May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Money Energetics Pt. 1: Mind, Soul, and Energetic Connection
Money is energy. You are energy. Learn to deepen the connection.
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: Opening Words + My Money Story and Programming
Part 3: The Subconscious Mind and Money
Part 4: Things I Stopped Doing to Heal my Finances
Part 5: Things I Started Doing: I Got Determined to Shift my Financial Frequency
Part 6: Relying on Others to Support You Financially
Part 7: Survival to Thrival
Part 8: The Wake-Up Call
Part 9: How Not to be in Conflict with Your Financial Goals
Part 10: Vibrating in Abundance Frequency
Part 11: High Vibrational Embodiment
Part 12: Practices
Part 13: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
I spent my fair share of years in the energetic loop of financial insecurity, financial rock bottoms, and vibrational lows. How do we become unblocked financially? How do we rise above our financial status and obstacles? What are the energetics to evolve our finances and heal and enhance our relationship with money, prosperity, and opulence? How do we break free from generational financial scarcity?
There is light at the end of the tunnel!!
Cracking the money code is real. And with the right tools and integration, you can crack the code open and break free – from the loop.
Praise be that higher guidance is available to us and will operate through us!!
An increased flow of positive abundance awaits you.
The Subconscious Mind and Money
Energetic blocks to money
What was your programming around money?
Did you witness and experience abundance and financial self-worth from your family as a youth?
Or did you witness and experience your family’s lack-mentality, scarcity, or money fears while growing up?
If you are not careful, your subconscious mind can take on the low self-worth mentality you were exposed to while growing up.
Who’s programming do you have on loop? What programming is running your finances?
The Subconscious Mind is Where You Manifest From
Stop agreeing with old programming from your subconscious mind or from anyone else that doesn’t reflect your expansion.
What are the imprints in your subconscious mind?
Distrust any limiting and fear-based programming.
Expanding your finances requires opening your mind to a more inclusive experience with money and abundance.
Begin to recognize limiting patterns and conditioning – no longer allowing these programs to keep running. Pattern disrupted!!
What areas are you magnetic in, and what areas are you not? Become aware of how free your beliefs are in areas you are magnetic in and how blocked your beliefs are in areas you are less magnetic in.
Lack Mentality
Always looking for a deal, bargain, or sale
Not generous
Shame others for spending money or vibrating in their wealth frequency
Fear of not having more
Triggered by unexpected expenses
You go with whatever life offers you and don’t believe you can access more beyond that level
Abundance Mentality
You embody deservingness and worth
You don’t always avoid or mind paying full price
You are generous with yourself and others
You are inspired when you see other people ‘winning’ and having what you desire to have
You believe in and practice reality creation
You manage money well
Vibrate Wealth to Gain Wealth
Wealth is a mindset
What to Look Out For
Judging or shaming other people for living pursuing their wealth desires
Giving up on the idea that you could have better and more
Self-defeated mentality
Always expect others to do for you
Grew up hearing that money was the root to all evil
Grew up hearing that ‘all rich people are fake or think they’re better than everyone’
Stop playing small and dimming your light. Take up more space and be seen
How Lack and Scarcity Show Up in Your Spending
Over indulging
Lack of discipline
Not being generous
Triggered by bills or unexpected expenses
Neglecting bills or debts when you have the money to pay them because you’d rather spend money on something ‘more fun’
Afraid to check your bank or credit balances, so you ignore them
In conversation, you mention statements like: ‘that’s too much, I wouldn’t spend that kind of money, must be nice’
Always looking for a bargain, deal, or hook-up. Usually avoids full price
How Religious Programming Shows Up
Believing you can’t be highly spiritual and evolved and have material desires
Believing that if you don’t use your money the way the religious leader and community say you should, ‘God won’t bless you’
How Money is a ‘Good’ Thing
You can do more good in the world
You gain more access to resources
You can elevate your life and its expression
You can invest in yourself and your future
You can move beyond survival mode
Meet and express your own energy.
Things I Stopped Doing to Heal and Expand my Finances
Saying I’m terrible with money
Feeling like I can’t afford or access the things I need to thrive and elevate my circumstances.
Feeling like I can’t afford the type of clothing, home, or furniture that aligns with my creative self and soul expression.
I let go of relationships that were out of energetic alignment. This raised my worth frequency.
Feeling like I was missing out on anything I didn’t yet have. I began believing that I was worthy of it and that it will align in time.
Feeling burdened or stressed by bills or debt
Not wanting to invest in me
Stopped staying stagnant and letting fear stop me or hold me back
Things I Started Doing: I Got Determined to Shift my Financial Frequency
I started saying I’m good with money, I’m financially responsible, I’m financially stable, and all my needs and desires are met.
I began believing that I was worthy of it and that it will align in time if it is in divine order for me. Waiting in equanimity and joy, with a light heart.
I got clear on my balances and any debt I had and no longer avoided knowing
I began paying bills with gratitude now.
Started seeing investing in myself as valuable and necessary
Taking aligned action towards my goals. This too, is a form of sacred moment and flow.
I became unapologetically clear on what my home frequency is lifestyle-wise.
Began shining my light, showing up, and taking up space
I started vibrating differently, thinking and feeling, and believing differently about money.
I began embodying confidence.
Began resonating in the vibratory frequency of what I desired by believing and feeling I can have, do, and be it, on a more advanced level, I began believing I was already in the life, and I gave thanks for it.
The Stress of Relying on Others to Support You Financially
You feel like the rug could be pulled from under you at anytime
Fear of something happening to the person you rely on financially
Sense of entitlement
Sense of shame
Sense of being indebted or limited
Living in compromise in some way to stay afloat
Settling for a lower vibrational timeline for financial security
Fear of speaking or living your truth for fear of jeopardizing your support
Survival to Thrival
If you were born into disadvantage or thrust into it by life circumstances of your doing or not, the universe desires to help liberate you out and beyond where you are.
Thriving will require us to tune into the right voices and choices
The Wake-Up Call
When we can’t figure things out ourselves or act in accordance with our soul’s evolution, we attract external events to wake us up and shift our lives into motion. Journey in grace in this place as it can be tender, triggering, and challenging. Just keep in mind that your soul wants to evolve, and if it’s inhibited by you, or by others, you’ll begin to experience a spiritual nudge to bring you into higher alignment. The more un-willing we are to our soul expanding we begin to experience applied pressure through experiences that feel challenging and uncomfortable. But this is ultimately working for our higher soul’s good.
External events to Wake us up can look like this:
You used to count on something or someone, and suddenly, it’s not there.
What was stable, reliable, and secure is not anymore.
Something or someone you were counting on is gone.
Gradually you awaken, align, and honor that your soul is freeing you.
Beliefs, relationships, and beliefs that no longer serve your soul’s goals and purpose will be.
As you surrender and keep going through the liminal space and alchemy, you begin to experience synchronicities divinely aligned to support your expansion and evolution. Here you move into a place from being triggered to divine neutrality where you are free of resistance to the awakening and expansion process. This is a portal of surrender, trust, inner peace, freedom, and equanimity. Ego, denial, illusions, and distortions break off here. Be mindful that your attitude is an energetic frequency and tool that moves you forward and expands you or backward and blocks or stagnates you. As you open up to the flow of transformation, gradually, you awaken, align, and honor that your soul is freeing you. Love yourself through the alchemy.
Increase Your Magnetic Frequency
You will receive opportunities to either act in a familiar lowered programmed manner or to elevate on a soul level by acting from a higher state of consciousness and by creating new neural pathways that free and expand you.
Activate the pituitary and pineal glands to access higher states of consciousness (ex: yoga, movement, meditation, spending time in nature, healthy and high-vibrational foods, plant medicine, and more.) More on this in Money Energetic Pt.2
Bring the body and subconscious mind to a higher frequency. Reality shifts from this place, as you are supporting your Money Energetics
Limit your time around people with low self-worth and money blocks who don’t want to heal them
Get around the other people who have what you desire to have and are doing what you desire to do. This can be exposure in reality or through online, books, social, or movies
This exposure allows your subconscious mind to see what is possible for you and overrides subconscious blocks. This shifts your consciousness.
How Not to be in Conflict with Your Financial Goals
Move out of doubt.
Believe what you ask for is already yours.
Don’t agree with anyone’s lack or scarcity mentality, whether in conversation or projection.
Vibrating in Abundance Frequency
Vibrate wealth to generate wealth
Wealth is a mindset
What feeling would you have with financial security? This is how you move forward; you embody this/these feelings now; you vibrate in them now.
Surround yourself with people who embody or signal the vibration and wealth you desire ob obtain
High Vibrational Embodiment
Be kind with your money, not ego-driven
Keep it high vibrational
Move, do, manifest – with integrity.
Keep higher embodiment and higher purpose in mind
Supportive Quote
“An increased flow of positive abundance awaits you. ”
Do things often that make you feel wealthy and financially secure, without fear or regret attached to it.
Do things that test and expand your worth. This can also be practiced as a generosity challenge: money, time, support, or kindness:
Fill your gas tank up.
By a size large.
Give a larger tip.
Treat someone to lunch.
Buy someone a gift.
That yourself to something new.
Dress like success, serve success, looks, and abundant energy.
For deeper subconscious connection, FEEL THE EXPANSION IN THESE PRACTICES when doing them
Bonus Money Energetics Practices and Prompts
Practice Calling Yourself Back Home:
Say your name aloud a few times, asking yourself to come back home and ground into your body.
“Bless your heart; you’re hurting.”
Loving Body Scan: Caress your body with affection, holding the intention of bringing in higher awareness, power, vitality, peace, and energy back to your body. Do a restoring whole body scan when time allows, or go by pain point as needed.
Moving Through and Becoming Unstuck
Where is there suppression, overwhelm, and sabotage present: What solutions are you resisting, overwhelmed by, or procrastinating with implementing?
Unearthing any repressed feelings
What am I not expressing fully?
What (or who) is stressing me?
What am I angry about?
What (or who) is overwhelming me?
What am I resisting?
What am I afraid of?
What am I not releasing, letting go, or surrendering to?
How will I support my soul’s journey?
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
I Will Teach You to Be Rich, by Ramit Sethi.
Practical advice for breaking money cycles and blocks, getting out of debt, conscious spending, and more.
Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money, by Kim Honda
Explains your energetic and emotional tie to money.
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
Debt Calculator
Helpful Website