May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Money Energetics Pt. 2: Work and Career Edition
Money is energy. You are energy. Learn to deepen the connection.
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Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: Money Energetic States of Consciousness
Part 3: Subconscious Blocks
Part 4: Manifest and Build from an Embodied + Aligned State
Part 5: Outgrowing your Work Environment
Part 6: Empowered Individual
Part 7: Respect The Liminal Space
Part 8: Learning How to Radiate in Your Light as a Vessel
Part 9: Inner-Fire Awakening
Part 10: From Scarcity to Embodying Abundance
Part 11: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Do you have the desire to shift into work you’re passionate about? Are you bored, burned out, or losing a sense of good health where you are now?
Do you desire more personal creative expression and agency in the work you do and to get paid well for it?
Does it feel like you can’t grow or evolve higher financially in the work you’re in now?
Are you settling for the type of work you do now because you have to?
Are you experiencing a personal or career glass ceiling? A glass ceiling is an impenetrable yet invisible barrier especially affecting women and BIPOC communities. This is where you see higher levels of success out there, but you can’t seem to access these higher levels due to what seems an impenetrable barrier.
Are you looking to enter the career field for the first time, or after being away from it for a while?
Are you dreaming of or pursuing an entrepreneurial life?
I spent my fair share of years in the energetic loop of financial and career insecurity, and even rock bottoms and vibrational lows.
How do we become unblocked?
What are the energetics to rise and advance our careers levels and evolve our finances? How do we expand into abudnace, prosperity, financial security, opulence, and deeply passionately work?
There is light at the end of the tunnel!!
Cracking the money and career code is real. And with the right tools and integration, you can crack these codes wide open and break free!!
Praise be that higher guidance, insight, and tools are available to us!!
An increased flow of positive abundance awaits you.
Money Energetic States of Consciousness:
What state/s of money consciousness are you vibrating in?
We have to embody wealth, success, and abundance before seeing any evidence of them.
This embodiment practice involves our state of consciousness aligning through our belief system, our self-worth, how we think and speak, feel, and respond, and our willingness to take sacred action regarding money and its opportunities.
Do: Associate with the feelings of abundance over fear, scarcity, or the feeling that something is wrong.
Subconscious Blocks
Where are you holding back?
Family dynamics
Spiritual programming and blocks
Fear of being judged
Fear of being seen
Fear that no one will show up for you
Scarcity mindset
Judging others who have an abundance mindset
Not wanting to invest in yourself or your vision, dreams, or business
Not having faith
Manifest and Build from an Embodied + Aligned State
Don’t worry about the numbers.
Be authentic; that’s your secret sauce.
No one can do it like you.
Money is an energy exchange.
Your work is a sacred service.
Your gift will make room for you.
Outgrowing your Work Environment
Leaving a dead-end job that is causing disharmony within you
Outgrowing spaces
Trust the call to leave
Spiritual nudged
Liminal space
“I had to make you uncomfortable; otherwise, you wouldn’t have moved. – The Universe”
Believe in yourself and in your ability to build and manifest a life of great abundance.
Empowered Individual
Empowered individual
Fully expressed individual
Becoming awakened and liberated
Liberating yourself from limited subconscious programming
Liberated from the influence of collective consciousness
Courage to ask, listen and act in higher resonance with your divine team and your higher timeline
Live your power
Connect to your inner fire and activate and keep it aflame
Follow your soul path.
Stay attached to the intention; this empowers you through the results.
I am transforming
Respect The Liminal Space
Do your best where you are now
Make plans to leave if you need to
Set up your liminal space and journey to support you
Liminal job
Liminal living space
Liminal transportation
Liminal resources
Be the architect of your vision-to-reality process
Respect the building process
Quick Note on the Money/Relationship Connection
Relationships impact money energetics
Learning How to Radiate in Your Light as a Vessel
Turn on your heart light and shine it out to the world.
It’s about enjoying the splendor of your being and celebrating life, celebrating who we are, celebrating your individuality, celebrating your gifts, and expressing your unique individuality, gifts, and creativity in the world, through your soul path, our mission.
Inner-Fire Awakening
Illuminate my mind, heart, and soul with higher vision, frequency, and passion.
From here, all things begin to look and feel different, and you begin to live with more connection, wonder, joy, and passion. You access more divine wisdom, insight, opportunity, and support.
From Scarcity to Embodying Abundance
Release and clear the feeling of lack or scarcity
It may be that based on your current status, you or others around you have seriously placed their bets on you not becoming liberated, successful, and wealthy.
No longer look at your life and belongings as if something is wrong or lacking.
Begin to look at your current life and current belongings with gratitude and reverence as if they were evidence of your life of abundance. Begin to cherish everything, even the things that need repair or replacement. They are blessings too.
Begin to feel resources are coming to you and give thanks for them.
Practice spending or giving in gratitude and with the state of consciousness that you are abundant.
See and think of yourself as a high-vibrational earner and wealth magnet.
See and refer to yourself as an awakened successful person, an awakened person with abundance, or an awakened millionaire – if that’s what you desire. See this version for yourself now, in advance, and as you begin to call all of it in, hold the vision, and feel and believe it into being.
Supportive Quote
“I had to make you uncomfortable; otherwise, you wouldn’t have moved. – The Universe.”
Money Intention Practice
What is Your Intention with Money?
Contemplate the flooring questions. Journal them if you feel aligned to keep this list close by and on record intentionally.
Is the wealth you desire and see for yourself inspired on a personal and authentic soul level, or is it programmed through what media, movies, social media, and the collective outer world says it should be?
How will having more money improve your life?
What will you be able to do differently in your life with financial security and stability?
What will you be able to do differently in your life with discretionary income?
What will you be able to do differently in your purpose and gifts with financial security?
What good will you be able to do?
What problems will financial security solve?
How will you feel and show gratitude for abundance being your stable reality?
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
I Will Teach You to Be Rich, by Ramit Sethi.
Practical advice for breaking money cycles and blocks, getting out of debt, conscious spending, and more.
Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money, by Kim Honda
Explains your energetic and emotional tie to money.
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection, by Michael Singer
Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament, by Michael Singer
I Will Teach You to Be Rich: No Guilt. No Excuses. No B.S. Just a 6-Week Program That Works, by Ramit Sethi
Debt Calculator
Helpful Website