May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Taking Care In the Liminal Space: Loneliness & Emotions
The right energetics are being formulated for your protection and success; this means that dynamics in your personal life will most often require energetic shifting and clearing. We may do this on our own will, through discernment and intuition, or the higher forces at work will nudge the sacred clearing along by removing what and who does not have the aligned energetics for the current season out of our way.
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: Who Am I? | Channeled Writing by Lalah
Part 3: What To Know
Part 4: Oak Tree Analogy
Part 5: Self-Government ‘Laws’ for The Liminal Space
Part 6: Q&A
Part 7: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Whenever we make a positive change, it holds a sacred significance. The transition from one state of being to another is characterized by a transformative phase known as the liminal space. In this space, we find ourselves neither fully in our previous state, nor have we fully become who we are meant to become out of this space. Similarly, things around us are no longer the same as they were before, but they haven't yet transformed completely. It is within this liminal space that we gradually evolve into our new selves while transforming our reality and timelines.
There is a sacred call to solitude in this space. The liminal space is the desert terrain covered in my book, Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power.
Many of us, at many times, have outgrown a part of ourselves or our lives that has expired and no longer serves us vibrationally and developmental-wise. We’ve all been in the liminal space. The key is to live your power in it so that you don’t feel like a victim of the liminal space but rather a glorious hero coming through it. It’s important to realize that the liminal space happens for you and for your higher good; it’s an expanding space of benefits and transformation, not ‘punishment’.
As we know so well here at VHD, everything, everything, everything is vibration, including your change, transition, and transformation, a.k.a. your liminal space.
Welcome to the liminal space.
Loneliness and an insatiable longing for more profound connections and quicker outcomes can set in here in the liminal space. Still, with the right skills and awareness, we can journey in patience and grace and overcome whatever tries to discourage or overtake us on all levels.
When we don’t manifest our desires soon enough in this space or are not careful and aware of how to transmute our emotions and our longings, how we feel about what we don’t yet have can open the door to old habits, beliefs, triggers, and programs. From this vulnerable state, if we aren’t careful and mindful, we can get in the way and make decisions that gratify and serve the various old patterns we’re here in the liminal space to transform and not the new and better ones we’re here to embrace and embody.
The vulnerable emotions mentioned can send us on a roller coaster ride of lower self-worth, moodiness, ungratefulness, discontentment, self-sabotage, and other lower vibrational embodiment energy, including emotional dysregulation.
We don’t have to lose our higher sense of self or suffer in this sacred time of change, transition, or transformation.
Relationship and social-wise, the liminal space can be a crossroads. Who and what will go along with you? Who and what will you be divinely inspired to part ways with in order to manifest the most expansive and soul-rewarding timeline?
In class, we’ll hold space for a variety of liminal space emotions and learn how to vibrate higher in our liminal space so that we don’t fold or give our power away to who or what isn’t meant to be there any longer and instead, live our power and signal wholeness, which in turn magnetically attracts high vibrational connections with self, others, and blessed outcomes.
Who Am I?
Channeled Writing by Lalah
On the liminal journey, I may look for peace, gratification, and fulfillment that comes from outside of myself. Yet, lasting fulfillment comes from finding peace, balance, value, and joy from within ourselves. I guide my life's energy through daily actions, responses, embodiment, signaling, and awareness. I have the power to vibrate higher daily, rooted in a higher power.
Who am I? I am Equanimity.
I desire meaningful relationships in my life, which is great, but only after I have first learned to have a meaningful relationship with myself. On days when I don’t feel like myself or recognize the right way forward, I pour into myself all the more.
Who am I? I am Self-love.
When the world is too noisy, or when my worth is not being honored, when low vibrational distractions are present, or when the path must be cleared for me to see, hear, or feel better, I go within, and I slow down, I get quieter, I rest my mind and soul, and I come back home to myself.
Who am I? I am sacred solitude.
When I need to let go. No matter how hard it is, I release and let go, trusting the divine higher path knows best for me and is at work.
Who am I? I am divine detachment.
I am aware of my true value and worth, and I don’t settle outside of them.
Who am I? I am sacred self-worth and sacred self-value.
I grow and evolve with my timeline.
Who am I? I am cultivation and expansion.
If I become fearful of the unknown or of taking the necessary next steps forward, I take my power back and live it.
Who am I? I am divine courage.
I am mindful of my energetics, and I embrace and integrate my highest self. Should I find myself feeling or signaling low or compromising my higher path and beliefs, I remember who I am, shift, rise above, and come home to myself.
Who am I? I am high vibrational embodiment.
I am not overly critical and too hard on myself. I forgive myself and love myself through it.
Who am I? I am grace.
I embody warm and affable energy towards others.
Who am I? I am mindful and meaningful presence.
I seek higher guidance, wisdom, and direction.
Who am I? I am divine and impeccable listening.
I do what is necessary and needs to be done.
Who am I? I am divine action.
I am never alone and am divinely guided and covered in my liminal space.
Who am I? I am sacred protection.
Class Notes
What to Know
A stable state of being is known as equanimity. Equanimity in the liminal space is essential for not losing yourself on the journey and in the process. No matter what happens with social interactions, triggering moments, or passing thoughts, emotions, and desires, you are not overtaken by them; you remain in a centered place of personal power.
Transition and liminal space can be challenging. But know that liminal space is a time for development, empowered by grace.
Burn the bridge so you can’t go back
In the liminal space, the right energetics are being formulated for your protection and success. This means that dynamics in your personal life will most often require energetic shifting and clearing.
It can be lonely, challenging, or even appear ‘boring’, and yet, at the same time, it’s a productive space; you are becoming new and manifesting a higher timeline reality.
Whenever we make a change for the better, it’s sacred. Going from one state of being to the next requires an in-between journey and process, which is known as the liminal space.
There’s a sacred call to solitude in this space. The liminal space is the ‘desert terrain’ covered in my book, Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power.
The key energetics in the liminal space are about embracing your inner strength and higher purpose and awareness so that you don't feel helpless in this space or transformation but instead like a triumphant hero overcoming it.
Loneliness and an insatiable longing for more profound connections and quicker outcomes can set in in the liminal space. Still, with the right skills and awareness, we can embody grace and equanimity and overcome any disempowered thoughts that try to distract or overtake us.
When we don’t manifest our desires soon enough in this space or are not careful and aware of how to transmute our emotions and our longings, how we feel about what we don’t yet have can flare up old triggers and programs. These liminal emotions can send us on a roller coaster ride of lower self-worth, moodiness, ungratefulness, discontentment, and other lower vibrational embodiment energy, including emotional dysregulation.
Distractive energies can cause some journeyers to fold, become distracted, regress, revert to old patterns and timelines, and become off-balance and off-track. In contrast, other journeyers recognize the energies and focus and shield themselves all the more. This difference in perception and approach makes all the spiritual difference and determines whether we spend more time wandering in the desert or moving through it with sacred purpose, skill, high vibrational power, and blessed outcomes.
Oak Tree Analogy
The oak tree brings to our awareness that there must be sacred time to build stability and that not all liminal spaces are the same, time-wise.
The oak tree, with its deep roots planted into the earth, survives the elements, weather, and storms of life like no other tree.
Oak trees don’t produce acorns until they turn 50; this is a powerful inspiration to us all to trust the timing of our liminal space, especially when it feels too slow.
Self-Government ‘Laws’ for The Liminal Space
Be patient. Impatience is the cause of most liminal suffering.
Set up the proper structure and energetics. Structure and order must enter your life as you heal, overcome, and transform; this helps to sustain your healing and transformation.
Shift what needs shifting.
Clear what needs clearing. Make space.
Become stable. Journeying in stability is how you take your power back.
Set boundaries to protect your liminal space.
Don’t take on other people’s negative projections about the liminal space.
Don’t take things personally.
Don’t digress.
Stay persistent. “Persistence is patience in action.” — Jim Rohn
Stay focused. Don’t fold and give in to distractions and lose your way. Have sacred and fierce focus.
Keep preparing while in your equanimity.
Have reverence for life and higher purpose.
Be responsible for yourself and your actions.
Self-correct where and when necessary.
Make necessary adjustments.
Move on mindfully from old timelines.
Practice mindful speech and signaling.
Survive and outlast the desert; acquire and use the right tools. Be resourceful.
Let the miracle of life happen for you. Attract, don’t chase, or manipulate.
Overcome and shift to a new higher timeline.
Look for ways to ritualize your joy. Ritualizing your joy allows you not to loop out into low vibrations or energetic imbalance.
It’s essential to raise your self-worth and sense of value so that you do not slip into despair, hopelessness, or desolation.
Use the liminal space to deprogram and reprogram your subconscious mind.
Don’t give in to temptations and mirages.
Don’t allow small trivial things or the ebb and flow of day-to-day vibrations and life to discourage you.
Develop yourself. See and visualize yourself evolving. The liminal space is a time for development. You won’t be able to access and manifest certain things until you self-qualify on a subconscious, vibrational, and energetic level for it/them.
The more attractive you are vibrationally, the more success you attract.
Sharpen your skills and new skillsets.
Learn the art of self-regulation.
Be grateful for the space and time to work and cultivate.
Work on your traits. Strive for an enhanced version of yourself. Ex: integrity, honesty, mindfulness, mindful speech, serving others, affable, impeccable listening, impeccable with your word, or reprogramming subconscious belief and blockages,
The safest place to be is in the will of God, also known as divine alignment. Even when it hurts, is boring, or feels like unknown territory, divine alignment is the best route to seek, embrace, and travel.
‘And, at the same time’ mentality.
The liminal space requires us to be spiritual warriors. The difference between warrior monks and the average person who feels disempowered or fearful is that the warrior monk does not allow defeat, discouragement, fear, or failure to stop them from getting back up, moving forward, and staying true to the path.
Journey in grace. Love yourself through it.
Embrace high vibrational embodiment as energetic protection.
Protect your inner peace. People cannot bring you down when you practice equanimity. Them, their actions, or behavior can’t reach you in this stable state of being.
I innerstand the energetics at play, and that are necessary.
Honor your pace, season, and the timing of your life.
Journey mindfully and in vibrational awareness and higher purpose.
Remember who you are; you’re the hero, not the victim of your life and journey.
Supportive Quote
“Once loneliness becomes sacred solitude, you journey in your power.”
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia