Sub 31: Mindfulness: Being In The Present Moment
Subject 27: 3 Things I'm Learning This Season
“This season is a sacred part of the process.”
Three Things I’m Learning This Season
Journey with me!! Come along, as I spend nourishing time in nature's sanctuary and reflect on Three Things I'm Learning in This Season. I've been paying deep attention to my life and honoring the process. It's a beautiful thing when we reach a place of sacred flow, as in not forcing our life, but instead flowing and being in sacred tune with our lives, with sacred divine timing, and with the bigger divine process happening for us and through us.
In this video vlog, I'll be sharing what I'm learning and leaning all the more into this season.
Butterfly vibrations. The butterflies love me! And they love you!
What are Three Things you’re learning This season?
What Are You Learning:
You're divinely guided on your journey. Your Higher Power knows the best way. Honoring the process and guidance is how you take your power back and/or stay in your place of power.
What is the SACRED WORK To Do?
Stay Ready. Fortify. Do more of what sharpens you, nourishes you, and gives you power: mind, body, spirit, soul, vibrational. This helps you to show up ready and in your power and higher capacity and to remain composed, graceful, and poised.
What can you do more of this season? What can you do less of?
Are you listening to your body and to your life?
Go within. Listen. What is it communicating to you?
What’s the divine assignment this season?
Observe your life and take notes. Do more of what makes it, and you vibrate higher daily.
Are there things, or people, that are no longer serving you in this season?
What is your soul’s medicine this season?
Are you honoring this season and its process?
How can you honor it more?
“Be mindful and open to what your soul’s medicine is and isn’t this season.”