May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you and into 2022!!
New High Vibrational Timeline: 2021 Year In Review + Vibrational Tune-Up + Magnetic Alignment for 2022 | Pt. 2
And the 2021 recap and vibrational tune-up and alignment for 2022 continue!!
If you're outgrowing who you've been on all timelines, including 2021, and are inspired to create something new and better for yourself in 2022, you are right on time.
Learn how you can apply the principles that will fuel growth, expansion, empowerment, and higher vibrations to your new year, a new you, and the new timeline ahead.
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: It’s Not Personal; It’s Vibrational
Part 3: Taking Care As an HSP: Self-Care for Highly Sensitives
Part 4: Taking Charge and Care of Your Energy and Magnetic Fields
Part 5: Vibe Up Stories | Sharing and Expanding In Sacred Community
Part 6: Q&A
Part 7: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
We will recap:
It's Not Personal; It's Vibrational
As a highly sensitive person and empath–like many of you–I'm hyped to share with you how I went from losing my power at the drop of any off energy exchange or experience to navigating through energy, experiences, environments, and vibes, with power and poise, like a spiritual ninja.
I'm often asked how I stay so 'calm, graceful, and/or composed'.
I discovered the art of not taking things personally.
All you've known is not all there is. There is another place, realm, and dimension you can live and respond from.
Taking Care As an HSP: Self-Care for Highly Sensitives
I used to feel defeated by my gift of being an empath and a highly sensitive person. I thought something was wrong with me, and probably so did others who didn't know about 'the gift' or understand it.
My nervous system was taxed and overactive on most days. My energy, mental state, focus, and joy would become compromised by even the most subtle exchange and nuances that I'd pick up on while in the world and in personal experiences.
Gratefully, I divinely discovered how to operate in my gift (properly and effectively) in order to take my power back and become the hero of my vibration, mind, body, soul, overall well-being, awareness, and life.
Taking Charge and Care of Your Magnetic Field
Our magnetic field's vibration significantly rules the type of manifestations and opportunities we attract–or don't attract–into our lives. Did you know that your vibration is a magnet and that it creates a magnetic field within and around you? Knowing how to properly work with vibration and positively interact with the quantum field will help you shift, increase, and expand your magnetic field so that it creates and calls in more of your best life, self, and experiences.
There is a Force around us and in us, and we can learn to use it for our greatest good. There is more than just the physical world that we see and interact with daily; there is an invisible world and forces we interact with daily too. There is an electromagnetic field around you and all things.
Higher vibrational forces versus the lower ones make a difference in our lives, livelihood, timeline experience, and manifestations. Learning to work with the force, vibration, and magnetic field within and around you is life-changing and will help you successfully manifest, live your power, and vibrate higher daily. And, it will support your new timeline.
If you don't like the magnetic field you're in, it's time to change it.
Class Notes
Theme One:
It's Not Personal; It's Vibrational:
As a highly sensitive person and empath–like many of you–I'm hyped to share with you how I went from losing my power at the drop of any off energy exchange or experience to navigating through energy, experiences, environments, and vibes, with power and poise, like a spiritual ninja.
I'm often asked how I stay so 'calm, graceful, and/or composed'.
I discovered the art of not taking things personally.
All you've known is not all there is. There is another place, realm, and dimension you can live and respond from.
Addiction to Reacting:
Be mindful of reactionary behavior. Respond in your equanimity and emotional growth. All you've known is not all there is. There is another place, realm, and dimension you can live and respond from.
The more you connect to it, the more it will help you.
Don't allow false and instant gratification or imbalanced neurotransmitters to win. Recognize amygdala take-over and self-regulate.
Even as an empath or highly sensitive person, it's not your job, responsibility, or calling to respond to everything nor take it personally.
Hold Your Vibration:
This centering equanimity and vibrational practice can be one of the most challenging for impulsive and highly reactive people but the most potent and essential practice for mental health, energetic well-being, and long-term emotional growth and transformation.
A New Higher Timeline:
A new higher timeline is a new reality you co-create with The Divine, exist on, and signal from within daily. Lower vibrational patterns and experiences from the old timeline and within your former self begin to diminish; they lose their grip on you and don't have power over you and your way of being in the world anymore. You can live a more intentional and higher vibrational embodied life through new timelines. Should old patterns show up, recognize them as old timeline behavior, and re-attune yourself to the new higher timeline.
High Vibrational Embodiment:
Sometimes the stressor is gone, but the behavior has formed a program of stress behavior. Be mindful of which program is running. Are you embodying higher vibrations or low ones?
Stress resilience:
You don't respond to stressors the same when you're in your power and when you're mindfully embodied, you are more resilient and in control of yourself. Stimuli that used to overwhelm, over-stress, or overtake you, can be overpowered by equanimity and resilience.
Having Compassion:
I am in my equanimity; therefore, I can have compassion versus personalizing things.
Honor what's needed:
Keep doing what brings medicine and strength to your heart, mind, and soul. Stay consistent and allow changed behavior to take shape and root.
Put EPIGENETICS to work for you:
"We now know that what we experience in life changes our epigenetic profile, or in other words, life experience changes our genes – really getting under our skin. Not only does this affect the individual, but the way our bodies respond to stress can also be passed from one generation to the next through our genes." Signal a new timeline.
Theme two:
Taking Care As an HSP: Self-Care for Highly Sensitives
I used to feel defeated by my gift of being an empath and a highly sensitive person. I thought something was wrong with me, and probably so did others who didn't know about 'the gift' or understand it.
My nervous system was taxed and overactive on most days. My energy, mental state, focus, and joy would become compromised by even the most subtle exchange and nuances that I'd pick up on while in the world and in personal experiences.
Gratefully, I divinely discovered how to operate in my gift (properly and effectively) in order to take my power back and become the hero of my vibration, mind, body, soul, overall well-being, awareness, and life.
High Sensitivity is a real thing. It’s been studied and is backed by clinical research.
It is not a weakness, it's a superpower.
You pick up on the nuances non-highly sensitive people overlook.
You are hyper-aware.
You take more time processing and observing than other people do. And this is ok. Honor your own timing.
You can’t watch or consume just anything. You are sensitive to what you consume: mind, body, spirit, energy, and vibration.
Highly sensitive people experience sensitivity to tone of voice.
Highly sensitive people need lots of time in isolation and solitude.
Some people will understand your gift, some won’t. Don’t take it personally.
You can become overstimulated in public spaces, and by exposure to too many stimuli.
With the right skills and mindset, this trait can go from feeling overwhelming to empowering.
What helps you come home to yourself and take care?
What are your essentials for taking care?
What boundaries need to be set in place to safely thrive as a highly sensitive person?
What protocol will you create to restore your equilibrium, nervous system, and equanimity when they are compromised?
Plant Allies/Plant Medicine: featuring Nervines
Nervines are herbs that support regulation of the nervous system by restoring balance to the body in times of stress:
Clematis flower essence
Rockwater flower essence
California poppy
Milky oats
Oak tops
Eleuthero root (an adaptogen)
Ashwagandha (an adaptogen)
Daily grounding practices:
Somatic practice
Energy medicine
Declutter space to decompress in
Connect with nature in person or virtually
Solitude is sacredly cleansing
Theme three:
Taking Charge and Care of Your Energy and Magnetic Fields
Our magnetic field's vibration significantly rules the type of manifestations and opportunities we attract–or don't attract–into our lives. Did you know that your vibration is a magnet and that it creates a magnetic field within and around you? Knowing how to properly work with vibration and positively interact with the quantum field will help you shift, increase, and expand your magnetic field so that it creates and calls in more of your best life, self, and experiences.
There is a Force around us and in us, and we can learn to use it for our greatest good. There is more than just the physical world that we see and interact with daily; there is an invisible world and forces we interact with daily too. There is an electromagnetic field around you and all things.
Higher vibrational forces versus the lower ones make a difference in our lives, livelihood, timeline experience, and manifestations. Learning to work with the force, vibration, and magnetic field within and around you is life-changing and will help you successfully manifest, live your power, and vibrate higher daily. And, it will support your new timeline.
If you don't like the magnetic field you're in, it's time to change it.
Quantum Physics
Quantum physics defies the common notion of accepting things such as your life, circumstances, reality, or your potential–simply as they currently are and appear to be–as finite. Think of someone living by, and signaling the belief pattern, "it is what it is", as their final outcome and plot in life. But praise be, our reality and potential are not fixed!! Yes, we can shift timelines!!
The quantum model of reality states that the present moment is where all possibilities exist.
These outer representations of our environment and life—and the emotions and impulses towards them that drive us—must be overcome for us to break free from our current conditioned state and timeline.
Our current habitual state creates more of the familiar in our lives and a predictable future.
The body's own internal magnetic fields are generated by the remarkable amount of internal electrical activity that keeps our bodies alive. These biomagnetic fields interact with all of the other magnetic fields on the planet and control our basic chemistry. This is vital to know, as the chemist of your life. (A VHD book reference)
Through exposure to a thing vibrating at a particular frequency, you will begin to resonate with it. This is why vibrational awareness is crucial. When you come into contact with a high or low vibrational thing, you absorb some of its energy. Hence, you will resonate and shift to a higher or lower energy state depending on if you are in your power at the time or not, and holding a strong, clear, and healthy signal. This is why vibrational awareness matters.
Recognizing high vibrations and low ones through your own biofeedback and in the field around you is vital. This awareness in your personal energy state lets you know what's right for you and what isn't.
If the frequency is right and high, higher vibrational energy emerges within and around you. When the frequency is low, lower energy develops in and around you—think vibrational compass and gauge. This is vibrational awareness. (A VHD book reference)
Competing or Compromising Magnetic Feilds
Notice any signs that you are being affected by low magnetic fields, such as irritation, agitation, mirroring of low vibrations, mood swings, annoyance, dumbing down your light, a shift into low-self worth, fatigue, stress, or anxiety, and so on.
Equanimity is the superpower and embodiment practice that will carry you through for the win.
Vibrational Feilds
Decompress daily to release and detach from what isn't yours or what isn’t helping you vibrate higher and thrive.
Journey in self-love and grace.
You can magnetize higher vibrational experiences by signaling vibrational boundaries.
Not taking things personally is a boundary.
The Law Of State Transference
This is the natural ability to transfer a strong emotional state from one person to another. The law of state transference indicates that emotions are contagious.
“Vibrational states, mental states, energetic states, projections, and emotional states are all transferable.” – Lalah Delia
Focus on your own actions and how they affect interactions around you.
Observe what's happening within and around you. Take note of projections and/or how other people are transferring their energetic state. Don’t hold what’s not yours. Don’t allow it to hook into you.
Everyone has observed an atmosphere where a change in vibes occurs when someone shows up or when a room drastically shifts in vibes when a specific person leaves. This is a common occurrence and energetic nuance that we don't usually name; it’s a change in the energy field due to state transference.
What's in Your Field?
Be mindful of the energy in your space and environment.
You can shift the atmosphere and maintain or restore high vibrations by decluttering, cleansing, and aligning the energy flow in your space properly.
Make your home a temple, sanctuary, and decompression chamber.
What type of vibration and energies are in your magnetic field?
Do you need to enhance your energetic environment?
What you eat, keep, watch, hear, and say, all affect your energy field.
Reflection, Attunement, activation Practices
What lessons came through in 2021 that are you grateful for–because of how they helped change you for the better?
New Timeline Attunement
What new timeline medicine is revealing itself to you as of lately?
What all are you called to do less of–in any area of your life?
Ex: Identify what you’re willing to let go of or are outgrowing in order for your new timeline to manifest?
What are you called to more of?
Ex: Identify who or what you are currently growing into–in order to support, manifest, and sustain your new timeline?
What are your intentions going into the new year/new timeline?
Affirmation: I am evolving all the more.
Supportive Quote
“Not everything you accumulated in 2021 is supposed to go with you into 2022.”
Classes recapped
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
The Highly Sensitive Person, by Elaine N. Aron Ph D
Herbs for Stress & Anxiety: How to Make and Use Herbal Remedies to Strengthen the Nervous System, by Rosemary Gladstar
The Four Agreements, By Don Miguel, Ruiz
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Josep Murphy
Outwitting The Devil, by Napoleon Hill
You Are the Placebo:Making Your Mind Matter, Dr. Joe Dispenza