based reality. All of the projections, the growing scarcity, and the unknowingness of what will happen next can make it extremely easy to jump right into 'fight or flight' or survival mode. The whole planet is collectively stepping into the realm of the unknown. So please remember that you are not alone in this, on the days when it may feel like it.

Because we live in a world that's all about being in the know, uncertain times can be quite the adjustment, especially in the age of the internet, where we have instant access to information at our fingertips. Understandably, this is more than likely a triggering and sensitive time for many people, so if you find yourself in this space journey in grace.

During times like these where we may feel like we have no power or control, we can take our power back by vibrating higher and tapping into our higher potential. This potential energy guides us and assures that everything will work out for our higher good always. Vibrating higher allows us to take control of our own narratives and will enable us to oversee our own perspectives and even outcomes. But sometimes, the process of taking our power back requires us to first be still.

peace through the stillness

This time of social distancing and self-isolation is a great time to go deeper to build solid foundations within. A solid foundation under a house will protect it from collapsing when faced by a storm, an earthquake, or any other natural disaster. As vibrational beings, we work the same way. We require solid foundation too.

A solid foundation deep within will help us face obstacles with less fear and more awareness. This will help us take our power back at any moment and see the bigger picture above all. This space of self-isolation is also what we call in new book the 'Desert.' The Desert takes us out of comfort zones and into a new space that births an awakening of powerful sorts.

We are all being called into the Desert right now. How powerful!!


On a spiritual tip

There are always precautions in the physical and spiritual realm to be taken in not only times like these, but everyday life!! There are higher spiritual beings not only here to protect us but to guide us through these times, they're just a prayer away. These beings are better known as The Divine, our guardian angels, and spirit guides. The Divine wants us to stand strong and hold a spiritual stance that will not only protect us in the physical but the spiritual, most importantly; this is what high vibrational faith and belief are.

If you feel yourself becoming fearful and filled with emotions that don't make you feel joyful, stable, or secure, understand that we have all the tools within and around us to shift/transmute these vibrations into awareness. Even if that simply means asking for help from loved ones, a trusted source, or from The Divine realm.

You have sacred power deep within you, and around you, that's always ready to support and guide you. Fear not.

practices for protection,support and comfort:


  • Keep your home cleansed energetically and physically. 

  • Manage the vibrations that are coming into your home and psyche through media, conversation, and energy.

  • Take breaks from the news, social media, and all that causes you to feel low in vibrations. 

The Divine Realm & Archangels

Pray to The Divine and the angels for protection and assistance, they're always ready to help us:

  • Pray to Archangel Michael or your guardian angel for protection and freedom from doubt and fear.

  • Pray to Archangel Chamuel to help ease any anxieties and bring inner peace. Also, you can ask this Archangel to help you overcome any obstacles and challenges you're facing.

  • Pray to Archangel Raphael to protect your health mentally, physically, and spiritually. Ask that Archangel Raphael guides you to make the right choices to help you boost your immune system.

  • Pray to your guardian angels, spirit guides, and/or the higher power of your faith. Ask that they help guide you through any time so that it will benefit you in all ways high vibrationally.  

It’s important to be very specific on who you’re praying to and what you’re praying for! Always call on beings and energies that are in alignment with The Divine and your highest good.


  • Although we can't be around each other physically, we can still connect with each other by building community virtually or by phone during this time of quarantine. Old school style!!

  • Find ways to bring yourself back to the present moment through meditation or through your favorite stillness, mindfulness, and spiritual practices.

  • Eat food that nourishes your mind, body, and spirit, and that also boosts your immune system.

  • Read Nervous System Lean In to support your nervous system in these times. Learn how this helps boost your immune system.

  • Explore the blog for helpful tools and further reading to support you and help you vibrate higher daily!

in closing

Wherever you are, or find yourself quarantining, during this time know that you’re not alone. We’re all in this together. I pray that you’re able to journey in grace, your power, and awareness. May we all come out of this evolved and stronger than ever.

We will get through this, together!

We are sending you light for your journey.

We are sending you our peace and our love.

Journey in grace and equanimity.

We trust that The Divine will always lead you;

Safely onto higher-vibrational ground.


Finding Community

OverProject 241.png

Facebook Group

The intention of this FB Group is to hold space and build community around vibrational-based living. Together we can Vibrate Higher Daily, journey in grace, support one another, and live our power.

My new book Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power is now on-sale. Purchase your copy here, or wherever books are sold.

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com


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Being Intentional in Intense Times

Fig 1. Intention | Tumblr

Fig 1. Intention | Tumblr


Live Your Power:

Be Intentional In Intense Times

With worldwide disinfecting going on to make cities safer, I find myself visualizing a world, that's also being disinfected: vibrationally and energetically.

Life is supposed to empower us and fortify us into higher, proper, and necessary action. So much going on in various directions, and we're feeling it deep. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically, vibrationally, and for some, financially, there are side effects to living in this modern world right now. As there always has been. 

Many of us are looking for our place, balance, purpose, way, peace, and power in it all. Whatever the real deal behind COVID–19 is, we are being called into alertness, as a result. Another [inner and outer] awakening is no doubt happening; it always does in times such as these. We see high vibrations and low vibrations at a tug of war, within or without, near and far. We're being called to rise into our higher potential on all levels, all the more.

Words to ground into:

Keep your higher intentions in front of you, as they will light the way.
— Lalah Delia

Remain Alert, Balanced, and Clean 

As a spiritual practice

Keep a mindful and careful eye on what's happening around you while in public spaces. Stay security-minded. Remain alert. As best you can, keep a barrier of protection between yourself and public surfaces, machines, and devices. Wash your hands for 20 seconds on each side and surface to help keep the spread of germs under check, and to also be a kind and considerate human being.

Mindfulness, Compassion, and Equanimity

You may come across people who are in fear, anxious, and whose lives have been inconveniently affected and disoriented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Even if your life has not had any drastic or direct effects, remain compassionate and mindful that, unfortunately, that is not the case or reality for everyone on the planet.

Keep in mind that: stressed people–stress people, and hurt people–hurt people. Don’t take it personally.

When you're observantly mindful, you have more power to respond versus reacting off impulse and off-guardedness. Observe with equanimity and respond with it. Distinguish what's yours and what's someone else's vibration, stuff, stress, reality, and projections. From here, you can respond from compassion and equanimity, if a response is even necessary at all.

You Are Never Alone

You have sacred power deep within you, and around you, that's always ready to support and guide you. Fear not.


Spiritually speaking, all things end up working for our good. But it's a whole other thing to feel like you're thriving– through periods of growth, shifts, transformation, and uncertainty – with purpose. Stay connected to what renews, strengthens, and charges your spirit. Daily spiritual practice is a must for me. It's my day to day foundation. Everything else is built upon it. My mind, body, and day feel vibrationally off until I lean in and turn towards my practice and Higher Power. Contemplate on what keeps your spirit anchored. Knowing this is essential during the good times, as well as during the uncertain weather of life.

Honor The Process

Wherever you find yourselves on this current journey, there's a process of being there and moving through it with higher vibrations, success, and with more purpose, joy, peace, and wisdom. As we stay aware that growth, shifts, and transformation are processes that meet us throughout our lives, we're more capable of overcoming them and vibrating higher as a result.

It becomes a vibrational art. That–you–can–master!!

Yes, yes, yes!! Most of the stagnation, settling, mistakes, bitterness, discontent, and unhappiness, we experience in life, is due to not honoring the process. Honoring the process is necessary for your elevation, advancement, breakthrough, and progress forward.

Keep your higher intentions in front of you, as they will light the way. Be encouraged and be blessed!!

We are sending you light for your journey.

We are sending you our peace and our love.

Journey in grace and equanimity.

We trust that The Divine will always lead you;

Safely onto higher-vibrational ground.


Finding Community

OverProject 241.png

Facebook Group

The intention of this FB Group is to hold space and build community around vibrational-based living. Together we can Vibrate Higher Daily, journey in grace, support one another, and live our power.

My new book Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power is now on-sale. Purchase your copy here, or wherever books are sold.

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com

Lalah Delia | author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com


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