Subject 17:
Toxic People
In this insightful video, we delve into the uncool element that toxic people bring into our lives. Toxic energy can drain us, alter the vibrations of our environment, hinder our growth, and jeopardize our well-being. Watch this enriching video for steps to take towards a life filled with energetic harmony, joy, and authentic connections.
Toxic People
This week's video focuses on the uncool element of toxic people. Could you use some energy cleansing in your life?
No More Wasting Precious Time
If your relationship experiences are anything like mine used to be, you could waste months or years waiting and staying around for toxic people to change and get it together, and they never do.
Metaphorically speaking, toxic people are like 'energetic parasites.' They enter our lives, feed off our energy, and seek to control our minds and energy to their advantage. Toxic people tend to undermine our sense of well-being, balance, and peace. Yep, that's what parasites do to human bodies and animal bodies; these invaders overtake and undermine their host. The host is led to take on an array of low vibrational habits, behaviors, desires, health, and energy that do not serve the host but that do serve and help the parasite.
In the context of social, personal, and all interrelationships, it's important to journey in our power, live with vibrational awareness, and recognize and detach from parasitic energy. We're all empathic to some degree or another, keeping your equanimity helps to have a pathway for keeping other people's stuff theirs and not ours.
There are times for various reasons when our energy shield is down, or off-duty, or even dusty, lol, and other people's things penetrate through. Even here, journey in grace, dust off your shield, reactivate it, and come back home to yourself through ‘equanimity’.
The vital thing to realize about parasites is that no matter how they got there or why, they can be detoxed out of our system.
When's the last time you released and purified from all the energy you've absorbed? From all that seeped in and caused unharmonious vibrations, emotions, and thoughts, as well as distractions and imbalance?
Sacred Release
As T.D. Jakes has said, “No one who has left you is tied to your future.” Whoo! Is that a word, or is that a word!? May this give you hope and encouragement about the beautiful future and PRESENT still in front of you!
In chapter three of the book, I share that sometimes a relationship can be all-out toxic and will never be for you. Then at other times, some connections are, for whatever reason, toxic only for a season. These latter relationships still need you to detach and do cleansing work around them. Then maybe once all parties involved have reached a harmonious higher vibration, the association is transformed into a beautiful and healthier link between you and the other person/s. The right people will do the work to vibrate higher: that’s how you’ll know.
My world changed when I realized that my life no longer had to fall apart just because a relationship was removed from it. Collective and societal programming can influence us to crave or manifest inner or outer drama around our releasing, breaking up, or letting go. Once I realized that it could be sacred instead and for my own good, letting go became a “sacred release.”
I wish no one who has hurt me harm, I wish them only healing. You move forward and heal differently with this mentality and heart space. Like with forgiveness, it’s for our own healing, good, and inner beautification.
Refocus your energy. This is the power and metaphysics of it all. This is also how you take your power back. Refocus on the good, on your well-being, and on the high vibrations around you/accessible to you.
Know that letting go of who and what no longer serves you is an essential step for manifesting better-aligned and more supportive people into your life.
Awakening to your higher self-worth and setting energetic boundaries signals to life that you’re ready for higher vibrations, people, opportunities, and more good to find you.
Healthy-DetachMent is an Art
See healthy attachment as a spiritual and wellness practice. It may not always be easy, but the more you do it, the better and more skilled you become at it. May the force be with you!!
Be Strong
Toxic people can, if we're not careful, lead us farther away from ourselves and our higher potential.
You are meant to be in control, and when you're not, remembering who you are is how you take your power back.
Get around what makes you feel like you again. This is essential to your reclaiming process. Get back into your element, find your soul's medicine, and get creative in some way. Creative energy is protection energy. What gifts, talents, projects, or goals can you redirect your focus and power to?
If all of this is challenging for you, take deep breaths through. Allow openness of heart and mind to flow in and create a new empowered version of you in the now. You don't have to go at it all alone. And maybe you won’t get it right all of the time. Hello grace!!
Ask for help. Seek help and support from trusted people and sources. Having an accountability partner lightens the load and makes the journey easier to bear. It strengthens us too. If you find ego tricking you into thinking you can't reach out for help, ignore it, and reach out for help.
All of this takes growth, and growth can, at times, be uncomfortable and seem inconvenient. Still, it's always necessary for our evolution. Make space for newness and the unknown blessings that are awaiting you. That's what happens when we release who and what no longer serves us. You deserve to be free and as high vibrational as possible. Letting go of who and what no longer serves you is how to reach your best potential and vibration.
Journeying in power–and grace. Onward!!
Book Recommendations
The Four Agreement, by Don Miguel Ruiz
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, By Lalah Delia
How To Break Up With a Friend, a Q&A with Lalah Delia
I release who and what doesn’t serve me.
I now make room for who and what does.
I set and honor healthy boundaries.
I live in my power.
I vibrate higher daily.
If you walked away from a toxic, negative, abusive, one-sided, dead-end low vibrational relationship or friendship — you won.
– Lalah Delia