May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you and into 2022!!
New Year's Day VHD Sangha Meet-Up
Let's start the New Year on a high vibrational note–together!!
Video replay
Discussion Chapters
Part 1: Opening
Part 2: 3 Topics to Keep In Mind
Part 3: A Reminder for a Vibrational-Based Living Path
Part 4: Hearing/Discerning the Right Voice
Part 5: Toxic-Conviction, Shame/Guilt Can Paralyze Our Growth and Development
Part 6: Breathing & Contemplation Practice
Part 7: Introduction to Supanova
Part 8: VHD Affirmation Cypher: 10-Day Affirmations with Supanova Slom
Part 9: Water Charging & Communion
Part 10: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
What is a Sangha?
A sangha is a family or community of like-minded individuals who practice the same path and/or teachings and give and recieve support, nourishment, strengthening, and ease.
2021 Was a Year Full of VHD Love and Community, 2022 Will Be Even More Expansive
We look forward to opening the way for a new higher timeline to manifest in your life–all the more. We will align and ground into vital energy and share about new themes for the new year.
How to Prepare for the Sangha
Bring water to drink throughout, and at the end, where have a special New Year’s water-charging communion.
Be relaxed, arrive with something to write with, and have whatever else helps you feel grounded and supported.
Sangha Notes
Brief Recap on these Topics:
Keep nurturing our true authentic nature
Respect Your Current Medicine
Do the same thing at the same time in order for a thing to work
A Reminder for a Vibrational-Based Living Path
Vibrational-Based Living – in intention and practice – embodies our respect and honor for, and reliance upon, the things that support and enhance our high vibrational welfare of mind, body, spirit, relations, experiences, environment, and beliefs, as well as our dedication to maintaining and sustainable them.
Hearing/Discerning the Right Voice
What happens if doubt, fear, stress, worry, low self-worth, discouragement, projections from naysayers, and unhealthy programming are the only voices you hear that affect and impact you?
Give thanks–that there is a higher divine voice and presence, and you can encounter peace in it. Even when things aren't perfect, as you desire, liminal, or even when all chaos breaks out, you can access peace, ease, and grace in The Divine and from coming home to yourself.
You have access into this sacred presence at all times. People who access this peace as part of their daily path become people of power, people who "vibrate higher and live their power"–in the world.
When we don't know this sacred peace or grace or integrate it into our embodiment, we can become tossed to and fro by the various vibrations, energies, experiences, liminality, and metaphorical weather and terrains of life. We can go from being paralyzed by fear, stress-energy, discouragement, unhealthy thoughts and beliefs, and various other obstacles and patterns of being and living, to taking sacred leadership over our mind, spirit, power, vibration, and life.
This is why it is vitally important to get it settled in your heart, soul, mind, and subconscious mind that equanimity, grace, divine worth, are yours.
Replace guilt energy with self-compassion, determination, and, most essential, changed behavior towards self and/or others.
This is where self-regulation comes online.
Toxic-Conviction, Shame/Guilt Can Paralyze Our Growth and Development
You'll know the difference between toxic conviction, shame, and guilt versus healthy conviction and guilt by the energy and vibration of what you feel––or are made to feel by others.
The Vital Difference
Toxic guilt and shame are full of accusations with no grace, compassion, and room, or desire to bring about understanding and higher vibrations and outcomes. The energetic focus keeps you locked into guilt with no grace to vibrate above and beyond to higher vibrations; it's about paralysis. Even if the guilt or blame is justified, we deserve grace, compassion, and room to learn the lesson and grow from it.
Toxic conviction, shame/guilt plays with your feelings in a low vibrational way.
Healthy guilt, divine conviction, and healthy self-conviction, though they may be uncomfortable or painful, bring awareness to what needs regulating or change and carry a sweet undertone of grace, compassion, and room, and desire to bring about understanding and higher vibrations and better outcomes. The goal here is not to destroy us or our feelings but to build us up in higher vibrations.
Space is held and accommodated in this path for changed behavior, which is about long-term growth and transformation. There is a pathway here to vibrate higher daily, journey in grace, and live your power, and/or come back home to it should you lose your way.
Discern the right voice.
Only believe in the right voice.
Respond to the right voice.
Only hold space and attention for the right voice.
You have the tools—journey in grace, high vibrational embodiment, and sacred power.
Supportive Quote
“Reset your energy accordingly, as you move into the new year. Enter lighter, freer, more inspired, and in your worth.”
Breathing and Contemplation Practice:
Breathing Practice
Breathing in and out
a bit deeper now,
slowly...calming, easing, through each moment,
settling, settling.
Pause to Reflect How Far You've Come
What have I overcome and accomplished this year?
Reclaiming Your Power
Where can I reclaim, recover, reestablish, rebuild, reconstruct?
New Timeline Activating
What new visions and codes are coming with this new timeline?
What are you called and inspired to embody more of now and in this new year?
What cannot go with you?
Contributing Factors
What are some elements of life that contribute to healing, peace, renewal, and growth, and transformation?
What contributed to vibrational imbalance?
Everything Can't Go
This new timeline has come to expand you!!
You have visions to manifest, goals to obtain, healing and abundance to manifest, higher-purpose to journey into, and greatness to share with those around you and with the greater world.
What did you leave behind in the old timeline?
What high vibrational tool did you replace it with?
10-day affirmations lead by Supanova Slom
I love myself.
(I am unique in spirit; I am blessed)
I am worthy.
(I am filled with unlimited power and love)
I forgive myself.
(I let go of all past transgressions )
I am a sacred work in progress.
(I am vibrating higher daily to become the best version of myself)
I am whole.
(Mind, body, and spirit united)
I protect and strengthen my sacred space.
(I am open to nature and grow daily )
I choose me because I am enough.
(I am love overflowing)
I claim victory towards the challenges ahead.
(I have to the power to create in my life what I will it to be)
I am becoming.
(I am crafting, shaping, and molding into who I want and need to be)
I surround myself with high vibrational, loving people.
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Man Heal Thyself, by Supanova Slom & Queen Afua