Strategic Stillness: Personal Written Reflections and Declarations

India’s Reflections on Strategic Stilness

Strategic Stillness: Creating Structure, New Timelines, and Order from Stillness Personal Written Reflections and Declarations

India shares her process and experience of leaning into stillness, not as a void, but as a sacred space to reflect, reset, and realign.

Strategic Stilness

Creating Structure, New Timelines, and Order from Stillness

How It Started / How It’s Going

From my heart to yours, I’m so grateful to be sharing my reflections on Strategic Stillness! When I think of how stillness entered my life, the first thing that comes to mind is ‘divine sit downs vs. divine stillness.’ When I tell you when my desert used to gently nudge me, asking me to divinely enter so I could be in the necessary stillness my soul knew and sensed I needed, I ran for the hills. The desert is a beautiful terrain that Lalah, my Mother, talks about in chapter 2 of her book, Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, which this whole platform is named after. If you haven’t read it yet, I definitely recommend checking it out. The Desert terrain is a sacred place of stillness and necessary solitude. This terrain sacredly holds and nurtures you for however long your mind, body, and spirit need so you can cleanse, release, and receive what stillness has to offer you and more.

Before, when I would enter my desert, it wasn’t long before I began to feel I was missing out on something. Whether it be ’fun experiences with my friends,’ time to play out old habits that no longer served me, relationships with people I knew never served me in the first place, environments I was being called to leave behind, and more. I would completely lose sight of and focus on where my life was calling me. Therefore, I would exit stillness prematurely, just before the breakthrough could happen. I allowed distraction, distortion, and external noise to stir me off my divine life path and embodiment. I ran so much the gentle nudges turned into experiences that hit me so hard I had no choice but to be still. 

After many ‘divine sit-downs,’ I finally said enough is enough. After evaluating my life, I noticed I was repeating the same cycle over and over. The same lesson was knocking at my door, begging to be realized and released. I knew that if I continued down the same trajectory and timelines, it would become harder to return to my divine life path due to a lack of vibrational resonance. It would become harder for me to align with the activations, upgrades, downloads, and divine light codes my soul was meant to have at destined times. The more I consistently sent those misaligned signals I was sending out, the more my subconscious mind would recognize them as my new desired embodiment, making these dense energies harder to release from my field. I saw the reality and timeline I was creating for myself and said, “No, thank you!” Divine life path phone home!

My mother taught me about a ‘reprobate mind’ as mentioned in the Bible. A person who denies and denies The Most High and the divinity within, so much so that it becomes dormant and the soul becomes trapped in cycles of their own resistance and misalignment. I knew this wasn’t what I wanted for myself. The next level was calling me into stillness to upgrade, rebirth, shed, receive, and come out new and ready to serve the next phase of my mission. I no longer desired to miss out on what was meant for me in this lifetime. This thrusted me into a deep ‘Dark Knight of The Soul.’

Now, when stillness calls me, I enter gracefully, knowing that stagnation and rigidity are no longer an option for me. It’s in sacred flexibility that strategy comes easefully, higher timelines flow in divinely, order sets in gracefully, and I can receive from a clear, non distorted place. Instead of entering stillness because life divinely sat me down, based on my own actions and unaligned energy made manifest, I can lean into divine stillness where I fully receive my upgrade without having to recover from my actions. Everything can now happen at a divinely aligned pace. 

And now, here I am. A Lotus out of the mud birthed out of strategic divine stillness. Sovereign, free, and living my power, FULLY. No more evolving through unnecessary pain, self-inflicted suffering, stubbornness, etc. But from a space of full Soul Maturity.


Fig. 1 | Stilness blooms.


Static In The Field: Unaligned Experiences + Old Patterns Lingering/Pattern Bonding

So, what was it that was keeping me from fully surrendering and leaning into strategic stillness? The answer is multi-dimensional, literally! Static in the field and a lack of soul maturity is the most accurate way I can describe it. Let’s dive deeper!

Friendships, relationships, and more friendships…

This may be relatable, many of my friendships and relationships, at the time, were the root of most of the static present in my life. Before I could even reach full energetic sovereignty, I had to clear the outside noise. Over the course of one year, there was a theme of releasing relationships and friendships that no longer served me in ways that unfolded ‘naturally.’ All was divinely guided. After thinking I was fully free and liberated from all people, places, and things that no longer served me, the Divine said, ‘Look more closely!’ 

Most High was right, there was still one friendship lingering that I had yet to realize was expiring. I received the message to let this particular person go a year prior, but I ignored the nudge as this friend and I had built a deeply co-dependent dynamic and bonded on lower patterns, which distracted us both. Over time, the experience opened my eyes, allowing me to see that this friendship was coming to an end. One day, a strong intuitive nudge said, ‘It’s time to let go.’ The thing is, when I received this message, there wasn’t anything currently in particular this friend had done to me. In fact, everything was ‘good,’ or at least it seemed to be. Intuitively, I was called to be a ‘big girl’ and let this person know I was letting go and why. That day, I felt fear and resistance, but I pulled the plug anyway. It was one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve had to do. And guess what? I survived it! I survived the awkward conversation. Thank the Most High! 

I’m so glad I listened because something bigger and more aligned was on the other side of this.  

Addictive Tendencies

Admittedly, during this time, addictive tendencies were fully present and seemingly running my life. Alcohol and marijuana were the two substances I used socially and recreationally on and off for years. These habits were passed down through my father’s lineage. I thought they were mine and the only access points to fun and dopamine hits, but that was only a mirage. 

It’s important to mention this here because this was a major part of overcoming in my story. My desert wasn’t only calling me to leave friends and environments that glamorized the use of these two behind, but both substances themselves were being called to be cut off completely. 

Even if I only drank socially, when I went out with my friends, it was still a hard pattern to let go. Even if smoking was recreational, it still turned into an addictive pattern that I would yo-yo back and forth from. Because my guides were telling me to let go and that those two substances were not for me, I always knew that the work was full liberation from these habits that never served me, to begin with. These were habits that kept me entangled in friendships that fueled them even further. Lalah has taught us how alcohol can be a gateway for energetic and spiritual compromise and opens you up to interference and, for me, marijuana worked in the same way. I began to recognize what I now know was distortion in my field and began to tell myself that “self-sabotage” can no longer reside here. 

I quit drinking and going out to settings that encouraged it and expressed to my therapist my desire to quit smoking too. My therapist gently walked me through the finish line of quitting smoking, giving me tips like chewing gum when the urge comes to help with the process (this method is something worth researching if you, too, are looking to quit smoking). When I tell you I found an all-natural, sugar/toxin-free gum and chewed the habit away that next day. I know it doesn’t work like this for everyone, but it was a cold turkey cut-off that day. And just like that, I haven’t looked back since. Both habits and addictive tendencies are completely behind me. This changed my life forever.

From there, liberation unfolded rapidly. Closing that chapter by severing the cord of attachment to that friendship and my addictive habits instantly sent me into my desert of strategic stillness. Whatever part of me that was clinging on to anything that didn’t align with my divine life path didn’t have to go home, but had to get up out of me and my field and into divine golden light! I began Signaling a New Timeline. The more still I allowed myself to be, the more my guides recognized I was finally ready to listen. I was finally ready to go to the next level and align with my mission here on Earth. My mother and Therapist have been instrumental in holding the mirror up to all aspects of me that were ready to be liberated and replaced with something new and more aligned. Together they’ve been a divine earthly council for me. Through this divine guidance, I began to remember who I am, and let me tell you, the game changed!

What I’ve witnessed is that, in my life, when static in the field was occurring, it was coming from internal and external sources. The internal aspect of it was my own lower habits, attachments, desires, thought patterns, self-beliefs, etc. The external looked like interference hooking into my existing internal distortions, fueling them further by seeding them deeper into my subconscious mind and energy field. These external interferences actively worked to ensure I missed necessary upgrades, key moments, synchronicities, and more that would align me with my highest divine life path. This is how distractions can detour you off your divine life path. My internal vulnerabilities served as a feeding ground for those external interferences. It wasn’t until I entered strategic stillness that the veil began to lift and I could recognize those internal and external components, key players, and non-resonant energy present in my life and field. Everything started to make sense. From here I was able to clear and protect my mind, body, spirit, and energy field and claim my FULL energetic sovereignty! I took my power back. This was full-out spiritual warfare, and I won the battle over my life and trajectory.

How are you, too, being called into your desert, mountain, etc., to practice strategic stillness?

Supportive Quote

Before I could even reach full energetic sovereignty, I had to clear the outside noise.
— India Isabella

Divine Guidance Structure, New Timelines, and Order Formed FULLY

On my journey, this is where it started to get good! From here, I was able to tune into the divine guidance that was there all along. My spiritual team was always rooting for me and waiting for me to remember who I am and have always been. With the static fully removed through stillness, I no longer question the intuitive guidance I’ve been receiving. ‘Streams of higher consciousness and intelligence,’ as my mother calls it, pour into me moment-by-moment, day-by-day, and from here, growth flourishes and becomes a stepping stone. No more going backward, but continual evolution in the highest ordained way. 

Divine guidance has carried me and still does. When the static was present, it felt like everyone but me had access to the mystical side of life. I was building stronger intuitive muscles but yearned for something more to arrive. Perhaps I was waiting for an angel to mystically appear in my room and say, “Hi, nice to meet you.” I didn’t realize that in stillness, I would learn that I was meant to connect to spiritual guidance in my own unique way, and I’ve been connected all along. Which ultimately included angelic and earthly guidance. Before, I wasn’t at the point where I fully recognized it because of the ‘static in the field.’ 

In strategic stillness, access to old timelines began to close permanently. I asked for assistance releasing all residual energies, frequencies, and interference. My senses started activating deeper, and I started recognizing where those things were present and expelled them completely. This deepened my alignment with my divine life path and mission. The soul liberation, maturation, and remembrance that runs through me now as a result is something that there is no turning back from. This activated me fully and this was only the beginning! 

Order has formed and birthed fully for me. Yet, it’s still fluid and evolves with me organically. This is where everything unfolds for you in divinely orchestrated ways, even when the path feels un-linear. This is where everything begins to make sense. Order unfolds in ways that are unique to all of us. Once it’s present, you’ll know. 

So, here I am before you in my full devotion to this path and in service to you here as a soul incarnated on Earth. Through my own life, I’m a living example and personal witness that what Lalah teaches here at VHD School aligns with the divinity and profoundly works. I take this moment to extend my unconditional love and gratitude to my Mother, Lalah as our spirit guide on earth and a pure and divine light worker. She is an activator, and her prayer alone has kept me on track. She is also one of my Divine guides. 

Supportive Quote

Your divine responsibility is to heal, vibrate higher, and remember who you are despite everything that has ever happened to you.
— Lalah Delia

In Closing

Stillness is sacred. It was in the quiet stillness of your mother’s womb that a divine portal opened for your soul to enter through. In the same way, stillness places a divine covering over you that not only cleanses you but also allows more of your true essence to shine and radiate through. 

Through strategic stillness, sovereignty forms a shield around your entire being and presents you with pathways that align deeply with your soul’s divine life path. This isn’t just about manifesting material objects, but ascending to higher timelines that align with higher orchestration. It’s about recognizing who you are not only in this vessel, but in the spirit. It’s about aligning with the divine stream of consciousness and intelligence that seeks to inhabit you every moment, and everyday. 

Strategic stillness not only builds your spiritual armor, but sends you out into the world new, upleveled, and free to express and be who it is you’re meant to be. 

This is what it’s all about. Divine alignment and assignment and I come to you as a living example that this is possible! And I’m sure in your own way, you’re a divine example too.

Divine and sacred blessings,


Strategic Stillness: Creating Structure, New Timelines, and Order from Stillness



Fig 02 | Stilness aligns me with energetic sovereignty more and more.



Creating Structure, New Timelines, and Order from Stillness

Decrees and Declarations:

  1. I am safe in strategic stillness.

  2. Stillness is strategic and productive and when It calls me I divinely answer. 

  3. Through strategic stillness, my divine life path unfolds and evolves.

  4. I am moving with sacred flexibility in stillness.

  5. I am in alignment with the divine order of my life.

Continue reading these declarations daily to strengthen your subconscious mind with expanded beliefs and intentions. As you repeat them, envision yourself stepping into your highest timeline self with each one.


Supportive Quote

I am moving with sacred flexibility in stillness.
— India Isabella

Downloadable PDFs

Strategic Stillness: Creating Structure, New Timelines, and Order from Stillness Declarations

Now you can work even deeper with Strategic Stillness: Creating Structure, New Timelines, and Order from Stillness with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the journal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.

Strategic Stillness: Creating Structure, New Timelines, and Order from Stillness Journal Prompts

Now you can work even deeper with Strategic Stillness: Creating Structure, New Timelines, and Order from Stillness with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the journal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.

*The Set includes Declarations + Journal

*The Set includes Journal + Declarations



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