May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
High Vibrational Embodiment Pt. 2: Positive Character Attributes
An essential aspect of our divine, higher calling is to be fully transfigured from our past and lower vibrational timelines and trappings and embody a new, higher timeline that calls forth our authentic soul identity. This metamorphosis requires us to shed the limiting beliefs and patterns that don’t serve us and embrace a state of expansion, growth, and alignment with our true, higher purpose.
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: Positive Character Attributes List
Part 3: Positive Attributes Writing Practice
Part 4: Vibrational Awareness
Part 5: Q&A
Part 6: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
There are particular positive character attributes that high-vibrational people embody. In pt. 2 of this series, we'll explore them. High Vibrational Embodiment is how we beautifully, effectively, and powerfully live out the term "another way of being in the world" and "signal a new higher timeline".
Positive character Attribute CHECKLIST
You may embody all of these high vibrational traits now or not yet, and that's perfectly okay. It's important to understand that this list serves as a general guide to help you sustain your path and lifestyle of vibrating higher and higher daily while also embracing your power in the world.
Take your time to absorb and integrate these qualities into your being and embodiment, allowing them to become a part of who you are.
Remember to be patient with yourself and approach this journey with grace; it’s in the journey itself that true growth and transformation occur.
Inner-Development and Deeper Connection
Spend time not just perusing material things and status but also developing your inner world and a deeper connection to self and higher spirit and higher purpose. This quality creates a greater sense of
Having an affable spirit means radiating a pleasant, friendly, welcoming, good-natured, easy-to-talk-to, good-listener kind of energy. Other affable traits are being approachable, showing warmth and politeness, getting along well with others, smiling genuinely, and the ability to put people at ease through their own easefulness displayed through tone, posture, vibration, and energy.
Not to be confused with weakness or being a people pleaser or pushover.
Spiritual Integrity
Works with a high level of self-control, honor, and consideration to make good decisions on behalf of others, whether anyone else is present or not.
Being a virtuous friend
Helps support people on their path in high vibrational ways. They encourage and inspire you to stay on your higher path. They remind you and encourage you to do the work. They are mindful, engaged, and present. They’ll graciously point you towards the right path for what is proper and in higher alignment to keep you on the right path of morality and higher vibrational living and calling. Kalyanamitta (a spiritual friend or a virtuous friend) is also a Buddhist principle. May you walk together with your kalyanamitta. If you don't have one yet, may you clear space and open your heart, mind, energy field, and subconscious mind to calling one in.
You are not overtaken by ego. You maintain your own unique signal, energy, power, and sense of high self-worth. Equanimity is your path.
Vibrational Awareness
You are aware of the vibrations you emit and bring to a person or environment and its effects on them, and just as aware of the effects that outside vibrations have on you.
More Traits:
Mindful Tones and Speech
Solid and stable nature
Self-Control. Self-correct. Self-check.
Pure heart
You serve with a joyful heart
Care and concern with the well-being of others
Supportive Tools
Suggested Reading
– Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power by Lalah Delia, Chapters-2-4
Plant Medicine to Explore
– Cinnamon grounded herb, sticks, tea, or tincture.
– Daily time spent in solitude to align with your home frequency and sovereignty and channel, respond, strengthen, show up, create, and live forward from this powerful place, as an embodiment practice.
– Embodiment Checklist (above)