May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
'Embracing the Suck' in The Liminal Space
The liminal space (the bridge, journey, and process between where you used to be and where you desire to be) can become overwhelming at times. When this is the case, it can feel like an undesired journey and an energetic suck: mind, body, and spirit. The good news is that in this liminal space, a reward of higher purpose, power, and potential await you and become your new path and reality as you embrace the process, or as they say in the military, “embrace the suck”.
If we don’t have the proper skills, know what tools to use, or have access to guidance, the liminal suck can overwhelm us to the point of depletion and defeat.
Learn essential tools for mastering your mind and energetics to journey beyond your comfort zone – during the liminal space – and other undesired, yet unavoidable, times and circumstances.
Watch the replay: The replay will be posted and emailed to you on Wednesday, April 6th.
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: What to Know
Part 3: What to Do to Outlast the Suck
Part 4: Be Aware
Part 5: Places the Suck Shows Up
Part 6:Mindfulness, Self-Regulation, and Protection w/India Isabella
Part 7: Serenity Prayer
Part 9: Q&A
Part 10: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Although it doesn’t always make sense or feel like it at first, the low or challenging tides of life come with higher purpose too. We can do hard things. We can thrive through ‘the suck’ and expand in power, vibration, magnetism, and honor.
In the military, ‘embracing the suck’ is an empowering and necessary survival practice and skill set. Come journey with Lalah as she breaks down the energetics of this space and practice and learn to apply the tools and skills to your liminal space, life, and experiences.
Your mind and vibration can become the missing links when you know how to journey in your power during times of challenge, stress, or adversity – in this liminal space.
Class Notes
What to Know
From warriors to the Zen Master Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hahn, from people of all backgrounds, we see that challenge and suffering are an unavoidable part of the sacred path and process. So, journey in grace, and don't think it strange when you find yourself at the entry point of a liminal suck. Much grace!!
We can confront challenges head-on and thrive through any tough times by 'embracing the suck' (as in undesirable/unpleasant yet unavoidable experiences or circumstances), all while expanding our potential. Bam!!
Much like the liminal space, the liminal suck can often feel like an uncomfortable space or hardship until you embrace what it is here to do for you, which is expand you. As you muscle through it with vigor, grit, awareness, and determination, the game changes and you transform. That part!!
Wherever we have built a strong narrative and boundary against vulnerable moments of suffering, uncomfortableness, and challenge, we also continue to reinforce fear and lower subconscious programming that chooses to ignore and even suppress us, our feelings, and our higher calling and potential to grow and evolve. In this low vibrational zone, we may even defend our insecurities versus transforming them and hence avoid doing the necessary hard things that allow us to grow and expand from the liminal space and suck.
As we realize the higher call to journey through, we meet more of our true inner-warrior and higher self and expand in power, vibration, magnetism, mental fortitude, and honor.
At times in the liminal space and suck, you may feel everyone or all odds are against you. You may feel more misunderstood, disconnected, and not like yourself than ever before. This part of the process will in time pass by with the right relationship and support community choices and integration, give thanks!!
Although it doesn't always make sense or feel like it at first, the lower tides of life come with a higher purpose too.
When we don't embrace the liminal suck, it stunts our growth: body/mind/spirit/financial/life, and relational. This resistant behavior can even create a sense of failure to launch in some areas of our lives.
In my life, when I didn't embrace the liminal suck, I found myself financially insecure and unstable, I stayed too long in toxic relationships, friendships, and jobs, my body was breaking down, and my overall life was at a vibrational low. When I began to embrace the liminal suck of challenging and uncomfortable change and of doing the hard necessary work, the game changed and I transformed and became stronger in the process.
What to do to Outlast The Suck
Embrace the suck/No mud, no lotus/All things are working for your good
Rely on and revert back to your training. When the weather and terrains change, access the skills, wisdom, and tools, you've acquired as part of your ‘survial kit and skills’. This approach and technique are critical because when we don't have the proper skills, know what tools to use, or have access to guidance, the liminal suck can overwhelm us to the point of depletion, defeat, and even misery.
Mental and energetic discipline are key and vital here. During the liminal suck, master your mind and the energetics at hand in order to journey beyond your comfort zone and stagnation in vibration.
Expand your comfort zone. Effectively journeying the liminal suck is about expanding your comfort zone. As you do, you will begin to see you can transcend discomfort and challenge more than you’ve realized. Your new endurance game will shine and you will outlast the suck.
Mindfulness. Your mind and vibration can become the missing links when you know how to journey in the liminal space of challenge, resistance, stress, adversity, and chaos.
Meditation in action, as taught by Thich Nhat Hanh
Consistency is how you build the muscles to a new life.
To sustain and support your well-being and mental health, climatize to the required energetic environment and new necessary way of showing up and being. Once you climatize, you become one with your new timeline and new you. You navigate it more effectively because you begin to understand it and its nuances. You gain better clarity and vision and no longer feel defeated, but capable and in service to a higher call.
Flow versus resistance
Notes on survival mode
Let go of perfectionism and needing to control the outcome.
Release ego around what other people think.
Identify which part of you is going through the suck: your lower self or higher self. Are you the stronger and more embodiment you; this is vibrational awareness.
“This sucks, but I have to go through – to get beyond.”
Lean into your breath. Mindful breathing regulates your mind, and a calm mind is a powerful mind.
“Strong back”. A strong back is about equanimity and our capacity to uphold ourselves and our vibration and embodiment, especially during difficult times.
I am at home even in discomfort because I have equanimity, poise, composure, calmness, and skill. I have a strong back. I will not fold. My body and mind know what to do in support, such as getting out of the way so my higher self can emerge.
Giving birth to my son, I leaned into the pain with a higher spiritual force and skill to reach a higher state of capacity. Hello, flow state!!
Have conviction. Conviction is a force that you’ll need.
Spiritual integration. Stay embodied high vibrationally. Faith and belief. Prayer energy/spiritual warrior energy. Respond with mental and spiritual discipline, discernment, wisdom, and awarness. Speak to your circumstances through prayer, mantra, and affirmation.
Confront challenges with a power greater than your own
Nervous system care. Renew your strength.
When nothing is working, surrender to the higher purpose.
My mother's end-of-life process. I did all I could do, and nothing was working. What did I do in this heavy liminal suck?
Build up your morale: seek out a mentor, support, and community—balance as much of your life as possible. Find your expanders. Get training. Balance and recharge are vital to avoiding or recovering from burnout.
Be Aware
Not identifying as the challenge
Getting your needs met, but not using the suck as a way of toxic attention-seeking or as a drama.
Stay in your power and higher awareness.
Places the Suck Shows Up
The sucks shows up when you're healing, fasting, working, working out, going through a break-up, in a hostile environment, in a relationship, or in a personal, financial, or business liminal space, grief, despair, waiting a long time, in solitude, learning a necessary lesson, in the terrains, suffering a loss of some kind.
We can at times not reach our goals in the liminal space and liminal suck because we don't know how to embrace it, by expanding our comfort zone, and so we give in and fold under the pressure and force of discomfort and challenge versus embracing them as a sign of a new necessary timeline emerging for us. When this is the case, we chose the former comfortable timeline instead, which may bring comfort, but it also brings stagnation. We have to break the barrier, though. Think transfiguration out of stagnation.
Supportive Quote
“May you be healed and restored from being overwhelmed.”
India Isabella: Mindfulness, Self-Regulation, and Protection
Learning to surrender to the lack of control has helped me avoid the negative emotions that may come with hard times. A shift of mentality.
Self-sabotage: This is the space where we tend to become co-dependent or can even reach out for people, places, or things that don’t serve us. Addiction, etc.
Even if you’re in a great space, use your discernment to assess whether something is really for you or if it’s a test
Seek a creative outlet or reach for the things that bring you joy, but won’t sway you off of your path
This is the space where you want to stay outside of your comfort zone. The discomfort is necessary
Release the negative self-talk. It can be easy to listen to that voice in your head that represents your fears and insecurities
Don’t beat yourself up for having negative emotions.
Be sovereign in your own truths, don’t let people sway you from where you’re called right now
Work with your tools for protection, spiritually you’re more vulnerable when you’re in these times that feel sucky because there are energies that feed off of our suffering and fear and will do what’s necessary to keep feeding off of you. Build your spiritual immunity
Vibrational awareness: be mindful of your energy and thoughts as you can actually attract more suffering in this space.
India’s Suggested Spiritual Practices:
Pray for surrender
Pray for solutions
Pray to let go of all that no longer serves you
Pray for endurance
Ask for support from your spiritual team: angels, guides, spiritual leaders/community
In Closing
This is a truly transformative and strengthening space. Just like the earth has seasons of death, shedding, regrowth, and rebirth/rebuilding, as do we. Call on the energy of Earth/Gaia for assistance through these times, go into nature to connect, ground, and release. When you experience challenging phases on your journey, continue to evolve through your human experience and what it’s like to exist in your body. Make necessary adjustments. The liminal space is a shedding of an older version of ourselves into a new one — a higher timeline. The light at the end of the tunnel shines brighter than you can even imagine but it takes surrendering to the unknown. Frustration and overwhelm can arise from trying to control the outcome and everything attached to it. The liminal suck may not always be ‘your fault’, but it can surely work together for your good in some way that you may not realize until later on in your journey. If blockages arise due to low vibrational subconscious programming, remember that we have the power to reprogram beliefs, ideals, and ways of being that no longer serve us.
Even after the darkest night light arises with the next new day, and light is at the end of dark tunnels. Through our mindset and subconscious programming, our path will be as bright or as dim as we believe it to be. The good news is that you have the power within to transform, grow, stretch, and see the big or sometimes hidden blessing in it all.
The power is always within you, so may you journey forward in that knowing.
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
How to Fight, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon, by Dr. Joe Dispenza
The Game of Life and How to Play It, by Florence Scovel Shinn
The Warrior’s Meditation, by Richard L. Haight
The Tools, by Phil Stutz & Barry Michaels
Outwitting The Devil, by Napoleon Hill
No Mud, No Lotus, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Falling Upward, by Richard Rohr
The Untethered Soul, Michael A. Singer
The Sacred Yes, by Rev. Deborah L. Johnson