May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
High Vibrational Embodiment: Mindfulness In Relationships
Centering and rooting yourself in mindfulness in your relationships is definitely how you live your power and vibrate higher daily in your connections, interactions, and embodiment.
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: What to Know
Part 3: What Makes a Relationship Vibrate Lower?
Part 4: What Makes a Relationship Vibrate Higher?
Part 5: Mindful Emodiment
Part 6: Mindful Attraction
Part 7: Mindful Transformation + Transition
Part 8: Terrains: How They Show Up in Relationships
Part 9: Community
Part 10: Q&A
Part 11: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Our relationship health can go from being on auto-pilot or lower vibrational patter mode, to intentional high vibrational energetics and expansion.
Learn how you can embody and cultivate more and more mindfulness, high vibrations, and empowerment in your various relationship experiences.
Class Notes
What To Know
First and foremost, know how to be in a relationship
Healthy levels of tolerance
Necessary levels of tolerance
Wherever you go you bring yourself with you
Each relationship we show up with ourselves and with our stuff, whether high or low vibrational. What are you embodying and bringing?
People desire to be related to
Building a rapport with others makes them more likely to open up to you
The right people bring your soul medicine
“Mindfulness is a skillset and energy that will allow you to know what to do and what not to do, in order to preserve yourself and build your true home and transform your own afflictions and be a home for other people.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
Making decisions based on being accepted over rejected gives your power away
Hold the light and vibration
Relationship terrains and weather
How does the predominant energy of your relationship make you feel? Safe, open, calm, secure, stable, appreciated, and expansive? Or nervous, anxious, unsafe, unstable, contracted, blocked, walking on eggshells, unappreciated, or insecure?
What Makes a Relationship Vibrate Lower?
Closed to people pointing things out about your behavior or actions
Expecting the other person to make you happy. Are you taking responsibility for your [own] happiness?
Are you generally happy in life or unhappy?
Unmindful speech and communication
Abuse of familiarity. Don’t allow familiarity to cause unmindful communication or treatment.
Toxic loyalty
Your loyalty to certain relationships has an experience date.
Repeated neglect
Repeated dishonesty
Abuse of any kind
No mental, physical, or spiritual stimulation
Rigidity, blockage, and stagnation
Toxic comparison: relationship, financial, body image, lifestyle and career
Lifestyle, long-term goals, family goals/values, career goals, or spiritual life/desires out of alignment with one another and causing a consistent vibrational strain or energetic blockage in the relationship
What Makes a Relationship Vibrate Higher?
Your mind is receptive to people telling you about yourself, sometimes you’re too in it to see it.
Pursuing your passions, creative pings, and higher purpose
Integrity and moral compass
Mental, physical, spiritual stimulation
Mindful communication and reverence. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it; your delivery is vital.
Mindfulness of things that are coming up and a healthy way to discuss them. have a soft start-up. No one wants to listen when they are being verbally attacked.
Dr. John Gottman says: “The masters of relationships really think and they try to calm their partner down and say, we don’t have to make this huge and big deal, but this is what I need for us to be more successful.”
Sacred flexibility and growth
A high vibrational relationship has a high vibrational environment.
Honor code
Conflict resolution is done mindfully with skill
Fondness, admiration, respect, love, affection, cherishing, compliments, gifts, all personalized. Love-language fluency
Lifestyle, long-term goals, family goals/values, career goals, or spiritual life/desires are in alignment with one another, and creating vibrational stability and expansion in the relationship
Mindful EmBodiment
Bring your path with you into the relationship, this is part of the path and work too.
When you are not happy in your life, you are not home. When you’re not at home within yourself, you will not be at home in your relationships.
Thich Nhat Hanh said once in teaching: “When you are at home with yourself you will have peace, more warmth, and joy, and people will recognize you as a beautiful flower in the garden of life.”
Have spiritual elements in your life that anchor and fortify you.
Having a higher path and practice so that you don’t create suffering for yourself or others.
Changed behavior
Being a benevolent person in nature: having the desire to do good and be kind. Altruistic, compassionate, kind-hearted, charitable, just, and fair. You wish others well.
Being affable: Warm, welcoming, inviting, easeful energy, and easy to talk to.
Mindfulness is also insight
Mindful Attraction
Some relationships won’t enter your reality until you make the proper space for them energy-wise.
Equanimity over fighting against your higher good, releasing to receive better. Sacred surrender.
High self-worth
Reprogramming pain and blocks
Beliefs aligned with high vibrational attraction in relationships
Don’t lower your expectations just to be with someone
Studies at the University of North Carolina found that when people expect to be treated well in relationships that’s what they get
And when people have lowered their expectations and are OK with being treated “like dirt”, that’s what they get
“So the advice is to have high expectations and expect to be treated well, and get out of a relationship if you were being treated badly.” — Dr. John Gottman
Mindful Transformation + Transition
If the relationship vibration is continually spiraling downward
When you’ve tried everything you could and nothing is improving
When necessary requests and changes don’t stick or last
Abuse in all forms
Spiritual instructions to let go
When the liminal time is up. A reason, season, or lifetime.
When you would be better off transforming and transmuting the relationship into a new embodiment (transition and transform an intimate partnership into a platonic friendship, for example)
Sacred flexibility here with doing what’s needed is empowering and makes you more magnetic for even better to manifest
Who you talk to matters
Spiritual community/counseling
Eldership mentoring
Therapy together
Like-minded high vibrational couples
Supportive Quote
“On an energetic and vibrational tip, highly sensitives and empaths experience relationships differently and way more intensely.”
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert, by John Gottman, P.H.D
The Art of Seduction, by Robert Greene