Sacred Authenticity Over Fear, Low-Self-Worth, and Stagnation
Ritualize Your Joy Pt. 2
Ritualize Your Joy Pt. 1
Signaling Your Power
Vibrational Awareness + Power: In Times of Change | Zoom Replay
Staying in Your Emotional Growth
Transfiguration | Zoom Replay
On Emotional Growth
SUB 33: Journey In Grace And Power *Updated*
Sub 31: Mindfulness: Being In The Present Moment
Subject 28: Self-Dates: Taking Time for Yourself
Self-Dates: Taking Time for Yourself
A visual meditation and Virtual outing for You
Journey with me as I go out on a self-date :) I do this as a lovely practice often. In this vlog, which doubles as a visual meditation and virtual outing, I spend nourishing alone and explorative time at The Getty Museum in sunny Los Angeles.
Taking time for ourselves is essential; it’s how we continually learn and evolve ourselves. Taking time for ourselves is a great way to cultivate our inner lives, inner peace, and greater self-awareness/worth. It’s how we take our power back. Solitude is sacred.
Love you so much, VHD Community!! Relax, rest, and enjoy!!
“Sometimes, you have to go be alone to come back and be better. Solitude is sacred.”
Additional Thoughts
There are many reasons and times when being alone with yourself is cathartic, essential, necessary, and cleansing. Here are some examples:
To process emotions, you're experiencing
To process a process, you’re going through
To discharge heavy energy/s
To release emotional stress
To release what isn't yours vibrationally
To clear your mind
To get back in your own energy
To seek and gain clarity
To listen to your inner voice
To connect to your higher power
To learn and explore something new
To treat yourself
Refresh and reset your spirit, soul, mind, and vibrational field
Where are at least three places you can take yourself out on a self-date this season?
Things To Do Solo:
1. Volunteer time: go alone and spend a day away from your life and impact someone else's. What causes are you passionate about? Where/how can you spread your gifts and share your energy?
Volunteering is also a great way to learn new skills. A new craft in particular for me (although I wasn't alone) was learning to build a picket fence while volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. A whole picket fence ya'll! What stood out to me was the process of building a fence felt like a meditation. It was the most relaxing, deep physical labor ever!! Who knew!?
2. Mother Nature: Let Mother Nature be your guide and companion. Nature is one of the most powerful, potent, and effective conduits available to us. Time spent in nature is soul and energy medicine, it's cleansing, and most of the time, it's free, unless you're at a National Park or State Beach, where there's a small fee to support and enter. (Support your local state and national parks!!) These fees are contributions. They help with the upkeep of preserving these local and national natural spaces and treasures.
Go out and explore nature. Happy adventures!! Don't litter.
3. Go to a sacred site or space: Spending time in sacred spaces alone is so freeing. Without the presence of someone else, you can allow your spirit and heart to open up in profound ways that only solitude can bring forth. The good news is that The Most High and your divine guides are always with you.
Some of the other ways are:
Going to a garden
A favorite restaurant
A museum
A concert
A spa or nurturing treatment
Go check out a movie
Going hiking
Taking up a new class/ skill
Hitting the road. Take a road trip
Other forms of travel and exploration
Use discernment and wisdom wherever you go. Stay mindful of your surroundings, plan ahead, leave a note with someone, and go have fun!
What are your intentions for taking time for yourself?
Go within. Listen. Where is your life and soul guiding you?
Can you feel and sense, with clarity, where you’re being called to expand and vibrate higher through solitude?
Are there healthy boundaries in place to support your ‘me-time’? If not, how will you set them and honor them?
What is your soul’s medicine this season? What’s nourishing you? What’s currently feeding your soul? Do more of that!! Alone!!
Where in your life are you feeling led to be alone more often?
How will you honor the process?
What are at least three places you can take yourself out on a self-date this season?
Related Quotes
“Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.”
― Toni Morrison, Beloved
“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”
― Louise Hay
“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”
― Unknown
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
― Rumi
“Find your soul’s medicine.”
Subject 27: 3 Things I'm Learning This Season
“This season is a sacred part of the process.”
Three Things I’m Learning This Season
Journey with me!! Come along, as I spend nourishing time in nature's sanctuary and reflect on Three Things I'm Learning in This Season. I've been paying deep attention to my life and honoring the process. It's a beautiful thing when we reach a place of sacred flow, as in not forcing our life, but instead flowing and being in sacred tune with our lives, with sacred divine timing, and with the bigger divine process happening for us and through us.
In this video vlog, I'll be sharing what I'm learning and leaning all the more into this season.
Butterfly vibrations. The butterflies love me! And they love you!
What are Three Things you’re learning This season?
What Are You Learning:
You're divinely guided on your journey. Your Higher Power knows the best way. Honoring the process and guidance is how you take your power back and/or stay in your place of power.
What is the SACRED WORK To Do?
Stay Ready. Fortify. Do more of what sharpens you, nourishes you, and gives you power: mind, body, spirit, soul, vibrational. This helps you to show up ready and in your power and higher capacity and to remain composed, graceful, and poised.
What can you do more of this season? What can you do less of?
Are you listening to your body and to your life?
Go within. Listen. What is it communicating to you?
What’s the divine assignment this season?
Observe your life and take notes. Do more of what makes it, and you vibrate higher daily.
Are there things, or people, that are no longer serving you in this season?
What is your soul’s medicine this season?
Are you honoring this season and its process?
How can you honor it more?
“Be mindful and open to what your soul’s medicine is and isn’t this season.”
More Archive Videos
Subject 26: Navigating Your Desert as a Millennial w/India
Navigating Your
Today's class will be held by the lovely India Isabella (me)! I'm Lalah's daughter, and I serve as a VHD team member for those who don't know. I'm so overjoyed to be sharing my insight on the desert terrain, as I'm currently journeying through one in this season of my life. Being that I am indeed a Gen Z, I'm fully aware of the significance of acknowledging, recognizing, and knowing how to navigate through your desert early on in life, something my mother taught me the significance of recognizing and honoring.
Throughout life, we may be called to go to a sacred place within ourselves, to purge, receive, release, make space for new, disconnect, become "you" again, open ourselves up for spiritual growth, enter a new season/ chapter in your life, and so much more!
In this video, I'll be giving you a fresh perspective on how to successfully recognize and navigate your desert to help you reach your fullest potential. Because ultimately, that's what it's all about! :)
“Sometimes, you have to go be alone to come back and be better. Solitude is sacred.”
Navigating your
1. Recognizing when it’s time to enter your desert
2. Emotional care and support
3. Protecting your energy
4. Significance of the desert
Five practices to help you journey though your desert
Prayer and other spiritual work
Taking tonics as needed
Self-care: baths, binaural beats, massage, rest, fitness, nourishing foods…etc
Mindfulness: Stay mindful of why you’re being called to be in your desert.
Are you recognizing the signs that you’re being led to the desert?
Are you in the desert now?
Are you staying away from the things that no longer serve you?
What does your environment look and feel like? Is it supporting your terrain?
Are you honoring the process?
What are the things that make you vibrate higher daily? Use these tools to keep you not only sustained but nurtured in the desert.
What are your goals and intentions for this terrain? Keep in mind that your desert has a higher purpose.
Subject 25: BODY WORK: For Coming Home to Yourself
Body Work
The body is a magnet that is absorbing energies all day long, all of the time. Are you aware of it? Do you feel it? Your body is always speaking in direct effect to your day, your thoughts, your choices, your interactions, and your experiences. Pay attention to the signals. Listen to your body and honor it.
In this class, we explore doing just that and more, like empowering it and helping it to thrive. YES INDEED!
Body Work
Energy Cleansing
How to discharge energy
Cleanliness is next to godliness
Soaking in epsom salt, essential oils or recommended products
Binaural beats
More ways shared in the video
Body Work
Working out/staying active/moving the energy around and out
Baths to soak body stress away
Nourishing with healing foods
Slowing down, pausing, relaxing, and restoring
Reserving your energy
Storing energy
Healthy desired weight for you
Boundaries are about living in honor and reverence to who you are as a vessel, conduit, and soul being and not entwining yourself with what isn’t in service to your highest good or with the higher good of the collective. It’s not personal; it’s vibrational. It’s energy.
It's important to pay attention to what's happening in and around you when you're out in public. By being observant, you'll be better equipped to respond to situations and take care of your own needs. It's also helpful to be aware of what energy and emotions are coming from you versus others, as in what’s yours and what’s not. Take note of any areas where you need to focus on healing, recharging, or slowing down. Be mindful of what you're consuming and how much exposure you have to certain things and stimuli. Also, observe without absorbing. Practice equanimity for that.
You've done so much work, and it's ever-crucial to prioritize taking care of your body. Explore what makes you feel restored and protected. Engaging in that and the work itself is a method of self-protection.
It’s of the utmost importance to be prepared for your day and any that may arise. In order to do so, it’s vital to maintain a balance between your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This will allow you to approach challenges with a purposeful perspective, a clear and calm mind, equanimity, and higher insight while exuding confidence and strength. Remember to prioritize spirit-care, and body-care, as much as self-care, as collectively, they’re the foundation for a thriving and strengthened self.
How have you been prioritizing your physical well-being lately?
Are you nurturing your body into balance, rejuvenation, and well-being?
Do you speak empowering words that serve and affirm your body or that don’t?
Are you listening to your body and honoring what it’s communicating to you?
Are you honoring your body as the temple and sacred ground that it is?
Are you empowering your body as the vessel and vehicle it is?
What do you love about your body?
What about your body are you grateful for?
What is your body thriving from as of lately?
What is depleting it and/or causing it not to thrive?
Where does it hurt?
Where is it in need of healing?
Where can you send more love and healing energy within?
How can you show up in yourself more, even if that means getting help?
How can you rise above, vibrate higher daily, and thrive your way forward?
“Journey in grace and power.”
Subject 24: Navigating This Life
Navigating This Life
Our life is supposed to empower and fortify us into higher, divine, and necessary action.
So much is going on in various directions, and we are feeling it deeply, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically, and vibrationally in so many ways.
Many of us are looking for our place, balance, purpose, way, peace, and power in it all. We are being called into awareness; another inner and outer awakening is happening, as it always does in times such as these. We're able to see this tug-of-war between high vibrations and low, within or without, near and far. We’re being called to rise into our higher potential on all levels, all the more.
In this class, we journey into it.
“Be in the world, but not of it.”
Navigating This Life
Talking Points
Realize Your Role:
In order to navigate this life, it is essential for us to awaken to our true purpose and embrace the divinely assigned roles we embody as earth angels, warriors, vessels, and conduits. Each of these roles serves a unique purpose in our journey towards self-realization, spiritual growth, and the bigger picture. As earth angels, we are messengers of divine love and light, spreading compassion and positivity wherever we go. As warriors, we face the challenges and obstacles that come our way with strength, equanimity, and resilience, conquering our fears and doubts. As vessels, we open ourselves up to receive divine guidance, insights, and inspiration, allowing ourselves to be conduits of higher wisdom and truth. It is by accepting and embracing these roles that we can truly unleash our potential and make a positive impact not only in our own lives but also in the lives of those around us. We are not mere spectators on this journey but rather active participants fulfilling our sacred purpose as divine earth angels, warriors, vessels, and conduits.
Honor Your Spiritual Instincts:
An empowered, healthy, and balanced spiritual life means honoring and living according to your spiritual instincts. By doing so, you align yourself with the divine wisdom that resides within you. It is a union of the physical and metaphysical, where your thoughts and actions reflect the deep connection you have with the universe. This conscious integration allows you to tap into your inner guidance, making decisions that align with your higher purpose. When you listen to your spiritual instincts, you honor the unique path that has been laid out for you, embracing the lessons and growth that come along the way. Taking the time to cultivate a strong spiritual foundation not only nourishes your soul, but it also provides a steady anchor in the midst of life's challenges. As you navigate the ups and downs of existence, your spiritual instincts guide you towards choices that promote well-being, love, and harmony. Trusting in the wisdom of your inner compass, you embark on a journey towards self-discovery and self-actualization. Remember, an empowered, healthy, and balanced spiritual life is a continuous process of nurturing your connection and seeking alignment with your core essence.
Spiritual and Lifestyle Protocol:
A code or system you live by that honors your spiritual values.
What lifestyle protocol best supports who you are on a spirit level? Whether it be a nutritional path, self-care ritual, types of people/relationships in your life, type of environment you’re in and keep, or foods, entertainment, and information you consume, what sustains you? What depletes you of spiritual power?
Set Spiritual Boundaries:
Spiritual boundaries are an essential aspect of our existence. They enable us to embody our true nature and navigate through life with authenticity and purpose. These boundaries serve as a barrier, separating what aligns with our highest good from what does not. As spiritual beings, it is crucial to recognize that these boundaries are not about excluding or rejecting others but rather about fostering a strong, harmonious connection to our higher power, selves, purpose, intentions, and higher alignment. By establishing and upholding these boundaries, we ensure that our energy remains focused on what resonates with our purpose and contributes positively to the world around us. It's a constant practice of discernment, a continuous commitment to living in alignment with our highest truth, and a way to honor and protect our spiritual well-being.
Set Spiritual Boundaries:
Spiritual boundaries are an essential aspect of our existence. They enable us to embody our true nature and navigate through life with authenticity and purpose. These boundaries serve as a barrier, separating what aligns with our highest good from what does not. As spiritual beings, it is crucial to recognize that these boundaries are not about excluding or rejecting others but rather about fostering a strong, harmonious connection to our higher power, selves, purpose, intentions, and higher alignment. By establishing and upholding these boundaries, we ensure that our energy remains focused on what resonates with our purpose and contributes positively to the world around us. It's a constant practice of discernment, a continuous commitment to living in alignment with our highest truth, and a way to honor and protect our spiritual well-being.
Observe in Equanimity:
Remain mindful and alert. When you're observant, you have more power to respond instead of reacting. This is part of practicing equanimity. Observe without absorbing. Observe with equanimity. Distinguish what's yours and what's someone else's vibration or projections.
Expand, Flow, and Grow in Spiritual Courage:
Acknowledge any areas you're being called to show up, develop, expand, grow more into, and serve in, as well as to release, let go, and move on from. Take a moment to reflect on the spaces within your life where you feel the pull to step up and fully inhabit your potential. These are the areas where you can let your light shine and make a difference. Embrace the opportunities for growth and expansion that come your way, they are the catalysts for your personal evolution. At the same time, honor the importance of releasing what no longer serves you. Letting go can be a powerful act of self-love and liberation, allowing space for new experiences, relationships, and possibilities. Embrace the dual nature of this journey, the dance between stepping forward and letting go, as you navigate through the ebb and flow of life. Trust the wisdom of your intuition and the guidance of your higher self as you navigate these paths of growth and transformation. Remember, every step forward is an act of spiritual courage, and every release is an invitation for new blessings to enter your life.
Sacred Covenants You Live By:
When you fully embrace the role of a spiritual vessel, warrior, creative, and conduit, you enter into a realm where spiritual laws become the guiding force behind your decisions and actions. These sacred principles passionately govern your choices and determine what you engage in and refrain from in your daily life. By adhering to these divine covenants, you not only show respect for the gift and purpose residing within you, but you also honor the divine presence that flows through you. Initially, others may struggle to understand this profound shift in your life and perspective, yet as you remain steadfast in your faith and connection to your Higher Power, the path you traverse and the calling you embody become increasingly apparent to those around you. I have experienced this first-hand.
Stay Fortified in Your Spirit:
Fortify yourself by committing to your sacred work each day. Take the time to prioritize activities that sharpen your mind, nourish your body, strengthen your spirit, honor your soul, and elevate your vibration. Engaging in these practices empowers you, ensuring that you can show up fully prepared and in your power, ready to face whatever comes your way on your journey. Remember the wise words, "If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready!" So, embrace this mantra and dedicate yourself to consistently nurturing all aspects of your being, enabling you to remain composed and poised as you navigate through day-to-day life.
Integrate Your Shadow:
You can be gracious, virtuous, and assertive. This is where you stop being a ‘yes’ person and step into your worth/spiritual power. You now begin to embrace your shadow by giving it a healthier role. Which is setting in place your ‘sacred nos’ and standing up for yourself and truth wherever need be. This is not about being overly assertive by giving in to toxic habits and gratifying reactions, you’re being called to transcend and transmute all of that. It’s alchemy time!! Your higher potential, higher purpose, higher good, and higher path all require you to be integrated with your authentic power. It’s about incorporating your transmuted strengths, not dumbing them down, and living your power with them.
Once integrated, your shadow is now operating at a higher purpose to serve you and not control you. No more running wild!! The game changes, and people feel it. This is where and when people will say, “you’ve changed,” “there’s something different about you,” and they even ask for your help and guidance in doing the same.
A well-balanced soul is an inspiring one. Shadow work took me a while. It took letting go of who and what didn’t serve me and spending time in the spiritual desert where profound spiritual alchemy and healing happen.
How are you feeling?
How is your heart?
Are you navigating in your power and gifts?
Do you feel empowered enough?
Do you know how to navigate forward? Is there clarity?
Which role/s are you?
What areas are you navigating empowered in your personal life?
How about in the wider world? What areas are you navigating?
What areas are you feeling ? In what areas do you feel pure joy?
How can you fortify yourself to show up poised and in your power? How can you overcome distractions in your way?
What shadows (limiting beliefs, fears, habits, traits, patterns, and so on) can you transmute into strengths and positives?
What does emerging from all you’re navigating through transformed, look and feel like?
Journey in grace
and power.
–Lalah Delia
Subject 23: How I Stepped Into My Purpose w/ Fear and an Imperfect Past
How I Stepped Into My Purpose with Fear and an Imperfect Past
We are vessels, not just empty shells, but conduits through which the Divine's energy flows. It is through this divine energy that we become change agents, transforming ourselves and the world around us.
Vibrating higher daily is the key that unlocks our potential, allowing us to grow, thrive, and rise to the heights that we were destined for.
As we embark on this journey of self-actualization, we begin to notice a shift within ourselves. We feel a greater sense of well-being, as if every cell in our body is humming in harmony with divine alignment and higher purpose. We become aware of the wholeness that comes from aligning with our true authentic self, our soul’s true identity. It’s in this alignment that we truly tap into our power, allowing us to serve the Divine, ourselves, others, and our journey in a much higher capacity.
Vibrating higher daily is not just a mere catchphrase; it is a practical path to reclaiming our power and living it. When we live in alignment with our purpose, we no longer feel the need to seek fulfillment in all the wrong places. We understand that true fulfillment comes from pursuing and living our higher purpose and embracing our authentic soul identity.
So, as we continue on this journey of vibrating higher daily, we must remember its significance. It’s a lifestyle choice as a means of reclaiming our power, of living with intention and purpose. Each day becomes an opportunity to align ourselves with the divine energy that flows through us, allowing us to become the greatest version of ourselves and make a positive impact on the world around us. Let us embrace this path and vibrate higher daily.
Our purpose is always a part of our healing and our ongoing development and expansion, which is why it's essential to do what you're here to do to reach your fuller, higher potential self.
No matter what you've been through or how much fear or confusion may be clouding your higher path forward, the 'path' is real and ready for you to fully drop into it.
All you've been through has fortified you. You're more ready than you may realize. Start where you can, no matter how big, how small, or what level. Just get in where you fit in for now, that's how all you'll need to level up comes to you and finds you.
Doing the day-to-day work of vibrating higher is how your purpose reveals itself more and more.
In this video, I share about overcoming all that I had to overcome to step into my purpose and shift into a new timeline, destiny, and reality.
“Don’t let people edit down your higher visions because of their self-doubt and lack of divine insight into your higher purpose.”
How I Stepped
Into My Purpose with
Fear and an
Imperfect Past Pt.1
Replay From Live Online Webinar
PT. 2
Talking Points:
•We are not what happens to us; we are the soul power that overcomes it and rises above and beyond it.
• The plot twist is that it all works for your good and higher purpose.
• Getting real with myself: What do I need to improve?
• No more ‘defeated’ or ‘victim mindset’. I rise and vibrate higher.
• Make the choice to step into your purpose and courage
Guidance & Support System:
• Call in your mentors, teachers, guides, and like-minded community
Transformation, Resilience, and Determination:
• Work through resistance and old patterns
• Jumping timelines
• Do the work
Spiritual Covering:
• Deepen your faith and spiritual life
• Stay aligned with your higher self for fortification, protection, and guidance from The Divine.
• Be mindful of resistance showing up. Move through it!!
• Show up and take up necessary space
• Feel the fear and do ‘it’ anyway
• Non-competitive vibes only
• What’s for you cannot be taken
• All is in divine timing
• Trust the process
• Start where you are/can
• Have daily gratitude for the gift you carry
• Continue to develop and cultivate your gift, inner strength, and mind
• Your purpose is not separate from you; you don’t just do, you are it
• Build a lifestyle that supports your gift and higher purpose
Where are you at purpose-wise? Are you currently living in your purpose?
If not, begin to look within and take note of what your passions and gifts are and what you feel called and led to do in the world that will put you in sacred service. Maybe it's something in the world that is a pain point for you. Put your passion and pain together, and begin to offer and serve.
Your gifts were created to be part of the plan and will continue to reveal themselves as you journey forward with purpose and with an open heart and mind.
If you are already operating in your purpose, are you showing up fully? Are you embodying your purpose with courage? Does your daily lifestyle and environment support you as a vessel and conduit?
Do you have a support system? How will you cultivate it or call it in?
Are there any relationships, habits, cycles, or patterns that hinder you from living in your higher purpose? If so, what can you do to rise up/out, and overcome a life that doesn't serve or support who you are here to be?
Realize that you are enough and that your gifts, callings, and purpose are necessary.
The right people will get that.
“Once you begin, you no longer have energy for the people or things once not serving you.”
Subject 21: Taking Up Space
Take Up Space
Soul + Vibration + Spirit
As you continue on your journey of vibrating higher daily, you will realize that it is not just a personal transformation but also a divine calling to occupy your rightful place in the world. Taking up space is an integral part of personal growth and evolution, as it allows you to step into your true potential and fulfill your calling and higher purpose.
You may feel apprehensive about venturing outside of your comfort zone or assuming your power in certain situations or relationships. We often underestimate ourselves, doubt our qualifications and worth, or fear the judgment and mockery that may come our way if we boldly shine our light and power.
Nevertheless, I’ve gratefully come to understand that the opinions and perceptions of others are nothing to take personally and should no longer deter us from taking up space or expressing ourselves authentically. In fact, by relinquishing the need for validation from others, we liberate ourselves and become even more empowered to occupy the space we were meant to inhabit.
Remember, the gift and brilliance that reside within you have a higher purpose. By embracing your personal power and fearlessly traversing new spaces, you not only honor this purpose but also serve as a conduit for its manifestation in the world.
Your mere presence in this world is a testament to the limitless possibilities that lie within each of us. So, step forward, unapologetically shine your light, and as you do so, watch how you inspire others to embrace their own journey of self-discovery and expansion. And certainly, watch how much your life expands and thrives forward.
”Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
–Mary Ann WIlliamson
Taking Up Space
Talking Points
Collectively and individually, looking for ways to take up space.
Take up space in new areas, not just in your comfort zone areas.
You have an inherent right to take up space. You are qualified.
A soul level, radiate and represent your divine calling and path, and take up space.
Take up space and stand in your authentic light, power, path, and higher calling around family and friends.
There are times when it’s best to stop taking up space in environments that don’t serve you. Place your energy towards what’s more aligned and supportive.
When you feel overwhelmed, do more of what makes you vibrate higher and feel empowered again.
Embrace and embody your higher, divine calling. Take up space as a conduit and vessel in the world. Shine your light and share your gifts. Stand in your authentic path, power, and voice.
Take up space spiritually. Connect and align with The Divine. Saturate, purify, and protect your space with sacred higher vibrations.
Where are you taking up space?
Where are you desiring to take up space and stand more in your power?
Where are you playing small or dimming down your true light?
Who inspires you? How is this person standing in their power and taking up space?
How will you take deliberate and intentional action towards taking up space this season?
Supportive Practices
Here are some practices to help stand and live in your power:
Daily spiritual work
Introspection and self-reflection
Releasing who/what no longer serves you
Staying resilient
Remembering who you are
Nervous System Care
Mental wellness
Mentors and like-minded community who encourage you
Trusting in your gift and light
Not taking what other people do or think personally
“I always think that’s the most important thing—to feel like you belong in every room you’re in.”
Related Classes
*Note: Excuse the audio in these classes. They were before we had our new mic and camera! Before we upgraded :)
”Trusting in your light and gifts is how you Live in Your Power.”
–Lalah Delia
Subject 20: Rising Above Blockages
Rising Above Blockages
On The Journey
Do you ever feel like your life or your ability to manifest your desires is much like having an unsteady internet connection? It's those frustrating moments when you're trying to stream a video, listen to a song, or enjoy a movie, but the constant stopping and buffering due to a slow and unstable connection interrupts the process. And if we try to force it, the connection only becomes slower and more unstable.
We've all experienced this inconvenience firsthand, and it truly puts our patience to the test. This 'testing' doesn't just happen online but also in our real lives.
Life, in many ways, is just like an internet connection. There are times when the things we desire aren't flowing or manifesting as smoothly as we hope. It's as if there's some invisible force causing blockages and interference, preventing our visions and desires from materializing as we envision them. And then, in other moments, everything seems to align effortlessly, and our desires flow into our lives seamlessly.
These blockages and interruptions can be caused by various factors. It could be a result of our own actions or energetics, where we unknowingly create barriers that impede the flow of abundance and manifestation. Sometimes, it's the Divine, orchestrating our experiences and path into valuable lessons and detours that redirect us towards a better path. Our angels, too, may play a role in guiding us and nudging us away from what no longer serves us. There are times when we simply need to release certain things or people that no longer align with our journey, allowing space for new and better opportunities to enter.
However, it's important to recognize that these blockages can stir up challenging emotions within us. Anger, exhaustion, defeat, and discouragement may surface when our desires seem perpetually out of reach. But just like with an internet connection, getting frustrated and forcing the process will only lead to more instability and challenges. Instead, we must cultivate equanimity and patience, and trust in the timing of the divine realm. We must surrender to the flow of life, knowing that everything happens for a reason and that our desires will manifest when the time is right.
When life isn't progressing in an ideal direction or pace, we see it as a negative. I've come to learn that not all blockages are negative. Sometimes they're simply a reroute and a protective detour.
You can manifest the best outcome for yourself by honoring the reroute. Instead of allowing blockages to discourage you, remember that you can navigate through blockages and overcome them.
The next time you find yourself faced with a slow and unsteady connection in life, remember that it's only temporary. Embrace the lessons and blessings that come with it, release any attachments or resistance, and trust that the divine realm is working behind the scenes on your behalf to align things in your favor. Soon enough, you'll witness the seamless manifestation of your desires, just like a stable and high-speed internet connection streaming all your favorite content without a hitch.
“It’s all about vibration and magnetics. Everything you desire has a certain vibration to it. Vibrate it into your field”
Rising Above
Talking Points:
1. Belief systems
2. Self-love and self-worth
3. Not letting go: people, things, situations
4. Un-forgiveness
5. Manifestation
6. Doing the work
Are there any areas you're feeling blocked in right now, or as of lately? If so, where?
Is the block calling for you to align, empower, and fortify yourself more? Or is it calling for you to reroute in a new direction?
Where should your energy go, fighting or flowing?
Doing the work is an essential part of the process. What will you do to align, empower, and fortify yourself where you can in this season?
Supportive Practices
Here are some practices to help gain clarity and power through blockages:
Remembering who you are
Nervous System Care (Calm down!) :)
Do the work
Related Classes
*Note: Excuse the audio in these classes. They were before we had our new mic and camera! :)
“When life doesn’t go as expected, trust the reroute.”
Subject 19: Mind-Care
Mind Care
Stillness, Mind Hacks + Composure
“No longer reacting to people who trigger who is one of the best ways to strengthen your spiritual muscles.”– Lalah Delia
There are many reasons why you may desire to still your mind, to mind hack, and to gain deeper composure. Maybe it’s due to a spiritual path you’re feeling a strong call to embark on, a path that urges you to delve into the depths of your being and connect with your higher self. Maybe you need the stillness to focus on healing, recovering, and restoring, to give yourself the time and space needed to mend and grow. Perhaps you desire to slow your life and your thoughts down, to escape the chaos and busyness of the outside world, and instead find solace in the serene depths of your own thoughts, leading to a more nourished being and inner peace. Maybe it’s to take your power back, to reclaim your sense of self, and assert your autonomy in a world that often tries to dictate who you should be. Perhaps it's to heighten your creativity, to tap into the wellspring of inspiration that lies within you, and bring forth your unique creative expressions into the world. Or maybe it’s to take a stand and to signal a clear boundary, to communicate to yourself and others that you are deserving of respect, tranquility, and mental clarity. Whatever your inspiration may be, know that stillness is not just a mere absence of noise or movement, it’s a powerful and intentional spiritual response that promotes peace, harmony, and a composed spirit and life.
“Stillness and composure are how you find yourself again, and align with The Divine.”