May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
High Vibrational Embodiment pt. 5: The Energetics of Softening
For many reasons, life and experiences can alter our relationship and access to true and authentic inner-peace, joy, magnetism, compassion, passion, and a higher sense of flow, even creativity. Have any of the areas just mentioned been compromised due to change, emotional stress, survival stress, financial stress, illness, pain, or trauma? Or have they been compromised by some unknown mystery force?
If we’re not careful, we become closed-off and rigid to life, healing, change, evolving, and vibrating higher.
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: Grounding Practice
Part 3: What to Know
Part 4: What to Look for
Part 5: What Causes Us to Become Hardened?
Part 6: Introspection Practice
Part 7: Practices for Softening
Part 8: Flower Essences
Part 9: Q&A
Part 10: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
For many reasons, life and our experiences can alter our relationship and access to true inner-peace, joy, magnetism, compassion, passion, and a higher sense of self and flow, even creativity. Have any of these aspects of your life been compromised due to change, emotional stress, survival stress, financial stress, illness, pain, or trauma? Or have they been compromised by some unknown mystery force?
Are you currently giving yourself permission to relax, soften, and grow?
If we’re not careful, we can become closed-off and rigid to life, healing, change/evolving, and vibrating higher.
Take a Graceful Look Within
Are you over feeling closed or rigid in your outlook, responses, and reactions? Are you feeling emotionally or spiritually dry and numb? Many things can cause this to occur (and stick around) on your journey. There is an exit route, though, that leads to a higher path
Through the proper energetic/spiritual skills and training, we can become liberated at any moment, and dwell above in a higher resonance.
We can soften. We can grow.
May you soften in any area you’ve been too rigid to grow in.
An evolving life and spiritual path are not about becoming rigid from the daily experiences and weather we encounter, but rather vibrating better, wiser, and more magnetic, expansive, and embodied—despite it all. This is how we win.
When the shadow-self is triggered into becoming overly reactive, or swept up in unhealthy, undesired, or lower vibrational patterns and behavior, there is a pathway to set us free. We don’t have to suffer or or cause suffering to others by remaining in a hard, cold, closed-off, and rigid place.
In This Class:
Learn how you can remain rooted in a higher timeline, resonance, and power.
Learn the art and skills of anchoring yourself during the random vibrations, weather, and experiences of life.
Learn—how to take back—your true authentic sense of self, joy, higher mind, peace, and power.
You will learn to soften.
Class Notes
What to Know
When our shadow selves become overly reactive, loop out in unhealthy, undesired, or lower vibrational patterns and behavior, can we soften enough to have compassion/self-compassion. Can we journey in grace? Can we soften enough to bend and not break?
Softening doesn’t come easy for all people. This can be due to hardening for various reasons over a prolonged amount of time; Subconscious habit and programming from the family, environment, relationships, survival mode, and from misguidance and unhealthy behavioral models.
For other people, softening is like muscle memory, and like coming back home to yourself and to true nature; your state of balance, your home frequency.
The good news based on neuropsychology is that your subconscious mind and brain are not fixed, or locked as is. Thanks to brain plasticity, you can reprogram even the most resistant habits, thought patterns, beliefs, and behavior.
With consistency, mindful breath, and situation by situation, you can soften in the areas you’ve hardened in.
The goal is to recover your sense of self, your true authentic self, and its higher frequency. From here your life is able to expand into higher and higher vibrations; mind, body, spirit, embodiment, relationships, magnetism, and life.
What to look for
Feeling tight and tense
Notice how your body is reacting to certain emotions, triggers, and energy
Closed off more than other people
Looking too harshly at the world or others around you
Feeling rigid
Not open to new opportunities to grow and learn
Not open to correction, outside observations, or support
Reject help or advice
Having pretty much the same routine throughout the years
You react or respond without mindfulness
You are noticing areas that have hardened and need support
You become over feeling stuck, trapped, cold, or rigid in your outlook, energy, and reactions
You are noticing others suffering due to your current embodiment
You are feeling emotionally and spiritually dry, and numb
What causes us to become hardened?
There are many reasons why we may harden, including reasons such as:
Wounded lover
Wounded healer
Wounded child
Wounded adult
Spiritual wounds
The imbalanced amygdala takes over for too long
Survival mode
Having to protect ourselves
Somewhere on your journey, you had to go from being the ‘nice type’ to becoming the warrior to protect your heart, feelings, or life
Replacing peace with hyper-vigilance
Replacing peace with instability
Broken spirit
Broken and contrite heart
Overly protecting your pride and ego
Going from the nice HSP or empath to a hardened and detached person
Empathy depletion
introspection practice
Be mindful when you no longer need to be the you that you were when you were in survival mode.
• Am I living through old subconscious programming and blocks? • Have I arrived on a new timeline or am I on an old one?
May I vibrate and signal from a new higher timeline. I have arrived on a new timeline.
Overwhelm can shut us down or make us become rigid.
• What am I carrying? Is this mine? I let go and come home to my equanimity to rest my mind and soul.
• What have I accumulated? What am I attached to?
• May I become sovereign versus enmeshed and hooked by other people’s unhealthy dynamics.
Say “this is not mine, I release it to the highest light with love.”
A true spiritual path is not about reaching perfection, continual growth–over time, it’s also about awareness and mindfulness of our inner-being and embodiment and whether we are bringing suffering to ourselves or others.
• Am I nurturing my embodiment?
An evolving spiritual path is not about becoming rigid from the experiences and the weather of life, but rather, wiser and more developed, skilled, and expanded by then.
• Am I evolving, flowing, and expanding?
• Am I closed, resistant to change, stagnated, and contracting?
A high vibrational path is not about becoming overly critical, condemning, or judgmental of yourself or others, it’s about staying in your equanimity, mindfulness, and healthy mindset while navigating life.
• May I lead with love, mindfulness, and compassion.
• May I lead through high vibrational embodiment.
• May I let go of the critical eye towards others and towards myself.
• May I become more rain and less thunder.
• May I see and guide with equanimity and compassion.
It takes having the proper energetics to change and grow within, through mindfulness, wisdom, and awareness, and we can offer up compassion versus frustration towards ourselves and others when the proper energetics are not present.
• Can begin to create the proper energetics with patient consistency, grace, and compassion?
Is my life balanced?
• What areas (mind, body, spirit, creativity, or environment) are neglected and/or imbalanced?
• What areas of my life are not being fed, cultivated, and nurtured?
What needs to not continue on with me?
• What am I ready to release and vibrate out of?
What am I resistant to do that feels awkward, and yet will be good for me?
• Being kind?
• Being courteous?
• Showing compassion?
• Showing affection?
• Asking for help?
• Admitting you don’t know?
• Admitting you are wrong?
• Self-regulating vs spiraling out?
• Offering help and kindness when it’s in your power to do so?
• Not needing to be right?
An empowered mind and growth mindset will require you no longer allow old programming/behavior/ response-energy that doesn’t serve you, to continually govern, guide, and inspire you and your actions, it’s about changed behavior and taking your power back with it, in order to ever evolve and expand, and to stay fresh.
A self-compassionate path is not about becoming overly critical or self-condemning of yourself, it’s about still loving ourselves on the days when we don’t feel like we’re growing, progressing, or in our higher embodiment.
It’s about journeying in grace and self-regulating with compassion.
High vibrational embodiment is not about becoming cold, dry, or trapped in unhealthy habits, times, thoughts, pain, or experiences, that would affect our response and reaction behavior towards others or ourselves.
It’s about pausing and redirecting our energy to come home to our equanimity and grace, and communicating and responding from there, from home.
We can soften and still have healthy and mindful boundaries. Boundary work does not mean we have to contract or become rigid.
• We can soften and still embody empowerment.
• We can soften and still hold the light.
• We can soften and still be in control.
• We can soften and still be in our equanimity and higher embodiment.
•We can soften and still be spiritual warriors.
Am I softening into the sacred feminine or masculine?
Softness is not a weakness, it is sacred flexibility. It’s a skilled art and dance of energy and flow.
Practices for softening
Drop into your heart
Come home to yourself and your body
Become open to healing and growth through changed Behavior
• Notice clear windows of opportunity for growth, embodiment, and changed behavior. They can slip by so fast if we are not aware of them.
• In the midst of a fast and hectic moment or day, compose yourself and turn towards your heart center and towards the light.
This practice will guide you back home to yourself, listen, speak, and be from your heart; in your higher embodiment. This is a sacred portal, this is how you soften.
Let go of any unhealthy narratives that support rigidity and old timeline behavior
• Break old timeline energy agreements, contracts, and bonds. • You are a free and sovereign agent!!
Notice any areas of self-denial
• Keep or find your equanimity
•“You’re upset because you don’t have enough peace in you” –Thay
Become a practitioner of mindfulness and high vibrational living and learn to be in control of yourself and your reactions
Set embodiment intentions for the day
Pause to self-regulate
• Pause to switch modes when you notice unwanted patterns creeping in
Practice body awareness
• What is your body signaling?
• Is your body and energy tensioning up or relaxing?
• Are your facial expressions signaling relation?
What is your non-verbal communication conveying?
• Be affable and warm with others
• Have a meaningful presence
Seek to have a pure and renewed heart
• Be free and humble where you would normally be hooked in by ego
Unblock through subconscious reprogramming
Rewire your mind
• Start becoming unpredictable in your routines
• Do things differently, let go of mundane habits and replace them with new timeline energy
• If you always wake up and do the same things, try a new routine
Fear and rigidness are about contraction, notice when you are contracting and release yourself
• Remember that softening is about expansion
Ritualize your joy and openness
Seek outside support and have an accountability partner
Do things that calm the mind and restore inner-balance
• Meditation
• Journal writing
• Baths
• Movement,
• Rest
• Time in nature
• Sound medicine
• Touch medicine
• Warmth
• Remedies
Journey in grace
Consume nurturing things over toxic things, mind, body, spirit
Supportive Quote
when you
no longer
need to be
the you
you were
when you
were in
survival mode.”
Flower Essences
Releases us from rigidness and self-denial
Fear of the unknown
Cherry Plum
Fear of losing control
Intolerance and perfectionism
Lack of appreciation for others
Dominance and inflexibility
Protection from negative and toxic influences
Supports with change and transitions
Sweet chestnut
Restores hope and faith
Helps to stop living in the past. Supports with moving forward with encouragement.
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Homecoming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child, by John Bradshaw
The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self, by Alice Miller
Shop Flower Essences and more at Maryam Hasnaa’s shop:
Resonance Apothecary: Plant Spirit Medicine Finely Tuned for Highly Sensitives
For more flower essences, shop Bach Remedies