Our personal healing journey can look different for everyone else’s, but a big universal part of healing process is nurturing your thoughts and being gentle with yourself as you walk through tender seasons of life. Sometimes, we forget who we are when we’re over-stressed, burned-out, discouraged, lost, in pain and hurting. If we’re not careful, we may let our ‘problems’ or ‘flaws’ cloud our judgment and suddenly that’s all we see.
When this happens, we need to take a step back and reconnect with what we know to be true: we are not defined by our flaws or mistakes. We are so much more than what the negative voices in our heads say to us. We are strong, capable, loving, and always growing.
I hope these affirmations by Lalah Delia will soothe your soul and give you the pep talk you need on tough days.
This is a great one to say to yourself in the mirror. Remind yourself of these important truths.
I love these affirmations as reminders for ourselves but also as a list we can send to a friend who might be struggling. It may be exactly what they need to renew their perspective.
Meditate on the simple truth of this piece. When we calm our inner turmoil, we can truly lessen our pain.
It’s okay if you don’t feel like yourself lately. It’s part of the healing process. Just keep going. You’ll find your way back.
Not every person, job, experience, or circumstance is meant to be forever. Keep an inventory of what you may be ready to leave behind.
Anger is toxic to a healing soul. Try and remind yourself to let it go and start journeying toward peace.
Growing isn’t easy. At times, it can even be painful. But, through the pain, through the stress, you are still growing.
Take time to embrace the stillness. It will do wonders for your heart.
“No” can be a very powerful affirmation. You can’t say yes to everything. Learning when to say no requires strength and courage.
The mistake won’t define you, but what you learned from it will help shape you. Let go of the shame you may feel from the setback and give yourself credit for learning and moving forward.
A detox isn’t always just physical. Getting rid of toxic influences in our lives can be a cleansing experience too.
Never underestimate the power of a grateful heart. It is life-changing.
You are growing from your setbacks and hardships. Each time you allow strength to flow in, you defeat pain.
Take some time for yourself. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary. Take a mental health day. Take a breath. It’s okay to need time and space.
Affirmations allow us to tune back in with positivity. They allow us to come to terms with who we are, flaws and all, entering a place of acceptance and love. The right affirmations don’t ignore that there will be pain in our lives. They just help us navigate those stormy seas of stress.
Whether you have been having a hard time lately or a friend has, these affirmations can be a great way to recalibrate your heart and reconnect with the goodness within all of us.
by Liz Newman for ReadPoetry.com
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Lalah Delia | Author, certified spiritual practitioner, spiritual writer, higher embodiment guide, and founder of VibrateHigherDaily.com