Lalah’s Reflections on Thriving Through Any Season
Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey Personal Written Reflections + Declarations
Lalah shares her process and experience of her own hero’s journey and offers a view into her journey of perseverance through all obstacles on her divine life path.
Thrive Through Any Season
Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey
As we approach the end of the year, I find myself reflecting on the beautiful, messy, transformative journey that has brought me to this moment. This month’s theme, “Thriving Through Any Season: Tools for the Hero’s Journey,” couldn’t feel more fitting, not only as a reflection of my own path but as a mirror for all of us navigating the chapters of our lives.
Every season has its lessons, its gifts, and its challenges. The Hero’s Journey teaches us that thriving isn’t about avoiding challenges or rushing to the “good parts.” It’s about stepping into each phase of the journey with courage, awareness, and the tools we need to grow. This year, I’ve been guided to live these lessons in ways that have expanded me deeply and moved me to surrender control, find joy in the mundane and basics, and mother myself through a deeply profound season.
Fig. 1 | The journey continues.
The Hero’s Journey Up Close
There’s something magical about seeing your life through the lens of the Hero’s Journey. It gives meaning to the ups and downs, the twists and turns. For me, one of the most profound lessons over time has been learning to embrace the seasons that don’t feel particularly “thriving.”
This year, I found myself in one of those seasons: a health crisis that has become an unexpected chapter in my Hero’s Journey. Reframing it positively, I now refer to my ‘health crisis’ as my ‘healing opportunity’.
It has been a journey of profound surrender, beginning with an emergency surgery a few months ago and continuing with another surgery scheduled in the early new year. Being a spiritual teacher, a wellness ‘influencer’, and a conduit for higher purpose work, there’s often an unspoken pressure to “have it all together.” But the truth is, being on this path doesn’t exempt us from challenges; it calls us to rise through them.
In the midst of this health journey, I had to confront the limits of my control. I had to surrender and ask a deeper question: How can I serve this experience my body is going through? How can I thrive through it? How can I be the hero in it? What must I do to fully align with my body’s sacred healing request? How can I practice patience, trust, and the quiet power of self-compassion?
The guidance and answer to how to surrender didn’t come right away, but they came powerfully when they did begin to arrive. I began to listen to my body in a way that allowed me to embrace and honor self-mothering, recognizing my body’s wisdom and dropping into gratitude for its resilience. I held sacred space for the vessel that has carried me through so much in this lifetime. I realized that sometimes, the body speaks out to heal only when it feels safe enough to do so, as in when we’ve created an environment of safety, care, and awareness.
For me, this health crisis/healing opportunity is not something to feel ashamed of. Instead, I hold it with wonder. I see it as my body’s way of saying, “I’m ready to heal now.” This, too, is part of my Hero’s Journey; the wounds, scars, and battle marks are as much a part of the story as the triumphs.
Lessons in Thriving
One of the greatest lessons this season has taught me is to come back to the basics, the things that fuel my soul and bring me joy. On the Hero’s Journey, it’s easy to get caught up in the striving, the pushing forward, the effort to overcome. But if we’re not careful, we can lose sight of the original joy, the childlike wonder that connects us to our divine essence.
For me, thriving through this season has meant nurturing that joy again. It’s meant allowing myself to mother myself, to hold myself with tenderness and compassion. It’s meant leaning into practices that ground me in my authentic self and divine true essence, like moments of nostalgia, memories of unfiltered happiness, and reconnecting with the simple, soulful pleasures of life.
When I tap into this space, I feel a sense of wonder, even in the midst of uncertainty. This is what thriving looks like, not perfection, but presence and an open heart and mind posture. It’s about not avoiding the hard parts but embracing them with an openness and a spirit of curiosity.
Supportive Quote
“This is what thriving looks like, not perfection, but presence and an open heart and mind posture. It’s about not avoiding the hard parts but embracing them with an openness and a spirit of curiosity.”
The Highs, the Lows, and the Breakthroughs
Of course, not every part of this year’s journey was about stillness or healing. There were moments of momentum, clarity, and accomplishment. Acknowledging how far we’ve come is essential, especially after breakthroughs that weren’t easy to reach.
One of the hardest parts of my Hero’s Journey this year was letting go of control, particularly when it came to my health. and putting it in the hands of a care team and a surgeon. I’m someone who likes to do as much as I can on my own before seeing a doctor. I like to control every aspect of my life and well-being and to know the next steps. But life, as it sometimes does, had other ideas this time. The breakthrough came when I realized that thriving isn’t about controlling every outcome; it’s about showing up fully for the process.
It’s about trusting that even when we surrender and relinquish control, we’re still being divinely guided and are still active participants in our own healing, growth, and inner hero’s journey.
In my case, my nervous system's capacity to surrender and relinquish control became the breakthrough, one that will ultimately guide me to healing and thriving at every level.
Tools for Thriving
I am so grateful that the teachings here at Vibrate Higher Daily are not just information but are my entire lifestyle. The VHD work is a functional aspect of my daily life.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that thriving through any season requires tools, tools, tools, and not just external practices but internal ones as well.
Here are a few that have been my anchors this year:
Journaling: Writing has been a space where I can process my thoughts and emotions, capture the wisdom of my inner voice, hear and download higher guidance, and hold space for my experience without critique.
Meditation: Even in the midst of busy schedules, homeschooling, daily tasks, work goals, physical pain, uncertainty, or challenges, meditation has been my sanctuary. It’s the practice that allows me to shift modes, regulate my nervous system, realign with my spirit, and access equanimity, peace, poise, and stillness. Whether for five minutes, 20 minutes, or an hour, meditation grounds me in energetic and vibrational alignment, no matter what is happening around me.
Declarations: Repeating declaring statements has been a powerful way to shift my heart and mind posture. Declarations are pathways to courage, self-reassurance, resilience, and expansion.
Self-Compassion: This year has been a profound teacher in practicing self-compassion. I’ve learned to meet myself where I am, hold space for my emotions, and honor my process without judgment. Self-compassion has been the gateway to deeper healing, self-love, and connection to the body.
Mothering Myself: This year has shown me the power of nurturing myself, just as I would nurture someone I love deeply. Holding myself with tenderness and compassion, creating moments of comfort, warmth, and joy, and giving myself permission to rest and surrender have been transformative.
Community: Leaning into my family, sister-friend circle, spiritual community, and the VHD community has been a profound source of strength. Allowing myself to be supported and to receive love and care has reminded me of the power of connection and shared resilience. It’s what my mother, father, grandmothers, and aunts modeled so strongly for me—the truth that we are not meant to do this life alone. And yet, the Hero’s Journey teaches us that there will be seasons when we are called to journey alone through the desert and wilderness and others when we are called to the village, to the circle, and into the heart of community. Both are sacred, both are necessary, and both help us thrive through any season.
Nervous System Care: Shared in the next section.
Energy Hygiene: Shared in the next section.
Supportive Quote
“When we build safety in the body through intentional practices and mindful awareness, we create the conditions for healing, growth, transformation, and thriving.”
Nervous System Saftey + care
Thriving through any season begins with caring for our nervous system. As conduits of energy, the nervous system is how we process the world around us and experience our inner world. It is the foundation of our capacity to navigate life’s transitions with grace and strength. When we build safety in the body through intentional practices and mindful awareness, we create the conditions for healing, growth, transformation, and thriving.
When the body feels safe, it can release what it has been holding, whether physical tension, emotional wounds, or energetic blockages. This process, often referred to as detoxing, isn’t a sign of failure or weakness; it’s a positive thing and result; it’s the body’s intelligent way of clearing space for deeper healing. Safety in the nervous system allows us to thrive because it gives the body permission to reveal what needs attention and lets us move through life’s challenges with greater steadiness, trust, safety, and capacity.
Meditate regularly and practice mindfulness as tools for building new brain circuitry and enhancing clarity.
Set small, achievable goals as this will create a sense of accomplishment and rewire thoughts.
Use cognitive behavioral techniques to challenge and change limiting beliefs.
Incorporate brain-training exercises or apps that offer exercises to enhance mental agility.
Regularly review and adjust your personal goals to align with your expanded ambitions. Remembering to amplify your radiance, not to dull it.
Regularly challenge your perceived limitations to aid in building new brain circuitry and expanding your potential.
Embrace continuous learning and new experiences as a means of building new brain circuitry and encouraging expansion.
Energy Hygiene
Thriving through any season also requires tending to our energetic health and well-being. As the Earth undergoes profound energetic shifts, many of us are becoming more sensitive to subtle energy fields, which can feel disorienting or overwhelming. Energy hygiene is about clearing, protecting, and maintaining the vibrational integrity of our personal energy field, your biofield, so we can move through the Hero’s Journey with greater clarity, capacity, and strength.
When we don’t practice energy hygiene, we may find ourselves carrying the energy of others, absorbing emotions from our environment, or feeling drained without understanding why. Maintaining energetic boundaries isn’t about shutting the world out, it’s about preserving our energy so we can fully show up for ourselves and our journey and divine life path.
Here are a few ways I practice energy hygiene:
Clearing Practices: Visualizing golden light surrounding me, using tools like candles and wood-based incense, clapping three times to disperse energy, binaural beats, my Energy Cleanse playlist, nature sounds, gongs, or sound bowls, and setting intentions and saying prayers to release stagnant energy. Sending any undesired energy in my field to the light through visualization. Using joy, laughter, and humor as an energy cleanse.
Energetic Boundaries: Consciously protecting and “closing off” my energy field in public spaces or around energy-draining individuals when necessary. I do this by visualizing a shield of golden or white light surrounding me, setting an intention to remain energetically sovereign, or silently declaring, “I observe without absorbing” or “My energy is my own. I release anything that doesn’t belong to me.”
When I sense someone leeching or attaching to my energy in a negative way, I practice cord-cutting through visualization, imagining the energetic cord between us being gently severed. At the end of the day, I call my energy back home to myself through grounding practices, slowing down, creating downtime to restore and decompress, engaging in spiritual rituals, or meditating. I also use joy, laughter, and humor as natural energy cleanses, shifting the vibration within and around me to one of lightness and renewal.
Checking-In with Myself: Daily somatic nervous system check-ins to notice and release tension stored in my body.
Integration: Taking time to process and integrate the emotional and energetic shifts I experience through journaling, resting, or meditating.
Grounding Techniques: Walking barefoot on the Earth in a natural environment or using a grounding mat, deep belly breathing, meditation, or holding a hand on my heart to calm and center myself and repeating, “I have arrived; I am home”. These are the powerfully grounding words of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.
Equanimity Through Perspective Shifts: Cultivating and practicing equanimity often requires a shift in perspective, reminding me to view challenges as temporary and as opportunities for growth and expansion. By reframing situations and choosing not to react to every external stimulus in a reactive or disempowered way, I preserve my energy integrity and create space for clarity, strength, and groundedness to rise. This mental and emotional posture supports both my nervous system and my ability to stay energetically aligned, no matter the season I’m navigating.
Energy hygiene helps us thrive through any season because it allows us to move through life with a clear, vibrant energy field. It supports our ability to stay grounded, navigate change, and align with the higher frequencies of healing and growth. On the Hero’s Journey, energy hygiene ensures that we remain connected to our essence, even as we grow and evolve into new versions of ourselves.
Let me know how this lands! I’ve incorporated your notes on the nervous system and energy hygiene in a way that emphasizes thriving through any season and the Hero’s Journey.
All of these tools are about meeting you where you are, with grace and soundness.
In Closing
As I sit with all the lessons this year has offered, I’m reminded that thriving isn’t a destination. It’s a way of being, a choice to show up for each moment with an open heart and a willing spirit.
The Hero’s Journey is ongoing, and every season has its role to play. Some seasons bring triumphs; others bring challenges that call us to surrender, to grow, to heal. My hope for you is that as you reflect on your own journey, you’ll find the courage to embrace it all: the highs, the lows, and everything in between.
Remember: the wounds, the scars, and the challenges are part of your Hero’s Journey, too. They don’t diminish your light; they make it radiate even brighter. Trust that you have the tools you need to thrive and that even in the hardest moments, you are growing in ways you can’t yet see on your divine life path.
Divine love and grace,
Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey
Fig 02 | I am divinely guided and blessed.
Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey
Decrees and Declarations:
These affirmations are to support you on your journey of courage, grace, aligned action, and resilience.
I trust the wisdom of my journey, knowing that every season holds lessons and gifts for my growth.
This declaration anchors trust in the process and helps release resistance to challenges.
I am equipped with all the tools I need to thrive in all seasons.
A reminder that inner strength and resilience are always accessible and available to you.
I honor the sacredness of my body and its divine wisdom to guide me toward healing, restoration, and renewal.
For those navigating a season of physical or emotional healing, this declaration facilitates gratitude and connection to the body.
I give myself permission to rest, nurture, and care for myself deeply.
Encourages self-compassion and the courage to prioritize well-being.
I celebrate my joy and allow it to reconnect me with my true essence.
Invites a return to the authentic, vibrant joy that fuels the soul.
I hold space for my opportunities and challenges with love, wonder, and curiosity, knowing they are part of my Hero’s Journey.
A reminder to embrace the unknown and hard moments as essential parts of growth and expansion.
I release the need for control and courageously surrender to divine will on the ever-flowing divine life path.
Supports trust in the unfolding of the journey, even when it feels uncertain or out of your control.
I honor the scars and wounds I carry as symbols of my strength and resilience.
Frames challenges and healing as integral parts of the hero’s path.
I am worthy of thriving in every season of life, no matter what I’m facing or going through. I am divinely guided and blessed.
A powerful declaration of worthiness and divine connection that transcends circumstances.
I choose to meet each moment with grace, courage, and an open heart and mind.
Encourages presence and the ability to approach life with intentionality and aligned posture.
I am supported by The Divine Creator, my community, my practices, and the divine energy within me.
Highlights the interconnectedness of spiritual guidance, divine providence, personal strength, and external support. Even if it's not a reality just yet, declare it as being so.
Continue reading these declarations daily to strengthen your subconscious mind with expanded beliefs and intentions. As you repeat them, envision yourself stepping into your highest timeline self with each one.
Supportive Quote
“Always follow that voice inside you that guides you to be the realest version of yourself.”
Downloadable PDFs
Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey Declarations
Now you can work even deeper with Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the journal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s JourneyJournal Prompts
Now you can work even deeper with Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the journal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
*The Set includes Declarations + Journal
*The Set includes Journal + Declarations
Supportive Tools, Reads & Mentions
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Watch: The Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey Class replay
Download: Thrive Through Any Season: Personal Written Reflections + Declarations PDFs
Watch: The Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey practice replay
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