Fig 1. Vibrate higher | Bridget Riley (b. 1931)
Living In Your Power
also Means:
Keeping Your Equanimity
In Buddhist practice, equanimity basically means not giving your power away in chaos, hostility, or challenging moments. It means instead of reacting to triggers, you remain stable and respond with balance, wisdom, self-control, compassion, and inner peace.
Equanimity is not allowing what others are doing to get into you. It’s keeping their ‘stuff’ theirs and remaining in your power and higher vibration. It’s a state of composure, inner peace, self-control, and mature warmth. It’s beautiful.
Practicing equanimity is not to be confused with being cold, aloof, apathetic, or numb; equanimity means feeling and responding from your power. Discernment allows you to recognize if a response from you is necessary at all.
No matter how mindful we are or how high we’re vibrating, there are times when none of us are immune to the rigors and challenges of life. As you closely nurture how you respond versus react to life, gain tools for keeping your equanimity, and live in your power, you serve yourself and your experiences better.
Keeping your equanimity will see you through; it’s a pathway to greater peace, joy, calm, goodwill, integrity, balance, self-control, and higher potential. A composed and relaxed mind is a powerful mind.
In my new book, I share how I used to be so hyper-sensitive to energies and vibes to the point of becoming empathically sick, easily disturbed, offended, and thrown off balance. I used to take things SUPER personally. That path was a loop that I was finally able to exit (whew!!) by spending time in spiritual practice, by consuming healing foods and plant medicine, and by no longer consuming foods that were overstimulating my stress response and nervous system, such as caffeine, chemically processed foods, junk foods, and white sugar, and through mentorship, and by reading the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Chapter 3 is literally titled “Don’t Take It Personally.” Nuff said.
I give endless thanks that I was able to heal the way I interact with energy and vibration in order to vibrate higher daily and live my power.
Lord knows!!
Equanimity Is How You Take Your Power Back.
Fig 1.Study'66 R+Angle Curve No 1 | Bridget Riley (b. 1931)
George Washington Carver once said, “Live at home.” Home is where our power resides.
So, being mindful to come home to ourselves and live from there is an essential system to always have in place.
When well developed, we’re able to keep our equanimity in different settings; this allows us to remain in our power. Be mindful when you’re entering any joint environment. Take a few moments before to prepare yourself and to root in your power.
However, you show up in each moment, serve, do, create, show up, help, and show compassion, but maintain your equanimity. This is empowerment in action. This is vibrating higher daily and living your power!!
~Grace and love! ~
SOULful Words to Ground InTO
“How you treat people is your vibration. How people treat you is theirs.”
Instant access to teachings, tools, and support to heal, expand, and vibrate higher.
Our unique offerings, curated by certified spiritual practitioner, spiritual writer, and higher embodiment guide Lalah Delia, provide you with the tools and guidance you need to transcend blockages, navigate life's energetics, embrace your power, expand your life, and become your highest embodied self.
Meet my book Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power. Order your copy here, or wherever books are sold.
Lalah Delia | Author, certified spiritual practitioner, spiritual writer, higher embodiment guide, and founder of