May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
The Energetics of Living Your Power PT. 1: Change, Growth, Breaking Loops
How often is it that we’ve set goals/ objectives for ourselves that we were so excited for but slowly but surely lost momentum for?
How often is it that we desire to change certain behaviors or personality traits but we keep finding ourselves in the same place we started?
As we begin to notice that the changes we’re desiring to make aren’t sticking, it can be easy to enter a mindset of defeat or even discouragement as we start to wonder why (change isn’t sticking).
Change is surrendering to the unknown and gently shifting from ‘unhealthy’ to ‘healthy’ temporary discomfort aka the ‘Liminal Suck.’
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: Introduction To India Isabella
Part 3: Grounding Practice
Part 4: Programming
Part 5: Mindset
Part 6: Sacred Discipline & Our Comfort-Zone
Part 7: Practices & Solutions
Part 8: Back to Lalah
Part 9: Q&A
Part 10: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
There’s so many nuances in our belief systems, mindset, thoughts, the way we speak to/of ourselves and others, and how expansive our outlook on life is. You could have all of the intentions in the world to make positive changes but if you’re thinking small and limited or even in a way that is discouraging or defeating, you’ll find yourself in looped behavior cycles.
In this class, India will speak on ways that our thoughts, beliefs, programming, and more can be holding us back from our desired outcomes.
Learn how we can shift our mindset to support what it is that we see/desire for ourselves through practices.
Class Notes
The truth is that we are constantly experiencing change moment by moment. When we allow this flow to take place graciously we begin to reap the positive benefits of what change had to bring us.
How we were raised, our beliefs, our thought patterns, and the way we react vs. respond inform our reality as we know it and our actions. It also informs how we react and respond whether it be from survival mode (fight or flight) or from a sense of divine understanding that all is happening according to divine planning or to how our thoughts, beliefs, fears, and etc. are informing the universe.
How did you see the people around you react to situations growing up?
How did you hear your parents talk to themselves growing up?
How were you treated when you messed up or showed imperfect behavior?
How does this form how you process your own behaviors and experiences?
Are you gentle with yourself or do you begin to use harsh words and give yourself harsh labels over simple mistakes?
A common program is that all has to be flowing in our lives perfectly and if not something is wrong with us. This then pushes us into a mental space self-judgement, harsh self-talk, and ultimately self-hatred in some cases. These mindsets prevent us from moving forward no matter how good our intentions are to make changes in our lives. Without understanding that this is a program of reactionary self-punishment, we can put ourselves in a long-term liminal suck that will feel like a loop.
Outside penetration:
Programming doesn’t just end at childhood
When we’re unaware of this process, it’s happening to us and all around us daily
It’s important to be mindful of who you’re venting to during these times. What’s their mindset?, how do they talk to them selves?, how well do they integrate, accept, and process change? Are they closed minded?
People are accustomed to the version of them that we have always presented to them. Although they do see us grow, and change as we mature, most people expect people to have the same personality type forever.
If you finally reach a state of wanting to make changes and the other person doesn’t give you the positive validation you were looking for it can place you back into the space of defeat. So it’s important to know that your validation is all that you need to keep going and other people will get it once they see the change in affect of the result of complete transformation/ transfiguration.
The vibration you present to someone while venting about issues in your life informs how they view you and that particular situation.
Their thoughts, advice, a beliefs that inform those things can easily program your situation to become better or worse because of the vulnerable space we tend to be in when we’re venting about emotionally charged topics.
How we view, talk to/about ourselves, and the thoughts we have are important and determine the types of changes that occur in our lives
If these areas in our minds are tuned to lower vibrational frequencies, like anger, sadness, negative self-talk, and self-punishment, even in the midst of wanting to make positive changes, we tend to heighten that energy and can even get stuck there, feeling defeated by our own minds.
We can begin to attune ourselves to the higher vibrations that support change by journeying in grace
Grace is the key to all of our desires because grace along the way no matter what happens, what mistakes we make, etc., it insinuates that we still expect positive things to happen for us
Grace reminds us that there is a lesson in every experience or perceived ‘mistake’
Negative self-talk:
‘I can’t’
‘I’m not good enough’
‘I’m a failure’
‘I can’t afford’
‘I don’t have time’
‘I don’t have the patience’
‘That’s never going to happen for me’
‘I’m ugly’
‘fat’, etc
We completely rob ourselves of opportunities for growth, change, or even manifesting our desires when we speak to/ view ourselves in this way. In fact, it lowers our vibration to a point where we are not vibrationally resonating with the changes we see for our lives.
If you wouldn’t speak to or of a small child in that way, don’t do it to yourself either
The universe is keeping score and is working for, picking up your signals, and sending you possibilities surrounding the energy you’re putting out
If your negative self-thoughts/ talk hold intense emotions of belief behind them then the universe will begin to send you more experience that supports those emotions because you’re showing this is how you desire to feel
This will make us feel like nothing is happening or that we’re stuck in a loop or cycle and further amplify our thinking that change isn’t possible for us. Thus amplifying a defeated mentality.
We feel stuck so we become stuck
The Most High/ Universe is showing you what’s possible for you
Don’t jump to comparison
Sacred Discipline and Our Comfort zone
‘Healthy’ vs ‘unhealthy’ discomfort
Building the muscle for discipline
Having a plan for temptation
Having a plan to bring us back in alignment
Supportive Quote
“Still love yourself through the awkward, challenging,
uncomfortable, and sometimes messy stages of ‘figuring it out. Love yourself through it.”
Practices & Solutions
Pre-meditation action (thinking before acting)
Daily meditation
Allowing thoughts to pass through without adding an emotional charge
Gratitude journaling
‘Journey in Grace’
Vibrational check-ins throughout the day
Compassion for yourself and others
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Even though these were also listed in our previous class, everything listed is still relevant to this topic!! (:
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
Binaural frequencies
Apollo Neuro is a wearable device that helps your body recover from stress. Relax, sleep better, and feel better with scientifically-sound touch therapy.
Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia on Insight Timer