May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you and into 2022!!
New High Vibrational Timeline: 2021 Year In Review + Vibrational Tune-Up + Magnetic Alignment for 2022 | Pt. 1
If you’re outgrowing who you’ve been on all timelines and are inspired to create something new and better for yourself, you are right on time. Keep evolving!!
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: High Vibrational Embodiment Pt. 4: Navigating Relationships
Part 3: Subconscious Reprogramming for Higher Vibrational Living
Part 4: Embodying Equanimity: Response and Reaction Behavior
Part 5: Taking Care In the Liminal Space: Loneliness & Emotion
Part 6: Attunement & Alignment Practice
Part 7: Q&A
Part 8: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
We will recap:
High Vibrational Embodiment Pt. 4: Navigating Relationships
On an energetic and vibrational level, highly sensitive people and empaths experience relationships differently and way more intensely.
This heightened sense of sensitivity and knowing can feel like suffering if we don’t have the proper tools.
The good news is that we can reach an embodied state where we show up as our energetically empowered selves.
Subconscious Reprogramming for Higher Vibrational Living
Are subconscious beliefs, fears, projections, or memories holding you back or keeping you at a stagnant level?
You're sending out unconscious signals all day long. These signals govern much of your life, opportunities, and experiences.
The Good news: With the right shift, your subconscious mind WILL WORK WONDERS for you instead of working against you. It just needs the proper programming.
Embodying Equanimity: Response and Reaction Behavior
Highly sensitive people and empaths can (unintentionally) become highly reactive to life and energy, including other people and their stuff; this can ‘feel’ very personal and cause us to over-respond or overreact.
The energetic experience and impulse of over-responding or over-reacting can become overwhelming and a major distraction to highly sensitive and highly reactive people while on the path to progress and higher vibrations.
The Good news: It’s not your job to respond to everything and everybody. Centering in peace, composure, energetic sovereignty, and higher vibrations, no matter who or what you are exposed to, or go through, is possible.
Taking Care In the Liminal Space: Loneliness & Emotions
Whenever we make a change for the better, it’s sacred, oh but the journey sometimes!!
When we go from one state of being to the next, the in-between journey and process are known as the liminal space.
The key is to live your power in it so that you don’t feel like a victim of this space but rather a glorious hero coming through it.
The Good news: With the right shift, the liminal space WILL TRANSFORM AND EVOLVE YOU!!
Class Notes
Theme One:
High Vibrational Embodiment Pt. 4: Navigating Relationships
On an energetic and vibrational tip, highly sensitive people and empaths experience relationships differently and way more intensely.
This heightened sense of sensitivity and knowing can feel like suffering if we don't have the proper tools.
The good news is that we can reach an embodied state where we show up as our higher illuminated, energetically mature, and strengthened selves.
We can and should seek to embody high vibrations in our relationships; this also goes for when releasing and exiting relationships. We can let go in grace, dignity, and equanimity.
Highly sensitive people and empaths experience relationships differently and way more intensely.
Where does it hurt?
What cycles and patterns are you inspired to release? What wounds and programming need to be cleared?
What relationships are calling you to self-regulate or put more high vibrational presence, mindfulness, personal power, and embodiment into them?
Are you playing small or turning down your light in any relationship? This will show you where to expand, strengthen your self-worth, and evolve.
What relationships are calling you to set healthy boundaries or release them?
Are you remaining energetically sovereign in your relationships? If so, which ones? If not, which ones?
Are you overly reactive in any relationship? This shows you where to cultivate, evolve, and embody equanimity.
What relationships inspire and expand you?
What relationships strengthen you?
Stay energetically sovereign. There can be a lot of mixing of energies and subconscious thoughts and beliefs in relationships. Don't entangle or enmesh with any idea or belief that does not positively empower you.
Things can get divinely (and drastically) better for you through the art and practice of high vibrational embodiment in relationships.
Be mindful of projecting and of other people projecting onto you.
Cut the cord from any relationship draining power from you energetically and spiritually. Cut soul ties.
Signal a new higher timeline and make space for higher vibrational relationships.
Serve and hold space for others.
Keep your ego and reaction behavior in check.
Show loving-kindness, warmth, and affable energy.
You can show up in your power in any relationship and be full of higher light, purpose, and high vibrational embodiment, and you can attract a reflection of this higher state of magnetic being.
Some relationships take more time to align and vibrate higher.
Not all relationships are your calling.
Relationships are a spiritual training ground and also a place to live out your higher vibrational embodiment, growth, higher self-worth, and higher purpose.
Theme two:
Subconscious Reprogramming for Higher Vibrational Living
Are subconscious beliefs, fears, projections, or memories holding you back or keeping you at a stagnant level?
You're sending out unconscious signals all day long. These signals govern much of your life, opportunities, and experiences.
The good news is that with the right shift, your subconscious mind WILL WORK WONDERS for you instead of working against you. It just needs the proper programming (operating system) in place to do so.
A higher timeline is calling; signal back to it properly and with more personal power, self-worth, authority, effectiveness, and intention.
You are sending out unconscious signals all day long. These signals are subconscious communication between you and the rest of the world around you: from what others feel and think about you to how they treat you, and how well they respect your boundaries or not, what opportunities are sent your way. These subconscious signals are a mixture of beliefs and past experiences, all programming, that powerfully govern how you live and how effectively or not you manifest your desires. This also governs your experience with expansion and flow or contraction and blockage.
The good news is that the subconscious mind is reprogrammable.
When what we desire to see manifest is paired with feelings of excitement and gratitude for it already being so, and with a deep sense of belief that it is possible for us, we tap into the quantum field where new realities, possibilities, opportunities, and new higher timelines exist for us.
Allow yourself to see the world through new eyes. Become clear that you operate in the energy, frequency, and quantum realms. And keep in mind that you exist in two worlds, energy and matter. Come into balance with both. When we do, our bodies can reach certain states of high vibrational living, including harmony, healing, health, and positive manifestation.
Seek to heal from deep emotional wounds so that they don’t continue to inform your decisions, choices, and vibration by way of your automatic response and subconscious mind and subconscious health.
What is your story around money, relationships, health, self-worth, family, friends, spirituality/religion, and success? What was the story of these areas when you were growing up?
Inner-child wounds can also stay with us and govern our lives if we haven't done the work to heal from them.
Reparenting is a powerful subconscious reprogramming tool.
Give yourself permission to be new.
When you shift, your reality shifts.
The mind loves comfort and seeks what's familiar. The subconscious will manifest more of what's familiar in our lives if we are not consistently signaling a new timeline through changed behavior and signaling. Signaling a new timeline is all about follow-through, consistency, and persistence through any resistance or lower choices and patterns.
To check on your subconscious beliefs and programs, pay attention to how you respond and how you feel to stimuli, challenges, thoughts, experiences, and perceived setbacks. Notice your automatic responses in the various areas of your life.
Theme three:
Embodying Equanimity: Response and Reaction Behavior
Highly sensitive people and empaths can (unintentionally) become highly reactive to life, energy, and pop-up triggers, including other people and other people's stuff, that can all 'feel' very personal and cause us to over-respond.
This energetic experience can become overwhelming and even a major distraction to highly sensitive and highly reactive people on the path to progress and higher vibrations.
The Good news: It's not your job to respond to everything and everybody. Centering in peace, composure, energetic sovereignty, and higher vibrations is possible no matter who or what you are exposed to or go through.
The inability to control yourself and to self-regulate when you are triggered can end up doing more damage.
You no longer have to live on auto-pilot.
Ask yourself, "What program is running right now in my thoughts and my embodiment?”
Protect your peace and magnetism.
You can go from reacting to distractions and stimuli to embodying equanimity and higher focus.
Equanimity raises your value, allure, attraction, magnetism, sense of well-being, and self-worth.
A calm mind is a powerful mind.
Take a pause to choose best how you will respond versus react. Evaluate also whether a response is necessary at all.
Sometimes it's not your reaction that's wrong; it's the delivery you use. Think of the term, "It's not what you say; it's how you say it."
There may be validity and truth to your reaction, but it's all about how you respond that makes the difference.
Become freer and more energetically sovereign.
Feel and observe while also signaling a new higher timeline of emotional growth and changed behavior.
Set healthy boundaries for who and what is allowed to affect you on all levels.
There are specific character traits, behaviors, and timelines that cannot go with us any further; they are causing stagnation.
Self-reflection, self-correction, self-regulation, and power high vibrational tools and skills. You have to have the sacred space to observe and release any patterns and habits that cannot go any further with you.
Once we outgrow old timeline-behavior and embodiment and cultivate higher ones, new higher opportunities manifest as a result.
As we live our power and in high vibrational embodiment on a consistent basis, we transform and evolve into our higher potential selves.
Journey in grace.
Come home to your sovereign self.
Swift to flexibility and equanimity. Old saying: "Bend or you will break." Be a palm tree!!
This is the spiritual ninja and spiritual warrior’s way and work.
Theme four:
Taking Care In the Liminal Space: Loneliness & Emotions
Whenever we make a change for the better, it's sacred, oh but the journey sometimes!!
When we go from one state of being to the next, the in-between journey and process are known as the liminal space.
The key is to live your power in it so that you don't feel like a victim of this space but rather a glorious hero coming through it.
The Good news: With the right shift, the liminal space WILL TRANSFORM AND EVOLVE YOU.
The liminal space is a time for transformation, journeying through the unknown, as well as for cultivation and preparation.
This space is meant to empower and evolve you.
Where are you in the liminal space? Beginning, middle, or ending? What are your mindset and vibration there?
Be mindful not to compromise your worth and beliefs in the liminal space; embody high vibrations.
Letting go of what can go no further with you is sacred; it's also divine detachment.
Don't quit or lose hope of higher sight. Keep higher purpose in mind and heart.
Many people feel the most discouraged as well as impatient in the liminal space, but realize that solitude is sacred, and so is being able to slow down your life in order to properly pace yourself, recalibrate, rebuild, transform, evolve, and restore for a new higher timeline to manifest.
It's all about your perspective–mind over matter.
When you are fearful of the unknown or of taking the necessary steps forward, it's time to remember who you are, take your power back, and live it.
When it looks like it's taking too long to happen, or when we don't get the outcome we desire, equanimity is how we honor our pace and place and how we take our power back in the liminal space.
Recognize distractive energies and don't give in; focus all the more.
Love yourself through it and journey in grace all the more.
Attunement & Alignment Practice
‘Show Me’
Show me where I am not fully in my power.
Show me where I am.
Pause to Reflect How Far You've Come
What have I overcome and accomplished this year?
Reclaiming Your Power
Let’s elavuate. Where can I do any or all of the following?
A New Timeline is Activating
What new codes are coming online for me? What am I being called to embody more of now and in the new year ahead?
Contributing Factors
What are some elements of life that contribute to my healing, peace, renewal, HV embodiment and growth, and my transformation?
What contributed to vibrational imbalance?
Journey In Grace
Where can I journey in more grace, compassion, love, and patience with myself?
Where can I journey in more grace, compassion, love, and patience with others?
Supportive Quote
“Your soul is leading you away from what’s no longer good for you.”
Classes Recapped
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
The Art of Seduction, by Robert Greene
*Read with care, integrity, and discernment ;)
The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz
Homecoming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child, by John Bradshaw
Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Biofeedback, Mayo Clinic