May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Self-Actualization: Taking Your Role in the World Serious
Divine, universal energies are always supporting your soul path; when we realize this, the game changes. A shift is happening. Do you feel it?
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: Opening Words
Part 3: Limitation to Liberation and Freedom
Part 4: A Loving Clearing Out and Shift
Part 5: Freeing the Soul Through Autonomy
Part 6: Liminal Space
Part 7: Sacred Pivot
Part 8: Grounding your Light and Gifts in the Body
Part 9: Tending to the Body as the Vessel
Part 10: Expanded Awareness + Soul Consciousness
Part 11: You Have a Support Team, Protection, and Guidance
Part 12: Self-Mastery + Becoming Radiant
Part 13: Becoming a Light House in the World
Part 14: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
The current energies are about propelling you forward into new experiences, opportunities, and higher self-actualization. It’s sacredly up to you to liberate yourself enough to generate the frequency, power, and force that will awaken you to who you really are, and move you to take your mighty role in the world serious.
Watch as Lalah gently walks us through the following interconnected themes:
Tending to the Body as the Vessel
Becoming Radiant
Expanded Awareness
Freeing the Soul Through Autonomy
Limitation to Liberation
Becoming a Light House in the World
Grounding your Light and Gifts in the Body
Higher Frequencies as Protection and Guidance
Opening Notes
Self-Actualization: Taking Your Role in the World Serious
You are here to be a fully expressed, empowered individual who is shining your actualized light in the world.
Welcome to the new you; you’ve been birthing yourself out.
Divine, universal energies are always supporting your soul path and continual rebirth; when we realize this, the game changes.
Astrological Note:
The recent Sagittarius new moon — is about a higher perspective and a higher picture. Shout out to our recent VHD EVENT: Reframing Practice. Replay available soon.)
This is the last fire sign of 2022, and it’s energizing our shift, taking us from old ways of being and ushering us into new ways of aligned, passionate, and higher being and embodiment.
How have you grown out of your comfort zone and the familiar? If so, you are not alone. There’s a shift happening, indeed. Do you feel it?
The work is to be open now.
The current energies are about propelling you forward into new experiences, opportunities, and higher self-actualization. It’s sacredly up to you to liberate yourself enough to generate the frequency, power, and force that will awaken you to who you really are and move you to take your mighty role in the world seriously.
Limitation to Liberation and Freedom
Our identity is governed by the ego, human experiences, negative conditioning, and lower consciousness rather than our true soul identity
Operating from a low sense of embodiment, self, and intention.
Looping cycles of fear sabotaging our expansion and joy
Programmed and governed by the collective consciousness
Autopilot mind
Unregulated subconscious mind, behaviors, and habits
Not having the proper environment to thrive in and being too afraid to create it for yourself or blocking it from manifesting.
Not allowing enough light and higher frequencies to enter the body and mind. What are you consuming, and how are you taking care of yourself as the vessel through it all?
A Loving Clearing Out and Shift
Awareness and desire to break old patterns and go further
The current energies support us in moving forward in our life
Activate more of what inspires you
Integrating new parts of yourself and clearing outdated ones
Bringing in higher parts of yourself
New energetic frequency
Operating from a low sense of embodiment, self, and intention is no longer comfortable or appealing to you
Freeing the Soul Through Autonomy
Requiring new parts of yourself
Awakened desire to deprogram and separate from the collective consciousness. Recognizing parts of the collective consciousness that are hooks
Feeling and accepting the awkwardness that comes with manifesting change, rebirth, and liberation, and moving forward – no longer trapped or blocked by fear of awkwardness
Enter a higher realm where our identity is no longer governed by our ego or our human experiences but by our true soul identity – not lower consciousness
Liminal Space
Self-discipline in intentional movement and waiting in the liminal space will pay off.
Sacred Pivot
It takes having sacred flexibility to honor the call and nudge to pivot and transition into more aligned work and embodiment.
Trust that you will be guided and provided for.
Have courage over worry and fear through this process, as courage is a light code for expanding.
Surrender, say yes, and take the next sacred steps.
Now Go!! Journey the great unknown. The path opens as you travel it, and the support comes in.
Grounding your Light and Gifts in the Body
Allow these higher aspects to come through without feeling afraid of them or the outcome.
Sharpen your skills often. Keep learning new aspects of your gift.
Find expanders, mentors, and coaches.
The more you practice your gift, the stronger it becomes.
Reintegration + Coming Back Home
The path forward is asking us to integrate the skills, wisdom, knowledge, and experience we’ve gained this year and the last couple of years and also to bring back in particular aspects, wisdom, understanding, inner-standing, and gifts that were allowed to go offline while we went through a metamorphosis, liminal space, and divine assignments— and for other necessary reasons.
What are the parts of yourself that you have gone offline, or that you have rejected, that can now safely and healthily be reintegrated and activated?
What part of your shadow regulated and transmuted into higher light frequencies can serve your current process and higher path? and work now and in the future?
Tending to the Body as the Vessel
Find your body’s ‘medicine.’
Be open and mindful of what it takes to bring in, nurture, flourish, and sustain the new aspects of yourself.
Be mindful of what is blocking and interfering with the new aspects from coming in.
Stay in your own energy.
Do more of what clears and transmutes dense energies in the body.
Decompress and reset.
Bring higher frequencies into the body, such as more light, electricity, and life force.
What are you consuming as the vessel, and how are you taking care of yourself as the vessel?
Ritual over routine
Love yourself through it all.
Expanded Awareness + Soul Consciousness
Navigating your life from a higher identity, expanded soul consciousness
Access to expanded awareness
Allow the soul’s lessons to integrate now, with no fear or shame of running this new program. You are protected and covered.
You become more relatable as you integrate all of your authentic self and wisdom.
As mentioned above, enter a higher realm where our identity is no longer governed by our ego or our human experiences but by our true soul identity, not lower consciousness.
You Have a Support Team, Protection, and Guidance
Working with divine assistance is where you’ll find your support and manifest it into the physical plane.
From here onward, no longer move as if you are alone, unguided, and unsupported. Recognize when the divine signs are divine signing’.
Higher frequencies as protection and guidance #VibrateHigherDaily
Self-Mastery + Becoming Radiant
Self-mastery is not a destination but a path, practice, and lifestyle.
We become more radiant and luminous from doing the work, self-actualizing, and taking our role seriously in the world.
Becoming a Light House in the World
No more downplaying who you are
No more playing small
Eminent and radiate
“People will be in the darkness until you bring them the light.” – Jim Rohn.
Your light guides others to you
You beautiful divine light, and you are meant to SHINE!!
Supportive Words
“You carry your light beautifully.”
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection, by Michael Singer
Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament, by Michael Singer
Becoming, by Michelle Obama
As mentioned in class:
Becoming Documentary on Netflix, starring Michelle Obama
Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia
Taking Your Power Back, by Lalah Delia