May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Living Your Power: Energy Reset & Timeline Tune-Up
In order to go farther and feel like our higher, radiant, powerful selves again, we must reset and tune up our energy. Regular energetic maintenance reduces lower energy and enhances us with renewed power. By tuning to higher vibrations and timelines, we access our higher self and become less fragmented and more whole. We come home to ourselves in a healing and sacred way and sense. Mastering our inner life allows us to hold more frequency and light, ascend to new levels, and access our higher-purpose path and self.
In this class, we explore practices to restore and enhance your personal energetics. We'll also learn how to vibrate higher daily amidst our current reality and personal timelines. It's time to reset, tune-up, and rise.
Two-Part Class
Video replay
Pt. 1: Discussion
Discussion Chapters pt.1
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: What To Know
Part 3: Coming Home to Yourself
Part 4: Self-Regulation
Part 5: Shift to Flexibility and Equanimity
Part 6: Vibrational Awareness
Part 7: Mind
Part 8: Subconscious Mind
Part 9: Spiritual Alignment
Part 10: Energy Body
Part 11: Physical Body
Part 12: Environment
Part 13: Sacred Rest| Slowing Down to Restore
Part 14: Align with Mother Earth
Part 15: Integration
Part 16: Supportive Quote| Maria Sabina
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Video Replay
Pt. 2: Practice/Meditation & Energetic Tune-Up
Discussion Chapters pt.2
Part 1: Opening w/Lalah
Part 2: Energy Centers Explained w/India
Part 3: Practice: Meditation & Energetic Tune-Up
Part 4: Q&A
Part 5: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Many people can feel and recognize lower energetic densities and other people can feel and recognize them way more intensely, to the point of not ignoring them.
How adequate does your sense of power and light feel during lower vibrational times? Does it feel like you're navigating in a lower alternate reality? Does your internal operating system feel off, glitchy, bogged down, overwhelmed, and/or drained and depleted? Does it feel like you’re drifting aimlessly into the unknown without a compass? Or like your best self has ‘left the chat’?
About this Class
In order to go farther and feel like our higher, radiant, powerful selves again, we must reset and tune up our energy. Regular energetic maintenance reduces lower energy and enhances us with renewed power. By tuning to higher vibrations and timelines, we access our higher self and become less fragmented and more whole. We come home to ourselves in a healing and sacred way and sense. Mastering our inner life allows us to hold more frequency and light, ascend to new levels, and access our higher-purpose path and self.
No matter what's happening in the outer realm, there are more blessings and dimensions to obtain and expand into.
In this class, we explore practices to restore and enhance your personal energetics. We'll also learn how to vibrate higher daily amidst our current reality and personal timelines. It's time to reset, tune up, and rise.
Introspection Questions
How Are You Doing?
Do you need an energy reset?
How adequate does your sense of power and light feel now?
Are you tuned up for the current timeline you are on and desire to elevate to?
Are you tuned up for the collective timeline that we’re on?
What metaphorical terrains or weather (from my book, Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power) are present at this juncture in your life?
What themes are present?
What challenges or patterns are appearing?
Are your personal and emotional energies and vibrations serving you well at this time?
Are you more reactive or proactive in your day-to-day life these days?
How has your vibration been?
Are you living your power?
Are you loving yourself through it all?
Class Notes
What to Know
There’s a way to live that will be helpful for you and a way to live that will not be.
The earth has been resilient throughout time.
We can tap into this powerful earth energy always.
Your body, mind, and vibration are always responding. They mostly speak in vibration. Are you feeling and listening to your own vibrational feedback?
Energy and vibrations are transferable.
Energy can linger, affecting your space and you, causing a sense of negative or lower vibrations, dullness, irritability, and fatigue.
Resetting your energy through vibrational and energetic cleansing and nurturing unifies and empowers your mind, body, and being, radiating higher embodiment.
Be patient when it doesn’t happen instantly or quickly enough. Keep in mind that it took you some time to get to this current state. What you’ve absorbed and what has imprinted itself into your energy field needs its unique time to clear and dissolve away. Some things clear out quickly, and others are slower to dissolve and dissipate. Your job is to love yourself through the process, see it through, and journey in grace, however long it takes. Really be there for yourself.
The health of our energy systems or biofield determines the vibrational state of our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If our energy systems are disrupted or blocked, we’re less able to cope with life, and we feel more stressed, which in turn has a negative impact on the body, behavior, and our physical well-being. Over time, this can lead to health decline and psychosomatic illnesses.
When our biofield is clear, healthy, and balanced, we are in a better state to deal with situations and circumstances that might otherwise be perceived as overwhelming, too stressful, and too much. With a clear biofield, we are also able to hold more light and manifest and sustain new timeline upgrades and expansion when our vibrational being is in higher balance.
Resetting and tuning up our energy is crucial.
Restorative Empowerment Practices
Come Home To Yourself: (Suggestion: A Journey Home Meditation)
This is the practice of sacredly and safely returning home after a long journey. Home is an inner sanctuary where you settle down and take care of yourself, your energy field, and your nervous system. When we come home to ourselves, we bring our mind, body, heart, and subconscious back into alignment and coherence.
With equanimity, no matter what is happening around us, home within is a place of solace, sovereignty, harmony, and peace.
No one can take this place away from us. It is always warmly welcoming us home and leaving a porch light on for us and a candle burning.
A sacred place. No matter what you experience, this inner home is untouchable and undestroyable by the outer world and life circumstances. It always remains safe and sacred.
One of the greatest distractions of this dimension and realm is to make you think your inner home does not exist and that your sense of home can only be found in physical things, material things, desired outcomes, and people outside of yourself. Through practicing mindfulness, we can come home to ourselves and our sacred path anytime.
Be the compassionate caretaker of yourself with self-compassion, love, kindness, and tenderness.
Say to yourself: “A lot is going on. You are experiencing many things; of course, you need extra TLC.”
I have arrived; I am home.
I have arrived; I am home.
I have arrived; I am home.
Self-regulating is about finding your point of personal balance and equilibrium. It’s a set point where you thrive in the midst of whatever is going on around or within you. It’s finding your pace. It’s locating your breath and calming it. Reaching this set point of regulation helps with impulse control, outbursts, and overreacting in situations.
It helps us to become more flexible versus overly fragile, rigid, or brittle.
It’s how we calm down the amygdala and our internal stress responses.
Should we lose our way or feel we’re getting close to losing control of ourselves, self-regulation helps us make proper adjustments to get back to our balance and higher vibrational state of being; it’s adjusting the frequency and inner thermostat for the right vibration, temperament, and embodiment to emerge.
Self-regulation helps us better process the information coming in from our senses and from programs running in our subconscious mind.
Did you have proper models of self-regulation growing up? Did the adults in your home and family life display self-regulation? Did your close peers? Do you have role models for it now?
If not, find a self-regulation role model. If no one is there in real life, call them forth through manifestation or be inspired by a character in a book or film or by a person you admire from afar. Make space for positive examples, and if possible, spend less time around people who don’t self-regulate or control themselves and their energy. Energetic boundaries profoundly come in here.
Research has shown that the ability to self-regulate is associated with higher future success. It’s an expansion tool and key.
Learning to self-regulate takes time. Pace yourself. Start where you can. Focus on making small daily steps towards self-regulation. From the practice of pacing yourself each day, you will eventually expand the practice into more of your life and your daily being, including living your power and embodying it more and more in your emotions, responses, and reactions.
I bring myself back into higher alignment
Shift to Flexibility and Equanimity:
Energy Cleansing is also getting in touch with your flexibility.
As much as we can be disempowered, we can also shift to higher awareness, be liberated from lower programs, and embody equanimity amidst stress, fear, busyness, and discouragement.
Instead of reacting to our current situations, circumstances, triggers, or environments, we pause to self-regulate by waiting for our brain chemicals to settle down before we go any further in our actions, life, or responses. This is how we overwrite and outgrow the program of reactivity and reset and evolve our energy. Through equanimity, we can shift from taking things personally, as well as victimization, judgment, competition, slander, mistreatment of self and others, and the urge to gossip or speak negatively about ourselves or others.
When we truly take care, we no longer desire to create harm or stress around us.
I am flexible, and I shift as necessary.
Shift Your Awareness and Direction
Navigation Awareness
We do not have to drift through life and situations with no sense of power, we can reposition and reroute ourselves as necessary with power.
Turn towards the light.
Head in the direction of your ‘north star’; move towards your calling when you feel lost or discouraged. Come home to your higher purpose.
Vibrational Awareness
What is the current vibration? How to align with higher vibrations?
Your home frequency
Journey in grace
Embodying your true nature.
Sometimes when we feel off, it’s because we are outside of ourselves or too much in our heads or too much in someone else’s.
Vibrate above fear energy and fear-based programming (staying sovereign beyond collective programming and consciousness).
Shift your awareness to being the observer, not the absorber.
Solitude is sacred
Slow down
Sub-Conscious Mind
Sub-Conscious Realignment and Reprogramming
This is the practice of clearing out any underlying beliefs and programs that cause us to become stuck, blocked, and in a behavior loop or energetic loop.
Psychotherapy and hypnotherapy
Reparent yourself. Where am I needing to be nurtured?
We can go from observer to participatory.
Consciousness through participation changes reality. This is quantum physics. The subtle realms of reality that we can’t see, but feel controls much more our experience than we realize. When we slow down to ‘feel’ the energies at hand in this way, we see from a greater and higher perspective. You take your power back with what you feel experience-wise.
Keep in mind, it’s not what you feel, it’s what you do with what you feel.
It’s not only what I feel but what I do with what I feel that I master.
Spiritual Alignment
Spiritual alignment is bringing your spirit back into alignment with the mind and body and your chosen life path and higher purpose.
Spiritual Practices:
Soul Tie Prayer
Self retrieval: Visualize everywhere your energy was spent this week or today, and call it back home.
Energy Body
Energy Clearing
Call your energy back home.
Cord-cutting is real. Visualize a cord connected between you and anything that is draining you and cut it.
Removing hooks and imprints
Physical Body
Energy Healing and Clearing
Energy healing balances and creates an environment for our body to self-heal. Work is done on the biofield and can be multidimensional work, spanning time and space.
Somatic practice to balance your mind, body, and energy:
Soft touch
Affection and hugs
Sacral cranial
Light touch massage
Roller-balls in a sock for massage
Himalayan salt balls
Epsom salt baths
Plant medicine
Healing herbs, tonics, and teas
Body Scan
Space Clearing
Restoring balance
Restore balance in your space:
Shifting things around
Sacred Rest
Slowing Down to Restore
Resetting from business, output, overwhelm, stimulation, overstimulation, exhaustion, fog, dumbing down your light, hiding, obsessive thoughts, HSP/empath burnout, or exhaustion is how we take our power back.
Life as an HSP or empath is living in the nuances and experiencing life with subtext all around it. This can become exhausting, so take care, rest, release, and reset.
HSP and Empath Empowerment
Become aware of when you are playing small and dumbing down your light.
Become aware of when you are taking on other people’s feelings and projections.
Live your power in your interactions.
Rest and decompress
Align with Mother Earth
The earth has been resilient throughout time.
We can tap into this powerful earth energy always.
Work with the elements and foods created by the elements: earth, water, wind, and sun.
Spend time in natural spaces, spend time in green spaces, and water spaces.
Ground yourself. Visually pull the earth’s energy up through your feet to your crown and all around you. Ground outdoors by walking or standing barefoot for at least 20 minutes.
Journey in safe passage. As you journey through the earth each day, send love, light, and high vibrations around you and before you.
Use your scared tools.
We journey in our power and differently when we have tools.
Integrate your wisdom and what you’ve been through.
In the same way that you offer brilliant advice to others in times of support, write a letter of support to yourself.
Free write to offer any advice that desires to come through you.
Trust your intuition. If you need support with this, work with flower essences and quiet and slow your life down by spending more time in solitude where you can hear with fewer distractions.
Supportive Quotes
“Heal yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds. Heal yourself with mint, neem, and eucalyptus. Sweeten with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a hint of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar and drink it looking at the stars. Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain. Stand strong with your bare feet on the ground and with everything that comes from it. Be smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with your forehead. Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier. Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember: you are the medicine.
I have arrived; I am home.
I bring myself back into higher alignment.
I am flexible, and I shift as necessary.
It’s not only what I feel but what I do with what I feel that I master.
on Soul ties
The basis of the prayer is to break all energetic and spiritual connections to anyone with whom you’ve knowingly or unknowingly formed a soul tie, bond, agreement, contract, and connection with and to.
These connections can be formed through past or present intimacy, sexual relations, close friendships, work relationships, family relationships, or even spiritual relationships.
The goal is to take your soul’s sovereignty, light, and power back from any soul ties that are out of alignment with your higher good and that are draining, manipulating, enmeshing, or hooking into you or causing energy leaks and/or spiritual, emotional, or physical suffering, addiction, depression, irritability, illness, and imbalance.
Often, a lot of what we feel is not even ours. It’s from a soul tie we are ‘empathing’ and still linked to energetically.
There’s good news. Energetic freedom, purification, and sovereignty can be yours.
Once you do the work to break the soul tie and spirit connection, stay open to how you will be called and possibly tested to remain in your power with this decision through your choices and actions.
Soul Tie Prayer
by Lalah Delia:
I call my soul and power back home to me. I break all connections to soul ties in the form of toxic and unhealthy bonds, agreements, contracts, hooks, psychic connections, and attraction to (name/s of person/people) and anyone else who is a soul tie that I may have forgotten about, no longer remember, or am unaware of on all timelines, in all dimensions, and across all time and space.
All energy exchange between myself and this person or these people stops now and is not to continue or return to me on any level, on any timeline, or in any dimension, time, or space.
Any unhealthy and disagreeable spirits pursuing me through soul tie relationships or any other compromising form of connection ceases to be effective starting now.
On all timelines, in all dimensions, and across all time and space, soul ties can no longer reach or locate me energetically or spiritually.
I release all unhealthy energy from me now.
My body, mind, heart, energy field, and home are now purified and returned to a higher spiritual and vibrational state of balance, being, and frequency.
I am liberated, lighter, and radiant with authentic power, freedom, and light.
And so it is.
(*There are write-ups on the internet on soul ties and soul contracts. Explore it more if you feel called.)
Suggested reading below.
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Supportive Guided Meditations
by Lalah Delia:
Soul Ties Article:
This article on soul ties is in-depth, and I resonate with the information shared in it. For this reason, I am suggesting it as a reading for gaining a more in-depth look at this topic.
9 Symptoms of Soul Ties You Can Recognize, by Sandra Luck
***Please note that the writer of this article is writing from a Christian point of view, so you will see words like “ungodly” in the text. If this word does not resonate with you, please replace it with words such as for instance: disagreeable, out of higher alignment, toxic, or lower frequency.