Inner Gardening & Howard Thurman

Fig 1. | Howard Thurman | Howard Thurman Archives

Fig 1. | Howard Thurman | Howard Thurman Archives


Introspective Meditations

Inner Gardening and Howard Thurman  

Keep watering what you desire to grow in your life. Give it love. Give it grace. Give it faith. Give it time. Watch and honor the incremental process of its growth. Tend to it well. Keep vibrating higher daily, from wherever you find yourself, as the gardener and cultivator of 'it'.

While on the go this week ahead, keep in mind what you're seeking to grow, develop, and become. Before we know it, the speed and force of the winds of life can take us in directions that feel far away from where we're headed; it can feel so out of the way, even disorienting.

When life hits hard, it's time to hit harder: it's time to take your power back and respond with it.

When life hits hard, it's time to hit harder: it's time to take your power back and respond with it. Taking your power back is about returning to your inner garden and journey: your purpose, your 'why' your aspirations, and the things that make you feel like you–again. Essential life skills, mindfulness tools, a supportive ear, and meditation will get you through. Stay in the flow with what nurtures and nourishes you. Keep vibrating in the direction that supports your life. Keep re-centering yourself and taking your power back as necessary.


Return to the garden. Come back home to yourself.

Take a few moments each day to recenter your mind and world. Bring what it is you're after and working towards [back] into the forefront of your mind. Give it energy. Garden it well. Visualize, imagine, and feel it, already being so for you. Start and return here each day. This is inner gardening.

And on days when all you can do is love yourself through it, do that. Self-love is a cleansing energy.

Fig 2. | Howard Thurman | Howard Thurman Archives

Fig 2. | Howard Thurman | Howard Thurman Archives

The Prolific Howard Thurman

A Spiritual Anchor

Howard Thurman’s mind, teachings, and offerings of works to the world are just as necessary and nourishing today as they were in his lifetime. Howard Thurman was a prolific author, philosopher, mystic, educator, and civil rights leader. He was a friend, spiritual anchor, and mentor to the world, including to Martin Luther King and Gandhi. In Star Wars terms, he was Martin Luther King’s and the civil rights movement’s Yoda. Near and far, he impacted lives and inspired people to journey within in order to fulfill higher purpose and potential.

While I could share each of his beautiful books here, there’s one in particular that I’m sharing in this blog post with regard to our topic of inner gardening. The Inward Journey is a book of meditations that address the deepest needs and aspirations of the human spirit. Themes include The Quest for Meaning, The Quest for Understanding, The Quest for Fulfillment, The Quest for Love, The Quest for Peace, and The Quest for God.

Below is a video of Howard speaking and encouraging us on the inner journey. The inner journey is where your inner garden is.

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May we be inspired to come all the more alive and thrive. These words and others of Howard Thurman have been a balm to my earth-journeying soul throughout the years.


Howard Thurman's Meditative Questions

Fig 3. | Howard Thurman | Howard Thurman Archives

Fig 3. | Howard Thurman | Howard Thurman Archives

In the video below, Howard prompts us to ask ourselves the following questions and to contemplate the following insights:

What do I want?

What do I want, really?

What it is that is the fundamental thing that I'm after with my life?

What is the meaning of all of the activities and the strivings and the struggles?

What, after all, is my point?

Am I really concerned ultimately in providing some windbreak to the world around me?

What is it that I really want?

What is it that is capable of making me bring to bear upon a single end or focus, or purpose, all of the resources of my life: my thinking, my dreaming, my struggling so that in the fulfillment of myself, this thing will follow.

Life is not fixed, is not frozen, is not finished. Life, in its essence, is fluid, is creative...

If the conditions for growth and development are met, then growth and development flow automatically. This is the kind of responsive, dynamic, living, throbbing universe that honors the mind and the spirit.

What is it that you want: really?


Before you go

Thank you for being here. Tend to your inner garden well.

Peace and blessings!!


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Our unique offerings, curated by certified spiritual practitioner, spiritual writer, and guide Lalah Delia, provide you with the tools and guidance you need to overcome obstacles, navigate life's energies, embrace your power, expand your life, and become your highest self.

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Lalah Delia | Author, certified spiritual practitioner, spiritual writer, higher embodiment guide, and founder of


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A Guide on How to Have a Meaningful Presence

Fig 1. | Being fully here | by India X

Fig 1. | Being fully here | by India X


Meaningful Presence  

in conversations and life

When's the last time your soul felt nourished by a conversation you had? Are you desiring more of this type of connection in your life? 

When was the last time you brought soul medicine to someone in the form of a meaningful conversation or presence? 

Meaningful energy is soul food that nourishes and sustains us through wherever we may find ourselves on our outer and inner journey of life. Whether you're journeying with something internally, that not many others know about, or externally with something others are also openly wrestling with, the soul longs for genuine connection around what we go through. 

Fig 2. | Soul warmth | by India X

Fig 2. | Soul warmth | by India X




Mindfulness is not just about being alone with your thoughts; it's also about being aware of how to be present and engaged in the moment with others. When someone shows up to be mindful with us, we can feel their presence and connection more deeply than if they were simply observing from afar. We can experience an intimate exchange that brings relief, joy, peace, understanding, and insight into our lives. Mindful presence at its finest is about being in the moment together and allowing ourselves to be seen, heard, and felt. Through mindful presence, we have access to a level of connection that strengthens our relationships and brings deepened connections into our lives.



Spiritually speaking, when we show up with a meaningful presence for others, we also embrace a purposeful presence and become embodied as an earth angel, divine vessel, and a catalyst for expansion.

Being fully present with one another is what brings true depth and power to relationships. This can be a profound path to healing and an opportunity for spiritual growth and expression.



As you live the path of higher alignment, your spiritual gifts and insights strengthen. The gift of discernment is one of these core gifts. Discernment will inform you as to what is best for you and those around you and what is and isn’t a call for you to step in with your energy. Through your own spiritual expansion and maturity, you’ll know what’s right, what’s a divine assignment, what isn’t, and how to move forward in either way.



Embrace your sacred role, desire, and opportunity to nurture those around you while simultaneously practicing equanimity, and you’ll remain in your power. As you deepen and expand in meaningful presence, remember that you are a strong and powerful vessel. Know that you are covered and armored by divine protection.



Sometimes, being a vessel of healing means wading through awkwardness in the process. For example, when you feel called to act yet don’t know what to do or say, it can be intimidating and uncomfortable. Remember that you are held by divine intelligence—it will guide your words and actions regardless of how uncoordinated or misguided they might seem at first. :)

We show up fully and engage with the moment we grow as we go.



I invite you to practice mindfulness with us as a collective. Be seen, heard, and felt in your fullest presence, growth, and embodiment. Together, we can create more space where meaningful connections blossom, love grows, and transformation happens through nurturing connections.

Together, we can create strong spiritual communities that are safe havens of understanding and support. May we open our hearts in the spirit of true connection, understanding, unity, and community. This is mindfulness and high vibrational community at their finest.

May we recieve, discover, and explore the profound power of meaningful presence as a form of expansion.

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Our unique offerings, curated by certified spiritual practitioner, spiritual writer, and higher embodiment guide Lalah Delia, provide you with the tools and guidance you need to transcend blockages, navigate life's energetics, embrace your power, expand your life, and become your highest embodied self.

Meet my book Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power. Purchase your copy here, or wherever books are sold.


Lalah Delia | Author, certified spiritual practitioner, spiritual writer, higher embodiment guide, and founder of


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