May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
The Energetics of Living Your Power Pt. 2: Taking Your Power Back and Living It
You are being called to rise above the level you have been operating at.
Will you accept the sacred mission and divine calling to live your power?
When life happens beyond your control or desire, you still have power either way. I cannot express this enough.
Mastering, activating, and embodying the energetics of power down to the nuances, is how you ‘live your power’.
Nuances are huge in mastering energetics and living your power. So much happens in the nuances that if we don’t have a skillful eye to see them, we miss specific opportunities to level up that are presenting themselves for our good: including opportunities we’ve prayed for and called in.
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Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: What to Know
Part 3:Self-Worth + Energetic Growth
Part 4: Getting Real With Yourself
Part 5: Self-Worth + Energetic Growth
Part 6: Subconscious Programming
Part 7: Equanimity
Part 8: The Energetic of Life And Experiences
Part 9: Manifesting Through Vibrational Power
Part 10: Vibrational-Signaling + Awareness
Part 11:New Timeline, Slaying The Dragon and Becoming The Hero Of Your Life
Part 12: Navigating Distractions + Energy Traps
Part 13: Relationships and Power
Part 14: Well-Being
Part 15: Environment
Part 16: Activation In The World
Part 17: Journey In Grace
Part 18: Generating Power Practice
Part 19: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
When we learn how to [affectively] hold the signal and RISE versus fold in the face of fear, challenge, triggers, tests, and opportunity (this is where the work is!!), we call in higher expansion and a higher, more aligned reality. When we rise in this way, our magnetic field and aura strengthen, and our vibration and life force radiates a powerful signal to the world around us and within us that commands higher and better opportunities, outcomes, and experiences.
Journey in grace and power, always, wherever you are.
Where you currently are may not be all your fault, but who–you–are currently is always up to you.
Read that again, my sacred friend.
As you mindfully recognize opportunities to evolve and expand, which can mystically show up, for example, through divine tension, via the energy portals of:
change, challenge, fear, pain, isolation, set-backs, heartbreak, break-ups, rejection, breakdowns, defeat, loss, lack, and/or metaphorical and spiritual storms
– you open up to the journey and process it less defeated and more skillful, with higher purpose in mind, and embodied in higher potential and power [this is when the game changes].
Doing the work to empower yourself is what transforms you and separates you from the experience of defeat, low self-worth, and a disempowered life; you will elevate to new higher timelines where infinite potential and possibilities reside.
Acquiring the skill set of ‘rising above’ allows you to transform and evolve into the powerhouse you were created to become — and embody daily.
There is another way of being in the world — a way higher.
Are you ready to embody your powerhouse energy?
New, higher levels await you – as you live your power.
Class Notes
When life happens beyond your control or desire, you still have power either way. I cannot express this enough.
What you’ve been through or go through is not to defeat you but to empower you – all the more.
We become empowered by taking courageous aligned action and by making necessary uncomfortable changes (also known as the liminal suck) which builds energetic and mental muscles and grit).
Honoring your true authentic nature, versus being something you are authentically not, helps you to live an empowered life.
Empowerment begins with self-awareness and getting real with yourself. Take deep looks, not surface levels looks, all the way in and down to the microscopic levels, so to speak.
Ask yourself, “Where do I need help, support, or mentorship and am not asking for it, seeking it, or being resistant to it?”
One of the main ways people give their power away is by putting too much emphasis and energetic weight on what other people might think.
Power and disempowerment are vibrations, and they are felt without us having to say one word to others. Energetically, which vibration are you sending and emitting to the field around you?
If you aren’t in your power or have high self-worth, it’s time to rebrand how you see and feel about yourself? Observe yourself; take notice of what you radiate inwards and outwards.
See what changes can you/need to make, then take ‘divine aligned action’ to make those changes.
Take opportunities that evolve you and help you grow.
Wounds, programming, and old timeline behavior all affect your sense of power.
“If you do not run your subconscious mind yourself, someone else will run it for you.”― Florence Scovel Shinn
See yourself as the captain of your ship. Your ship is your life, and what empowers, signals out, and steers this ship [that is your life] is your subconscious mind.
Reprogram, upgrade, and nurture your subconscious beliefs so they begin to reflect you being in your power.
Take divine aligned action, and visualize, feel, believe, and signal it all into being.
Not taking things personally, and returning to your joy, is always a power move. Equanimity is the way to self-empowerment.
Your subconscious beliefs, high self-worth, and feelings, all paired with taking necessary aligned action, manifests your desires.
Take your power back in situations by not getting defeated or discouraged but by activating your ability to shift the tides.
See everything as a lesson and experience.
You may not be in control of all things in your experience, but you do still have power within you. (This is essential, reassuring, and empowering to remember.)
Generate power from deep within and from your Higher Power.
Shift permission and consent of what and who is allowed to affect you energetically.
As a daily mindfulness practice, shift into your power each day, interaction by interaction, experience by experience.
Renegotiate your agreements as needed. Void outdated and unaligned energetic contracts and agreements you’ve made. Some examples of this process are: setting new boundaries, letting go of what or who is no longer an energetic or vibrational match to you and where/what you desire to be/have, distancing yourself to grow, distancing and nurturing yourself to break energy bonds and cords, and set up new aligned guidelines and intentions that reflect your empowered vision for all more empowered relationships or experiences.
Live and move in integrity and aligned action.
Remove soul-ties and cut cords.
Practice energy cleansing daily to remove any disagreeable and unharmonious energies that may have attached to you.
Equanimity is how you stay in your power.
Hold the vibrational magnetic signal: belief/worth/vision/feeling.
Be a vibrational match by holding the vibratory frequency.
Your subconscious beliefs, high self-worth, and feelings, all paired with taking necessary aligned action, manifests your desires.
Vibration awareness of your thoughts, feeling, and embody. What are you vibrationally signaling and agreeing with through your feelings, beliefs, and actions?
Affirmations help to keep your higher vision and goal in mind, new timeline-wise. The key to making affirmations reprogram the subconscious mind is to add feeling and aligned action to your beliefs.
What’s your dragon? What are you being called to do that brings up fear for you to some degree? What do these fears look and feel like? Write down these fears. Those fears are the dragons you’re called (and empowered) to slay.
We signal a new timeline through courageous aligned action. We do this by becoming the hero of our lives.
You, as the hero, will more and more begin to conquer any fear that shows up. When you RISE versus fold in the face of fear, challenge, triggers, tests, and opportunity (this is where the work is!!) you call in higher expansion and a higher, more aligned reality.
Remember, you become empowered by making uncomfortable necessary changes (the liminal suck!!), which builds energetic and mental muscles and grit, and by taking courageous aligned action.
Reclaim and guard your energy. Operate in deep awareness of what and who is influencing you.
Mind-control, 3D hooks, traps, and matrix agenda are addressed in this chapter.
Boundaries around power/energy vampires and disagreeable spirits are discussed in this chapter.
Wherever you are, vibrate higher, that’s your way out. Vibrate out of it.
Distractions, hooks, and baits discussed in this chapter.
Delusions and entitlement can arise when your power is imbalanced, and as a result, you can ‘do too much’.
Ego-takeover. Don’t gett carried away with your power.
Are you in your power in your relationships?
Is your self-worth high or low?
Are your needs being met? Are you transparent about what you need to thrive and feel rooted and aligned in the relationship?
Do you feel and signal that you belong amongst other powerful people, expanders, and influences?
Are you dimming your light?
Do you feel overpowered?
Release energy vampires.
Have balance in your life. Balance is key in maintaining a powerful life.
Do things that scientifically and spiritually increase your power and vitality. For example: sleeping with your head in the right direction, hormonal balance, eat the best foods for your specific goals and health requirements, and have the right people/energy around you.
Allow your mind and body to rest and reset daily.
Know and honor your pace and authentic nature.
Decompress and restore.
Have spiritual covering in your life. This can be in the form of a spiritual community and/or teacher and an active spiritual life.
Is your environment empowering?
Sustain the proper environment and lifestyle to thrive in.
Energy gridding
Be mindful of your current home frequency. What is the frequency around you? What’s helping you thrive, and what is not?
You can’t restore in the same environment or atmosphere that’s draining your life force, energy, and power.
Living in higher purpose heals you and empowers you.
You become a powerhouse by saying yes to higher purpose, journeying in high vibrational embodiment, navigating the 3D world in vibrational awareness and high self-worth, and by maintaining a healthy subconscious mind.
Do more of the things that you have fear around doing, when you do, it gets easier and you get better at it.
Take up the space you need to take up.
It’s not just your strength empowering you, but The Divine’s too!!
As always, journeying in grace allows you to practice self-compassion and return home to yourself whenever you’ve lost a sense of power, or way.
How to generate power and kenetic energy discussed in this chapter.
Supportive Quote
“You will no longer feel the need to
give your power away, or dim your
light. Welcome back home to
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
The Game of Life and How to Play It, by Florence Scovel Shinn
Think Rich and Grow, by Napolean Hill
How to Fight, by Thich Nhat Hanh
The Art of War, by Sun Zu
Taking Your Power Back, by Lalah Delia on Insight Timer